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Everything posted by Jo-elle

  1. As one of the officers of 1337, we recently decided to close up shop until the PTS, we intend to come back if BW gets their act together but I don't know if MoP or GW2 will affect our roster with the lull in communication and updates from BW.
  2. This sounds entirely to much like ToC from WoW for me. and ToC was easily the most hated raid of wotlk
  3. Something I am not seeing in this thread is the fact that Bioware is screwed either way they go, if they dont release Nightmare EC or a New Raid with 1.3 they are gonna lose all the Raiders subs, because most raiding guilds are almost done completely gearing out their raid team in Campaign gear. And for some guilds if they take a hiatus till 1.4 or whenever Nightmare/New raid comes out they likely wont get all their members back because of the narcissistic me first attitude of most players, that would rather play D3 or something else. Server transfers while nice for the raiding community is a temporary fix for a much bigger problem this game has, the content is chewed thru entirely to fast just like Ghostcrawler used to say, players are chewing thru the content faster then they can churn it out.
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