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Posts posted by prophaet

  1. I can't speak for others of course, but the melee/ranged hybrid is why I initially rolled as a Powertech during beta, and made it my main character since early access. One of the biggest benefits to this class (was) being able to deal damage from all ranges. We had good abilities at both melee and distance...unlike typical ranged classes that deal crap damage @ melee range.


    Our hybrid aspect was taken away from us, frankly, because of melee whiners. Every class has a gap closer now, so there's no excuse for this nerf to exist anymore. The argument was made that melee classes were 1/2 dead before they were able to even approach us. That is now a moot point.

    I completely agree with this, I am right there with you, and our "gap closer" is on a much longer cooldown then say force charge and force speed. which i was fine before the range nerf on TD and IM, it mad perfect sense, "no real gap closer, so they start from range and move in" at least this was my thought. now if grapple is on CD there are little ways to close on a ranged dps if say knocked back, rooted, snared etc. so we have to rely on HO and grapple wich have much longer cds then any other movement ability in the game.

  2. i have a simple question to why TD and IM's range was reduced to 10 meters, i understand that they are supposedly a melee class but i ask again leth OPs have both corrosive grenade and corrosive dart that are both 30m, much stronger dots and CG is aoe, and operative are just as much melee if not more than PTs, I rolled a PT during early access because the thought of being able to dps at range as well as in melee was really appealing. I suppose that they don't necessarily need this, (although I, and I'm sure most of the other original pyros would like this to be returned). On another subject is CGC IM and TD dots, compared to the other dot classes, pyros dots are doing nothing but making railshot available.


    any insight, or more info from the community would be appreciated, as well as those who will say that i'm complete and utterly wrong, feel free to. thanks.

  3. Not really complaining just wanted to point something out. What I'm suggesting won't have any effect on the spec when played as intended so I don't see why it's such a big deal. I'm leveling a powertech and a sorc, korvoe also has a 55 powertech.


    That i do, have played pyrotech since beta and early access, and oh Raye, what spec do i play on my sentinel?unless you suggest otherwise?

  4. Plz tell your guild minion to stop embarrassing him self cos a sent complaining about Powertechs now thats just tooooooooo funny.


    p.s plz don't tell me you're still taking lessons from Nibbels.


    Carth, i could really care less what happened with your guys guild back on dalborra, and i dont see anyone QQing.

    Again simply stating that the design of the spec has a fault.


    With proper communication, synergy, and making the jump on openings in the opponent teams defense, any comp is capable of beating any comp. I just dont see the reason for the low, uneeded **** talk your throwing towards raye and myself.


    good luck in future games and sorry you feel it is necessary to continue boosting yourself by running your mouth to other players, let alone a former guild member, have a ball dude.


  5. AP being played in Ion cell has been played since launch stop qqing doesn't need to be changed seeing as putting on Ion cell already makes us lose out on 3 talents


    Suddenly because it got some buffs Prototype flame thrower needs to be tied to High Energy Cell? LOLOL!


    Dude it's a simple screw up in design, Something simply overlooked because it's Bioware, and their metrics would never see real results of a player that can use "clever use of game design" to be able to apply the same amount of pressure as a dps while gaining survivability and the guard mechanic and I'm sure it's not because they recently were buffed, it's because they have never been utilized in small scale fights such as arenas.

    Coming from a multi-glad arena player, fellow guildy and friend of Rayes.

    and keep the insults to yourself, they aren't impressing anyone but your ego,



  6. There is no any "forms" or "cells" for Sorcs, Operatives, Snipers.


    Maybe, it must be fixed first? Sorcs and snipers hybrids seems way too OP :o


    Every class is OP when your a bad sir, she was not asking for a nerf, far from it, merely stating the FACT that AP powertechs supposed damage Cylinder gives them no great benefit to their spec, would you enjoying seeing and jug smashing your for 7k+ while Guarding the healer you're trying to apply pressure to in ranked?

    Oh wait, your someone crying for nerfs to "OP" classes, so it's likely your not doing any group ranked.


    a bad complains and a good player finds a way to defeat their opponent,


    And again she wasn't complaining or crying for a nerf to powertechs, simply saying that the spec needs a correction.



  7. the surge for tendon blast in the underdog talent has always made me laugh, also i think a to reset the cooldown on backblast would be nice, since i highly doubt the devs will give us an out of stealth shootfirst, but grats on the position. hopefully you will be able to get the devs to listen to our concerns
  8. Many of the people i play with do nothing but pvp, my guildmaster actually unsubbed because she sees no point in paying a subscription when she plays pvp. So i believe if bioware is giving more to free to plays, subscribers should recieve some more substantial such as subs get constant double xp like the double xp weekend we have seen. Or double commendations for warzones, dailys operations and such. Because really for the pvpers why should we continue to pay for the sub when free to play gets practically everything we subs get at endgame. Save for artifact gearing which can be purchased through cartel coins or in game gtn. I would just like to see bioware give back a little more to the loyal subscribers that have loved this game si.ce the beginning.
  9. Scoundrel Community Questions

    Greetings! I am marshmallow, and I have been elected as your Scoundrel Class Representative. First off I wanted to say thank you to everyone who showed their support and voted for me.


    I've basically been elected to initiate a discussion within the scoundrel community about issues within our class that we would like to see addressed. I will not be coming up with these questions on my own, I will be requiring a lot of input from all you other scoundrels out there. Hopefully in the end we can all decide on 3 questions that we see fit to send to the developers to answer. Keep in mind we do need to have 1 PVP question, 1 PVE questions, and 1 question that can be anything about scoundrels.


    Our questions are due by 8/30,(as seen here:http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6591749&postcount=172)so we do have about a month to procure our questions.


    Now, I have already discussed with several different scoundrels from a variety of different servers about concerns they had. The suggestions ranged from questions about sawbones spec, to implementing a new stealth detection system in flashpoints. Here are some of my concerns:



    • Scrapper spec really lacks sustained damage in my opinion. Basically all of the damage in this spec comes from your opener. My personal idea to improve this issue is to add some sort of proc to the scrapper tree that would allow you to use shoot first out of stealth, however the target would not be knocked down from shoot first used out of stealth. I've also heard from a lot of other scoundrels that would like to see an auto-crit on shoot first.

    • There is a lack of survivability in scrapper spec. If you get caught in the enemy back line as a scrapper scoundrel out of stealth, you're in trouble.

    • PVP set bonuses for scoundrels really need a change as well. The Enforcers set bonus for PVP is, "Increases the duration of Infiltration or Smuggle by 5 seconds and Evasion or Dodge by 1 second." and "Increases max energy by 5." Honestly both of those are pitiful. These should be changed to the old back blast set bonus as soon as a new tier of gear is released. The PVE set bonus is much better. "Increases critical strike damage of Shiv or Blaster whip by 15%" and "Increases maximum energy by 5."

    • Energy management is below par in scrapper spec. You will find yourself running out of energy on a regular basis without having cool head available in both PVE and PVP environments.

    • The spec lacks a healing debuff. Adding a healing debuff, and an auto crit on shoot first could give this spec a much better chance to get a spot in competitive PvP. Plus adding a proc that would allow shoot first to be used out of stealth could make the spec much better in a PVE environment too. Another idea would be to add a camouflage on a 45 second cd that works like the marauders force camo, and you could use shoot first through this camouflage. Of course if you had the temporary stealth, you would not have the proc that allows you to use shoot first out of stealth implemented into the game.

    • One of my own ideas I had for scrapper spec that could address survivability and sustainable damage in one talent would be to make a talent similar to scramble from the sawbones tree, except for the cooldown of vanish would be decreased. Now the way that it could be decreased is debatable, it could be every time you deal damage, every time you crit, or even just every time you take damage. In order for this talent to be more viable for PVE the cooldown would need to be reduced through damage dealt in some way. This would allow you to reopen many more times during a boss fight, or any kind of long fight in PVP.

    Dirty Fighting

    • Currently, PVE wise this spec is one of the top dps specs according to some of the logs I've seen on Torparse.com. PVP wise it is very rarely used in competitive play besides occasionally on Voidstar offense.

    • Survivability is a huge issue for dirty fighting scoundrels in PVP. If you push up too far into the enemy line and get caught you will almost definitely die unless you have all of your cooldowns. Survivability for Dirty fighting is really my only concern with this spec.


    • This is probably scoundrels strongest spec PVE, and PVP wise. Scoundrels and Operatives are topping the charts for HPS in PVP and PVE, and is arguably the best healing spec in the game. A lot of people on these forums say that sawbones is the most overpowered spec in the game.

    • The only thing I could think of that would be nice for this spec is some way to track your HoTs. It can be difficult to distinguish between your HoTs and someone else's. It could be added as feature within UI customization.

    • A few people from other servers also mentioned making Kolto Cloud hit more people than it currently does, but I think this change is unnecessary.


    • As I listed above one scoundrel I talked to had the idea of changing the stealth detection system in flashpoints and replacing that with some sort of trip wire system. This could of course apply to all stealth classes but I thought I might as well mention it. (Thanks to MiralukaJedi for this one)

    • Another issue that still occasionally happens to me in warzones is the roll bug. This is the bug where you become stuck in place and are forced to wait until you are removed from the warzone. I had this happen to me about a week ago and it is very frustrating, especially when you're in a ranked warzone match.

    Now its time for the rest of the community to give your feedback. Keep in mind we do need to formulate questions not suggestions. The above post is simply to get the discussion started! In a week or two I hope we can have enough questions prepared where I can create a survey, so we can all decide on our questions. Thanks for reading and I hope together we can come up with some good questions that can change scoundrels for the better in the future.


    from the scrapper standpoint i was thinking about a few things.

    sustained damage-give sucker punch via talent a 25-30% chance to reset the CD of Back blast.

    survivability-add a talent high in the scrapper tree- Every time the Scoundrel takes damage he gains a stack of *** increasing his chance to dodge 12.3% of all incoming attacks, stacks 4 times, lasts 6 seconds.

    Defense screen not only absorbs dmg but increases damage reduction by 20%.


    just some suggestions i thought of today and want to help with some productive changes, thanks and tell me what you think

  10. Aluvi, I noticed that you run with the matrix cube for your other relic instead of the conq kinetic tempest or dark radiance ones. Can you explain why? Thanks.


    i havent been able to find how to get the 55 version of the matrix cube can someone point me in the right direction?

  11. i have crafted and researched about 150 blue nano-infused might stims trying to get the schematic for the reusable, but i still havent got it. i then noticed that it says no research available when i scroll over a blue one to reverse engin it. is this a bug? or something wrong with the tool tip? or am i doing something wrong?

    help please

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