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Everything posted by rashencyberspeed

  1. I don't think it's necessary to have different ships. (having class-exclusive ships makes each class feel unique, if you ask me.) But I do think there should be an option to change your ship's appearance. At the very least, being able to change the color shouldn't be too hard.
  2. Spoiler? It was known for a while that you had the option of showing dark side corruption.
  3. While I do understand that people need to gear their companions, I am also aware that actual players need it more. However, in the event no one needs it, I do think that it's silly for gear to go to a person who will just sell it, rather than a person who can't use it, but has a companion who CAN. I actually would support the addition of a "companion need" button. We already know need overrides greed. Basically, it will work like this: Need>Companion Need>Greed. The players who will use it come first, the players who won't use it but have companions who will come second, and as usual people who have no use for it and will just sell it come last.
  4. I hate the lack of a hood toggle as well. The hood-down skins are in the game, I can tell not just from screenshots, but also from twi'leks. Due to clipping issues, they have hoods down. This shows how hood-down robes are in the game. It should be simple: implement a "lower hood" option into the social options, check it, and your robe changes to have the skin for the twi'lek variant. On another note, some people are complaining how twi'leks get no hood-up option. Due to clipping issues, I think it's unlikely, but the developers COULD address the issue of robes making twi'lek headbands disappear.
  5. For you guys with fps issues, it's your computer, not the game. If you have an issue with FPS, get a new graphics card. This is a VERY high-tech game. If your computer isn't high-tech as well, you'll have issues. In my case, my computer has horrible FPS, so the only times I get to play are if my brother or my dad let me borrow their computers, which can run the game fine.
  6. The best solution I can think of is to make a legacy, but then go into options and choose to hide your legacy.
  7. These features sound cool and all, but where is the feature I really want right now? The feature I'm talking about is a hood toggle. I'm really bothered by the absence of this feature, because it almost seems biased against Jedi, because they are only class not allowed to hide the thing covering their heads. (before anyone asks, no, choosing to hide the head slot will not work, as the hood is part of the chest piece)
  8. Problem: most Jedi Knight gear have hoods. I have yet to find a modifiable Jedi Knight robe without a hood. BioWare really should put in a hood toggle, since they do have models of the robes with hoods down. (These are the variations worn by Twi'leks)
  9. Yeah, here's it all in a nutshell. Troopers can hide their helmets. Smugglers can hide their hats. Agents can hide their visors. Bounty Hunters can hide their helmets. Sith Warriors can hide their helmets. Sith Inquisitors can't hide their hoods, but it seems they get plenty of hoodless pieces. Jedi Knights cannot hide their hoods. Neither can Jedi Consulars. BioWare, I demand proof that you don't hate Jedi. NOW.
  10. All of these are for storyline reasons. Rattataki cannot be sith warriors because the sith warrior storyline has you playing a "pureblood" sith. I don't know how humans and zabraks are classified as "pureblood", but whatev. (also, take a look at rattataki on the holonet, apparently the sith were not too fond of the idea of them becoming force wielders.) Almost all twi'leks in the empire are slaves. As such, the sith inquisitor (who starts as a slave) is the only imperial class available to twi'leks.
  11. Go to a cantina or your ship. A quest icon will appear above their head. You can figure out the rest on your own.
  12. I'm annoyed by this as well. And I don't think it would be hard to put in. Basically, here's how it goes, there are models of robes without hoods in the game. These are the versions of the robes that Twi'leks get. It's exactly the same, but the hood is down. So, it shouldn't be hard to program in a "lower hood" option. Basically, you click on it, and your outfit will change to look like the Twi'lek variation. Considering these variations are in the game already, I don't see why we can't get them.
  13. I think the republic ships are fine. They may be nothing fancy, but whatever.
  14. I think vanguards get a vibroknife at some point.
  15. My old computer from 2005 was unable to run this game (Not surprised), I'm hoping to make an upgrade to a new one just for this game. I'm fine with playing on Low for everything, and only getting 30 or so FPS. My price range would be around $200-600ish dollars if possible (cheaper the better). Anybody who is more technologically intelligent have some recommendations of what to get?
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