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Posts posted by Calsidian

  1. The entire point of the system is to allow your main character to continue to progress in a way which provides benefits to your Legacy characters i.e. alts. It's not really designed to provide benefits to the first character you level to 50 (though you will be able to get some).


    So really it's working as intended.

  2. You do realize it's only for 1 ability, right? You're ranting like every AoE ability is now a Smart Skill. Nothing changes regarding situational awareness in how you play today and how you'll play after 1.3. You'll just be generating more threat.
  3. I think we'll be seeing far less Shield Techs in PvP now (not that there were many before). Fairly brutal change for us. Think I'll be using that field respec perk to just go Pyro in PvP from now on.


    PvE my damage is certainly going to take a big hit, but at least they didn't nerf survivability at all. Maintaining aggro is going to be laughably easy now, though. Not sure how I feel about this really as I rather enjoyed the challenge of AoE tanking properly.

  4. It's all moot if they can't get the server population issues sorted out. Assuming they can bandage that wound, I think we'll be seeing a much better outlook for the future of the game, and the mood around here will be more consistently positive.


    There's going to be some stiff competition coming out, and they'll need to lay a solid foundation if they expect to keep people around long enough to even see this new content.

  5. Q2. Like the OP, I would like to know is the new level cap will come with a free patch or paid DLC? If free, then this will be the first MMO to introduce a free content patch with level updates. Level updates usually come in paid expansions.


    It wouldn't be the first.

  6. Getting to Social V was painless for me, and I didn't have to farm or grind anything specifically for points. I just grouped up for dailies I had to do anyway (or choose to do I suppose), and I ran flashpoints.


    The social point rate doesn't seem to be a problem so much as the opportunity to be in position to get them. Once the server populations become more consolidated, I think people will find that the points just come naturally.

  7. What happens if BW puts in a gear check, but they decide that full orange with all purple mods from dailies is NOT required to run the tier 1 HM FP's, that level 50 blues or equivalent is all that is required? Are you going to try to kick those players who meet the standard set by BW, but not your standard? Will you leave group and requeue, hoping to get a group that does meet your standards? If BW does implement a gear check, the possibility that the standards set by the developers, the ones who designed the gear gating in the first place, may not be enough for some people is what has some players concerned about "gear checking".


    Now you're just trying to stir up trouble for the sake of it, and this is certainly not an argument against Bioware adding a check to the tool. If they feel the content can be completed with blue level gear (and some HM FPs certainly can) then that's fine. At that point people have to do what they've always had to do, make a personal decision on whether or not they want to continue with the group.


    If this feature is added onto the LFG Tool, then it should be done so as to be a benefit to both the person trying to queue, and to the potential group. That is, it would only restrict those who's gear is obviously below the requirements of the FP to the point that it would a poor experience for the player if they were allowed to join.

  8. Wrong, the only motivation for continued play regardless of whether you are a casual or hardcore player for 99% of participants is gearing your characters. Without progression to gear your characters there is no reason to play, baring this in mind raiding is for the minority of players.


    As it currently stands non raiders cant otain blackhole commendations so there is no progression there, we are stuck with daily commendations which has been done for the past 6 months. Many of you believe players as myself have an "entitled" attitude when it more than clear to me that raiders, as in Wow, always have and will continue to have the attitude that everything must be made for them. What is the point to continually run "easier" hardmode flashpoints when there is no gear progression? Your attitude will be the death of this game because nobody wants to remain stagnant forever.


    I don't belong to a raiding guild. In fact, my guild has a whopping 2 active members, including myself, and we're fairly casual in our playtime. When I do LI it is usually with either friends we've met doing other FPs, or with players we pick up in Fleet. What makes you say that non-raiders can't obtain blackhole commendations? That's completely bogus. Incompetent players likely can't obtain them, but that has nothing to do with raiding. Hell, you get 6 commendations a week even if you can't handle HM LI. You do get gear progression through Blackhole gear, the problem is that you don't want to put forth any effort to get it.

  9. AYFKM? What's the point of rakata gear and HM EV and KP then if you can farm flashpoints in tinose/columi gear to get BH comms. Maybe make Nightmare modes of the flashpoints with BH comms not just give away the commendations to gear everyone up to q61 in less then 2 weeks... VERY, VERY BAD idea.


    Less than 2 weeks? You're just pulling stuff out of your...


    They didn't even say how many BH Comms you get. For all you know it's only a couple a week, which would still take you forever to get a set of BH gear. Stop freaking out.

  10. I play on Ajunta Pall, which is one of the more populated servers, and I can tell you that I don't have much trouble getting a group together for Hardmodes currently. I've also made several friends through the process which has helped strengthen my sense of server community. With the addition of the LFG Tool it will be even easier as you will be reaching more potential players (i.e. not just those sitting around in Fleet), and it will provide rewards for using the tool.


    So, what's my point? If the server transfers work as intended and create more populated servers such as mine, the tool will end up being effective while still fosturing server community.


    Lets at least give the upcoming changes a chance before declaring them impotent. At this point, you're basing all your assumptions on the current state of the population. That current state could change, and with it everything else.

  11. I like the game and all, but from reading your post it seems like in many respects you and I aren't playing the same game.


    But I suppose there will always be extremes. Those who will complain about anything and everything, and those who have rose tinted glasses on who see adequate as amazing.

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