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Everything posted by Tazak

  1. Heya, I've came back from a break due to this free play period and I'm still having insufferable FPS drops. My specs: (2) EVGA GTX 460 1GB Superclocked (Drivers are 296.10) i7-950 @ 3.8GHz 12GB DDR3 @ 1600 MHz My FPS is at a solid 60 with vertical sync on until I get into Warzones. When I actually start fighting, I drop to 20-30 FPS. I KNOW that my machine can handle this game as during these Warzones my: Two GTX 460's are sitting between 20-30% usage Physical Memory is sitting at 30% usage My processing unit is sitting at 20-30% usage I really don't know what I can do at this point. People on Reddit and on my server have been saying they have no issues at all running the game, and they have worse specs than me. After calling SWTOR Tech Support, I was told that SLI, "Was a current issue that we were already looking into,"... Even though I've seen countless people being able to play the game perfectly with their SLI configurations. Any tips would be deeply appreciated! Thank you, - Koos
  2. Slow damage ticking away is a terrible way to describe it. You are constantly doing big bursts of damage in terms of Merciless Strike (I crit for about 4.2k with my Champion PvP gear), using Master Strike, and other abilities. You provide team healing as well with the use of Zen, plus a good amount of healing with our Burns. Applying 3 stacks of overload is not an issue at all either if that is a concern as well.
  3. I cannot stand the "Focus Dump" feel that Combat has, I love Watchman to death. I played Watchman to Valor R 46 in the beta and it was an absolute joy. It's a lot rougher to learn as the spec is very unforgiving if you don't use your abilities properly, but NO ONE can beat you in a 1v1 situation. I have yet to really be dominated by one specific AC as a Watchman.
  4. It is definitely a game changer! Throwing on that healing debuff onto a healer or their main damage dealers makes all the difference in the world! Not to mention only in Hutt ball. Also what a lot of people seem to be doing is not trying to coordinate enough with their teams. I know it's hard to get puggies to focus but it is totally doable. Just lay out a plan for the Warzone and coordinate who goes where and just stay in communication! I strongly feel that if we get any extra form of Crowd Control or Defense we will be too strong, and I don't want to see what happens to so many classes in other MMOs where they were weak, then they became strong, then they became even weaker than before because they were too strong. I don't want to post screens of my Warzone games as they really don't hold a bearing, but it's not difficult to pull of highest Damage / Objective / Medals, etc. That's I guess not even part of the conversation. Our class, I believe, is in a VERY good place. I just don't think people who do believe this will be able to convince everyone else other wise...
  5. We are really really companion reliant. We are really required to use a tank or healing companion which does limit us hard unfortunately.
  6. I can tell you that at 50, we are not weak at all. I cannot see what all the fuss is about. Are single target damage is amazing, almost too good to be honest. No one has really seemed to out damage me at this level. PvP yields great awesomeness in terms of how easy it is to dispatch of people and stay alive at the same time. If anything, Bioware needs to make the early game for the Sentinel / Marauder a bit better as that's where people seem to be having the most issues. I can guarantee you though, at 50, it is MUCH better. Even though I had little to no issues with the class at lower levels either. Here is a recording I did of a flashpoint at 50 two nights ago. Skip to 25:00 if you want to see a Sentinel's damage on a single-target.
  7. I don't want to say learn to play, but that is basically what I am saying. The Sentinel / Marauder is a bit more difficult to pick up compared to the other classes but we are actually in an AMAZING spot. The Watchman / Annihilation trees are ridiculous and are easily overlooked because of the DOT aspect. They do more damage than both of the trees and provide you with healing. We are also fantastic in PvP, hello? Only class with a healing debuff? People forget about that... Our single target burst is great, including the sustain I was talking about earlier. We can stick to a target very well with our movement impairs, movement speed buffs, and using Stasis / Leap properly. PvP for Sentinels / Marauders is all about using your CC breakers and damage reduction abilities at the right time. At level 50, I'm currently doing the most damage out of the flashpoint groups we've had. I've been running Crit / Surge as my secondary stats for Watchman and it works out very well. I do agree though that we do have to shuffle more abilities around than other classes though. The rotation for the tree is hard to pick up but is amazing once you get it down. You just need to practice it.
  8. I did the flashpoints on Ilum (Battle for Ilum / The False Emperor) and I feel a bit dissatisfied with what happened to Malgus. To be honest, his new ideal Empire was one where I would actually like to have a character on or belonging to. I played through as the Republic during the beta and launch and saw no changes made overall. I have yet to look into the Imperial's view, but is it really for the better? Is the fact that he wants an Empire composed of all sentient life too hard for the current Empire to take? Or is it something else? Scene for Republic: @55:15
  9. I really should of done a /played when I go this. http://i.imgur.com/8bydx.jpg But, I know it was 3 days, 1 hour played when I hit it. Something around there, I know it was for sure 3 days and either within or over an hour last Friday.
  10. No no, not really what I want. Just they said there was a form of it in game and I wasn't quite sure what they meant by it is all. =] Thanks for the responses.
  11. Hey everyone! I was just curious if anyone has found out any information about the "said" achievements that were supposed to be in at launch: http://www.swtorstrategies.com/2011/09/star-wars-old-republic-will-feature.html I was sorely disappointed to not find anything of sorts considering I just hit server first 50 on Ajunta Pall and find nothing. It's not a really big deal, just curious if there is something I can't find that a dev posted and what not.
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