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Posts posted by legolegion

  1. bye all sub runs out today, stop playing after rothc as game got boring for me.

    I really like this section of the forum and the rp section, and still will be checking it out but will be able to comment after tonight.

  2. Public orgies and all.


    never thought about that bit, more along lines of families personal pwerbases. Military commander not apointed on skill or merit but on political level. A centralised power base of roman emporer, and the senate who deal with dailiy buisness of running the empire (the dark council). Romans where also elistist, you had to earn citizenship if you where not born roman. Also had slaves to do meanial work, but did not see what wrong with that. As well as roman military might, they where good engineers and highly productive. This bit is also like the sith as they had only small base to start with, after hyperspace war yet manged to rebuild into superpower.

  3. force sentive can be ruled by their emotions, if not trained to resist them that why jedi are trained not to make personal bonds, as when they are ruled by them they go to far as they feel more deeply than none force sentives. Well that my take on it, to an extent.
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