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Posts posted by legolegion

  1. Seems to have pretty much hit the nail on the head. The darkside tends to focus on aggressive combat training and so will produce more people who are better fighters (on average) while the light side focuses on internal mastery, meditation, etc. Initially, the lightside doesn't have a heavy focus on fighting, but eventually when that internal discipline is applied to combat training, you get very capable fighters.


    Down the road, that darkside is concerned with manipulation and betrayal, and constantly watching your back. This seems to limit their growth in the end, while lightsiders can usually study in peace, and even teach other lightsiders without fear of being killed with their own techniques. So at the end of the road, there will be a few extremely powerful darksiders, but many more lightsiders who are very polished and strong.


    No I disagree, as darksider only strong survie. Thus stronger force user would be on darkside, as they don`t get stronger the get dead. That is powerfull motivator, fear of death.

  2. I dont think the dark side is stronger by any means. All i see is huge weakness that one can exploit. Arrogance, self confidence, leading to lack of perspective. In often the case when one folows exclusevly his emotions.

    I think the light side of the force is stronger in the sense that gives you power without compromising who you realy are, it can take longer, but evidence sugests light always triunf over darkness. Always. It can take time, but wil always prevails. EU and G canon shows this. The will of the force as always the final word.

    You cant fight city hall after all. :p


    The main reason light side triumps as it is good vr`s evil story line and light sider have weight of number`s

    it tak few light sider to be beat a dark side

  3. Isn't one of the greatest weaknesses of the Dark Side the fact that they react on emotion which clouds vision? A great example of this is when Darth Malgus murdered his Twi'lek slave/lover Eleena Daru (the one who accompanied him into the Jedi Temple as seen in the opening movies for SWTOR) after the Sacking of Coruscant. Proclaiming that she, because he had feelings for her, was his greatest weakness? Coincidentally after she was spared by a Jedi.


    I would argue that being able to control emotion would make you far more powerful than those who thrive on it.


    No the reason the jedi control their emotion`s is explained in episode 1, when yoda interveiw`s anakin and say`s why he should not be trained as emointion`s lead to darkside. It has nothing to do with strength, how ever ever noticed how many jedi it takes to take down a sith or a dark jedi

  4. how is that even a serious question? who and where does it say sidious was the most powerful sith? that notion is laughable and amateur. if you have done any amount of serious research you would know that sidious was extremely weak and a tratior to the sith ideals. also not to mention that the level of lightsaber mastery far outstripped these modern day jedi/sith. so to answer this question malgus would crush him like a bug with the force and carve sidious up like thanksgiving turkey. its no contest at all


    Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, was a Force-sensitive Human male who served as the last Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. A Dark Lord of the Sith who followed the Rule of Two, an ancient tenet of the Order of the Sith Lords, he was the most powerful Sith Lord in galactic history. His entire life as a Sith was the culmination of a thousand-year plan to overthrow the Republic and the Jedi Order from within.



    it is said opening lines of wiki page first

  5. Spoiler alert if you intend to read any of the Old Republic book series.



    After the Emperor is defeated and Malgus fails to take his place, the Empire is pretty much scattered, and after Darth Kerrid's superweapon ship the Ascendant Spear is destroyed, the Empire is pretty much defeated. So at least in terms of this particular conflict, the Republic wins.


    cool i have a question in spoiler


    Does this mean dark council will fall apart and darth nox and emporer`s wrath could start their own mini empire`s like i stated earlier


  6. with the fall of the emporer sith infighting gets worse

    till in the end in become a more fudal system

    with just lip servie paid to the council

    then eventualy they sith control invidual sector space

    till the drak brotherhood unites them

    then they begin their march beating the republic most time

    till darth bane learns of thought bomb and kills of a lot jedi and the brother hood

    and rest you know

  7. It's missing Raltiir, Chandrila (this is a big one), and I don't see Dagobah on it, either. I always thought the Chiss Ascendancy was on the core side of the Unknown Regions, meaning Csilla is way too far out. There isn't any of the planets at the junction of Parlemian Trade Route and the Hydian way - Brentaal, Corulag, Esseles.


    These are a lot close together, and the map has an index indicating enlarged sections, so perhaps they are there but in the enlarged map.


    dagobah is at n25

    though i can not find correlia

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