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Everything posted by Arsenalman

  1. My first game in ranked were as a healer and after one telling me to never que ranked again I went Arsenal and never looked back, but that was first season when mercs didnt fit into arenas, now I say they have gotten better. I dont think merc`s are that bad healers in arena but its hard when you get focused and you dont recive any help from youre Group. Its hard for all healers when youre focused so its about Learning how to handle it. Btw you have 12 Seconds immunity to interupts when you use youre energy Shield so try using that when you got full resolve cause then they cant stun you or anything giving you 12 Seconds free casting. For example you could start using seismic grenades on you for the 4 second stun it gives. You also get some Space by using jet boost but that Depends on what classes you meet these days. Vengeance juggernauts are immune to cc/knockback for around 4 Seconds after their charge (marauders not) so theres no use using knockback right away. If you get charged by them its easier to use hydraulic overrides and get away from the ravage and use emergency scan and kolto missile while on the move. Also you should use the map to youre advantage by getting out of sight from ranged and try to kite the melee, and knock them downstairs in orbital station or down from bridge at the Maked mesa Arena. Moving around and kitting will make it harder for you to get out proper heals, but you should survive longer and maybe youre team have killed one of theirs. I dont know what is mostly used specc but you could try speccing more for survival in solo ranked , like in the middle tree called custom suit, cant remember name, that gives you more endurance and increased healing taken and the peacekeeper. This aint the best tips you will ever get so hopefully someone who play alot of Bodyguard in ranked can give you some better tips than I have done. And just ignore those who say they gotta carry you to win cause that just ********. Ignore what they say and rather laugh at it cause I also get some ******** now and then aswell for being a merc in Solo ranked. You will only get better by training so you cant let some idiots stop you from doing ranked. Hopefully you can get a Group ranked going cause there you have a tank helping you out and cordination if youre using TS/vent. You could also try the dps speccs instead and see if you do better with them. I have only played as arsenal so can give you a few tips from experience there. I dont have full brutalizer yet either and it will take longer time by going normal wz`s to get full brutalizer than doing ranked games and since you have full oboran it shouldnt really be an issue as long you have fully augmented gear. Maybe its not easy to get something out from this post but hopefully its something thats usefull here Goodluck mate
  2. We need some kind of immunity against interupts for a few Seconds. That would help alot seing that when were being focused first we get easily shutdown. We can kite dps and ranged for 10 sec With Hydraulic overrides up but after that having some kind of immunity against interupts for 3-5 Seconds would make a great difference. Were not a bad class but some small adjustments and we can be back up there cause theres not alot of us up there in Solo/Group ranked and theres lots of good players out there so cant only be that were bad at playing the class
  3. How can it take so long to give us the minor upgrades we need to be a contender in ranked wz`s? It`s been known so long that we lack survivability and some kind of immunity to interupts for a long time but theres nothing new thats happened other than the electro net and Hydraulic Overrides. But then again the net is awesome, but it only helps on 1 target, and the Hydraulic Overrides only helps against kiting meele dps and immunity to knockbacks. In each match its the mercenary that gets nuked down first, unless youre playing at lower ratings you might be lucky getting to freecast and bring devastation to the enemy team. Popping Hydraulic Overrides, energy Shield and using the two instant casts you get from Power Surge to heal yourself, if you are playing Arsenal, it gives you a few seconds longer to stay alive but you dont really get any damage out at that time and all youre Cooldowns are used within the first 10 Seconds of the match, making you an even easier target to get down. But you can take this to youre teams advantage by staying alive for as long as you can because if they all go out on you there will be most of the times a vulnerable target in enemy group aswell. If you practice this you can be a good "tank" that gives your group more space to focus one of their targets and hoping that you outlive the focus target so youre group can help you after. With clever use of the map as using youre knockback in the right places and use out of sight merc`s can stay alive for sometime but running around kiting stuff aren`t what Bounty Hunters should be doing. Were supposed to be feared but thats not the case, atleast not in ranked. Mercenary are great for 1on1, but we need an upgrade that gives us some breathing time when we are getting focused by more than 1 target cause we are way too easily shutdown now. In normal 8vs8 warzones its easier, but as in 4vs4 ranked where you get focused by two or sometimes three enemies we are simply not capable of taking the amount of damage or getting any real damage out. You can argue about we being a ranged class and say that we can do great damage if were left alone but still I feel were missing to be up there with the other classes. Im sorry about the bad grammar and that the thread doesnt really hang together but I just want to share some thaughts and get some answers if were getting any buffs or changes in an upcoming patch soon, cause it`s needed and I say we have waited far too long. One day, somebody's gonna have to make a stand. One day, somebody's gonna have to say enough! Stop! Mercenary time!
  4. Give mercenary a passive skilled called Upgraded Energy Shield or something, that makes you immune to interupts while you have it activated. Then you can remove the Power Shield in the bodyguard tree and replace it with something new that can give Bodyguard mercenary better chance in ranked. For example make all our heals have a 20% chance to give our next healing cast immune to interupts. We are fine 1on1 but we need something that can give us free castign time and better survivability seeing that we are the first to be nuked down in each ranked wz. We are Bounty Hunters for crying out loud... make use of our jetpack. Give a skill that makes us fly up in the air for 6 Seconds, reducing damaged taken or something. But why do I even try.. I see lots of good stuff in this thread but no response and nothing is ever going to be done....
  5. Playing as arsenal (Belit) and I enjoy it. Feel you got more defensive cooldowns, but you should play the specc you enjoy.
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