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10 Good
  1. All I got from the op is, "I'm jealous that stealthers can use it and I can't during a wz. They get 2 extra medals, Q.Q boo hoo me. This isn't a Q.Q thread though, just wanted to see what others stance is on it." Who cares, BW implemented it into the game this way. Everyone is using it, healers can use it as well. If you're having a problem using it *during combat*, then that's a personal problem. If you can't figure out how to get it to work prior to the match starting, you deserve not to take advantage of the shock water. If BW didn't implement this to work this way, w/e; they should just leave it as is. lol Yeah, I play a sin, a jug; I use the water either way, problem?
  2. SHUTYERTRAP, all this Q.Q about this that and a third is chapping mah *****. I'll help the imbalance by having the dev's transfer over my lvl 50 toon to the reps, so I can help you guys steamroll the imps. Happy now?
  3. *you're I don't play the lottery.. =\ @ OP, you need to rub a Buddah's belleh before opening your bags.
  4. F U FN NOOB L2PVP I RICKROLLED YOUR LOLFAILNESS EPIC NOOBSAUCE BOOTEH! lol >> If you can't handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Smack talk is smack talk. Sticks and stones, love. Sticks and stones.
  5. Real PvPer's don't complain about PvP gear... They get with the program and **** face... not cry on the forums...
  6. LOL FOREALZ Moron's these day's.. *op* of course. Going to post a Q.Q thread on gear that is easily attainable by anyone including himself. As one person said it earlier, anyone can get BM gear with enough wz matches and persistence... So S T F U and stop complaining about PvP gear. What I got out of this thread about the OP... "I easily nerd rage against other people due to not having full pvp gear, let alone BM gear. I'm jealous of these people and really don't want to put in the time and effort to get this free attainable gear. I'd rather cry on the forums about it and see how many other rejects are on board with me, yeah, that's what I'll do." *zing!*
  7. The OP is just a baddie complaining about a medal system that is working as intended. If you want the medals, go get them. Nothing is stopping you to solo or act on your own accord for them. *close thread*
  8. LOLOL One of the stupidest Q.Q's I've seen yet to date. Keep me entertained.
  9. Wow, what a moronic "reply." Try to use punctuation correctly if you're going to sound intelligent. That "advice," was simply an easy solution to most of everyone's problems. You play online for a long period of time, reboot or restart your game. It'll "refresh" your system so to speak. If you're lagging during w/z specifically, you need to seriously think about upgrading the computer you're playing on. I've yet to notice any lag on either of my systems. kthxbai
  10. Judging as you all are having issues with your FPS during warzones, or any where else, have you all tried rebooting your systems?
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