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Everything posted by Tseuqreve

  1. Tseuqreve

    LOL - Love it.

    Lol, you people are morons. You're winning games in the 50 pvp brackets BECAUSE ALL OF THE LEVEL 50 SITH ARE FARMING FREE VALOR IN ILUM ATM. Enjoy your free wins while they last, kthx.
  2. I guess people are also failing to realize that all the actual empire PvP'ers are in Ilum right now farming their free valor. Give it a day or two and they'll be ************ just like everyone else.
  3. Would a bad NFL team blame the NFL if the NFL kept giving their opponents free ****? WHY YES! YES SHERLOCK I THINK THEY WOULD!
  4. That's not the point Brandon. I'm no stranger to bugs and launch flaws. But you're still not seeing it, have you looked at recent patch notes? "Sith can now properly wear the Darth title" - This thing was patched TWICE "Players can now properly use emotes on a speeder" - This STILL doesn't even work Im not even going to continue because hopefully you get it now, while Bonethrasher and SoA have been bugged since BETA. Hard modes have been bugged since beta. And now PvP is broken for republic. Don't get me wrong, everything sub 50 is great, the content is great etc etc... But the end game has been complete garbage (Up until this patch, and I'm sure they've messed something else up I just haven't gone in yet.) and NOW we have to deal with a shafted pvp system. All I'm saying is, let this OP act like he's superior to all the whiners all he wants, but the facts are there. If Bioware doesn't fix it, they're losing a lot of customers, period.
  5. LOL You're telling me that he's allowed to post whatever he wants, but I'm not allowed to call him an idiot or say what I want? God why are people so stupid these days.
  6. You're an idiot, that's all I can really say about your post. Perhaps you don't understand that people play games for different reasons? Also, the PvE end game content has been completely **** for the last few weeks because of COUNTLESS bugs. Now we have to suffer in PvP too just because we're Republic? You don't get it, everybody and their mother in the Empire is going to be pvp geared, and thus, destroy us in pvp more than they already do. You think I wanna go into pvp and continue to get **** on by the same 8 battlemasters? No, I really don't. Ohhh, why dont I go run some hard modes you say? Because I don't *********** want to. I've got all the gear I need, and now I want some balanced end game. No, no it is NOT bioware's concern that empire outnumber republic 3:1 ATLEAST on every server. But you know what is Bioware's concern? Making sure they find a balance in the system, but hey, Republic can't go to Ilum anymore no big deal right? We'll just take away the planet most geared 50's spend 80% of their time at. Its cool, you're right.
  7. Well im downloading at 350 k/b's and the game so far has taken me about 17 hours and counting... Except I know this is wrong, and its a problem with something else. Because at 350 k/b's it shouldnt take 5.5 hours to download a 4.7 gb file, except the launcher is trash, the customer service is trash, and I can't even get into the customer service section of the forums to find threads/answers because its locked down, thats how trash they are.
  8. Love the game. Hate the launcher..... Had this same problem when downloading the beta client, it took me a total of 3 days to download it. I was hoping this problem would be fixed by launch, but apparently not, I started the download yesterday, and now 17 hours later I'm not even half way through the patching.... Says I'm downloading at 350+ k/b's yet I'm only progressing by .01 gb every 5 minutes or so??? So *********** dumb. It's like the download speed remains... But it just freezes the download or something, I have no clue. Anyways, decided to come rant since I had nothing else to do and perhaps other people have this problem or have found a solution etc.. I just think it's one of the stupidest problems I've ever seen for a LAUNCHING game to have, I have gained .02 gb since typing this message, and I'm still only on English Assets 1... So im probably not even half way through.
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