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Everything posted by Thundergug

  1. Yay redundancy! As the title suggests, I'm looking for a casual Imp guild. I'm somewhat new to the game, tried it out a while back, but was still missing SWG too much and just didn't feel the vibe. Been back for about a month now, and the vibe groping is going much better I'm on most of the day, on and off, Alt-Tabing over to run crew skills during the day and leaving the comfort of my sparsely decorated bachelor pad stronghold in the evenings to quest. I'm not really interested in organized, scheduled events as I tend to have random real life aggro that will distract me from the game here and there. Really, what I'm looking for is a social guild to have someone to chat with. I don't care if the guild has organized stuff going, that's all cool, so long as it isn't required While I may not bring a lot of organized play to the table, I'll bring lots of conquest points I'll check back to this thread off and on, or you can shoot me a message in-game to Shadogug.
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