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Posts posted by neurosisxeno

  1. Balance Ilum:


    1. De-prioritize Ilum as a "zomg world pvp zone".

    2. Setup a barrier to opposing factions so they cannot enter the other factions base.

    3. Add NPC monsters that drop the items needed for the dailies.

    4. Make players drop exponentially more of the item needed than monsters.




    1. It just doesn't work with the imbalances. The only option is something like Tenacity from WoW where the outnumbered faction gets huge HP\Damage\Healing buffs. If they wanted to apply Bolster to Ilum they could, but the outnumbered players would have like 100k hp lol.


    2. There's no reason they should be stacked up on the flight point drop off aoeing for hours on end. Prevent Imperial\Republic Ops groups from camping or even entering the bases, and you've resolved a lot of issues.


    3. Since Ilum doesn't work as a solely PvP zone, add some Mobs in there that can drop, or have a chance to drop the items you want people to collect. This isn't optimal, but the fact that every server is a 3+:1 Empire:Republic also isn't optimal. If servers are not balanced, balanced world PVP is not possible.


    4. This makes killing opposing players the optimal solution, but doesn't make sitting in their base farming them necessarily the best solution. Saying each monster has a 33% chance of dropping the item, and a player is guaranteed to drop 5! You wouldn't mind picking someone off if they came around, but hunting them down will be a pain anyway, so farming monsters is still a guaranteed option.


    Listen, I love the idea of Ilum, but because of the Faction Player Distribution it just isn't going to work without some major balancing factors that are just obscure and borderline game breaking.

  2. I ONLY sent out my companion to do slicing, leveled myself to level 21 in the meantime, and got slicing to 280. I made 46k credits during this time, often profiting from what they brought back. Call it broken again.


    People are mad because they were turning 2k+ profits on every mission 100% of the time before. I know someone that was sitting on like 500k credits when they hit the mid-30's, and that was with buying gear left and right and lending money to people. It is much closer to balanced now than it was back then.

  3. I'm only level 43 and usually as a scoundral myself, i EAT ops up like crazy, however in huttball other scoundrals and ops usually open on me the most rediculously simple end to their damage is to stop their initial burst. after being knocked down from their opener, i hit my "trinket" and CC them, then start on my own burst.


    It's almost like... like you... learned... how to play against them... WHAT IS THIS SORCERY!?!?>#

  4. Very similar to my current build, but I focused more on increasing damage and healing than defense and regen. That way I'm able to switch between some burst dps or heals, depending on what would be the best way to help out in a fight. It's particularly amusing when someone at half health decides to go for the "healer" and you burst them to dead.




    Do you really even need Tactical Opportunity with that spec? I'd imagine 4% crit or 1 Tox 1 Acc Doc would be way more beneficial since you have tons of talents that preserve and generate TA already.

  5. Honestly I'm fairly underwhelmed. Talents made it seem like we were going to be incredibly mobile healers who focused on keeping everyone topped off with HoTs while still able to pull single target healing with Kolto Inj/Kolto Inf.


    The reality is we're a three button healing class who's HoTs hit about as hard as a dead worm and who will enter an energy death spiral if we have to use Kolto Injection to deal with burst damage (which, because of the first point, we ALWAYS do).


    Can we heal? Of course. I never had any trouble in flashpoints and you can pull pretty high numbers in Warzones just by keeping HoTs rolling as much as possible. But other healers can do everything we can do that much easier, and when it comes down to it, there's no reason to take us over them for high level PvE or PvP.


    My thoughts exactly. The other healing classes just seem a lot more appealing and more well balanced than Operatives. If they wanted us to be a HoT-oriented class, they need to make our HoT's actually effective.

  6. just dinged 50 looking to fix up my skill tree ( got points in useless places).



    was looking at something like this





    any thoughts?


    I actually misread this originally and thought you were going for the snare talent not the imp stim boost one. It's alright, but you're giving up your only AoE heal, 3% healing, and only maybe gaining a slight edge in Energy. I think you'd be better off getting RN and 3/3 Survival Training.


    A quick glance would show this to be a pretty standard PVE Spec:



    Alternatively, if you wanted something ridiculous you could go for:



    The first one is what I've been using since it's very basic. The second one is a super ridiculous spec I've seen tossed around these forums that basically tries to min\max your HoT's by ignoring any form of direct heal and ignoring the top part of the Medicine tree. I'll come out and say I think it's terrible, but that's just me.

  7. To OP: Did you test this ?


    cause what you are saying is that the formula for inc dmg would be:


    (base dmg * expertise of shooter) * expertise of receiver.

    ( 100 * 110%) *90% = 99


    while it might just be :


    Base dmg * ( expertise of shooter - expertise of receiver)

    100 * (110%-10%) = 100


    It's kinda the difference between percents and percentile points. I assume they have really nerdy math guys for this stuff and would not make a percent vs percentile points mistake (as it is pretty basic stuff in dmg calcs)


    It would be unusual for them to add and subtract the 10% as it's own value. It's more likely they have it setup to calculate your damage, then apply the extra 10%, and then take the total value and apply it to the defense which has the expertise of the other person added in.

  8. 13 k is easy with the OP OP. This guy is doing 10 k np.


    And yeah good armor doesnt mean anytging against the OP OP.


    Video 1: He proves nothing other than that Buff Stacking really is broken. Watch every high hit, it's with full stacked buffs and against level 20-40 people. Hell, his 9928 crit was consumable stacking against a level 28 light armor wearer.


    Video 2: Massive lag spike and the Op re-emerges with fully stacked consumables and we never actually see what the stats on the character being hit are, on top of the fact that any Sorc running around not bubbled would have to absolutely terrible.


    If you'd like to post some more videos I would love to debunk them. I have yet to see a video of a modestly geared Concealment Op with no BioChem buffs tearing into people. I wonder why that is :rolleyes:

  9. I have played Lethality and Medic in PvP for 33 Valor Ranks and have almost never died to a Concealment Op in the times people are reporting. In fact, with trinket down unless they stim stack I routinely get away with 33% or more HP. Most people don't realize the buff stacking plays such a huge role, or that they are being targeted by multiple sources. Another issue is when you trinket the stun, immediately activate your defensive cd, the animation deceives you.
  10. Lethality is acceptable in PvP, just very hard to play. I did 30 Valor Ranks of it, and would routinely top damage. The major issue is I was constantly out of Energy, and wouldnt get Cull off as much as you would think. You basically play as melee in PvP to get TA from Shiv and are forced to rely on kiting opponents a LOT. It's definitely harder than Concealment, but not "terrible" by any means.
  11. I just recently switched to healing and can agree its a pain to get medals. I found it was easy to get some by tossing some damage on targets. You can easily get like the 10k Medal, and if you can time it right, the KB Medal. On top of the 75k healing and 2.5k heal, you're at 4. I can usually land a 2.5k hit too from Hidden Strike or a good Explosive Probe.
  12. The only complaint I have is our energy regen mechanic makes our situational healing much worse than, say, Sorcs. Since their energy regen is linear, they can dump 3-4 big heals and be fine. Operatives are in a spot where if they do that they are at sub-50 energy and if we start Kolto Probeing we can easily be drained and in a ditch.
  13. So I had an idea. Recently Operatives have been catching a lot of flak, primarily about Concealment. It has been raised time and time again that the only time Concealment is really a problem, is when they outlevel, outgear, and outbuff their opponents and face them in 1v1 combat. A lot of blame has also been placed on BioChem (by most high level players of all classes) but people seem convinced that Concealment Operatives would still be imbalanced without it.


    I ask, would anyone be interested in me (Valor 29 Lethality Operative with ~180 expertise) doing a handful of Warzones, with no BioChem, as Concealment to see if it is actually the class, or just people playing to the extremes? I could fraps or maybe stream it as proof. Just wondering since we have seen plenty of video "proof" that Concealment is clearly overpowered (usually someone buff stacking against their buddy and swapping gear--and the video mysteriously stuttering--before actually attacking).

  14. Would an Operative use Artifice, Treasure Hunting and Archeology for blasters or would Armstech be better?



    I went Armstech/Scavenging/Investigation, and that works pretty well. BioChem is pretty imba right now, so going that is also a valid option, but I'm sure BioWare will take care of that like they did Slicing.

  15. Getting gripped into the enemy's starting point to get one shot is awesome when i'm standing on the line with the ball. Fix it


    I actually agree. I think Huttball in general tends to favor BH and other Push\Pull classes. As a Lethality Op I feel like I spend 2/3 of the game just bouncing around the tiers trying to get near the goal. BH definitely shouldn't be able to stand in their spawn and grip people into it though.

  16. Do You think that's funny?


    who are you to mock those like myself that may not be good at this game?

    did it ever occur to you that i may want to be?


    Learn to spell with letters not numbers..


    Dumbing down the game or making it less complex won't magically make you better. You need to learn from your mistakes, and figure out what you can do better in a given scenario. If they decrease the learning curve, the entire game suffers. The original posts point is that people who are level 25, missing half their skills, in leveling gear, shouldn't think they have a say in the balancing of level 50 PvP. You have to start from the top and balance down from that. Look at SC2, they don't balance around the Bronze League losers, they balance around what Korean Grand Master Godzilla-Status Demigods do. That is the proper way to handle balance.

  17. Lethality seems like a half arsed effort from BW IMO. It has potential, but it looks confused as to what it wants to be, a dot, ranged or melee spec. Also brings in way too many PvP talents, I mostly spec for PvE, even if you don't want them. I might give it a go, my respec should be down to 0 credits again, but I think it needs some work before it's really viable.


    I'd love to see it turned into a mid-range tree. Remove the reliance on melee attacks, and allow you to stay at 10-20m range to dps.


    BioWare was pretty clear they wanted Operatives\Scoundrels to be Mid-Ranged Skirmishers that mixed Melee and close\mid-range ranged attacks. I recall that a lot of their abilities in Beta had a 15 or 20m range, that was dropped because BioWare stated they felt the class was becoming TOO ranged.


    As for PvP opening, I usually do this:

    Stealth->Hidden Strike (1 TA and a 2.5-3k hit)



    Shiv (2 TA)


    (Maybe a Sever Here)


    Corrosive Grenade


    Cull\Shiv until dead while refreshing DoTs as necessary and Overload Shotting while kiting.


    That's usually if I get the jump, if someone runs at me I generally just assess the situation and work with what is best given their class. If they are ranged, get in their face and DoT them up to pressure them into moving, if they are melee dps kite them using sever and overload with DoTs and a mix of melee for TA, if they are tanks... try anything.

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