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Posts posted by Balbosa

  1. Hmm, I don't seem to have this issue, and my PC sucks next to yours. The only place I lag really bad is fleet, when I get stuck in the full channels.


    Its not lag. The game runs choppy when moving around. My fps is 50-60 but still when I climbing a hill or just running around on Tython, the game has a stutter to it. There is only like 15 people on Tython too.

  2. I just resubbed after taking a break for about a year and a half. I find that the game still stutters, has hiccups when running my character around. And its not that I have a crappy PC. My specs are AMD FX 6 core 3.4ghz, HD 6870 card, 8gb ram, windows 7 ultimate. And my fps sits around 40-50 on Tython so I dont think its the graphic settings.


    Is it the game engine that cant be fixed? The stuttering is annoying. Wish the game ran smooth like WoW.

  3. no no no no planets need to be larger not smaller!!!! and if all you are doing is staying on the fleet then yea this game would be boring and not worth paying for but not to leave because of load screens and loosing immersion?? i just dont get that at all, every game has load screens. either get off the fleet and go explore and do quests or unsub and find a new game.


    now for me i dont like playing this game because the class stories are boring, the side quests are boring, the planets are too small so there isnt much exploration, the planets are too linear, there isnt much you can do to make your toon look different from others. and the worst part of it is that its more like a single player game instead of an MMO


    the things i do like about this game is my companion, and its pretty... but thats about it, im about to unsub because i dont see why anyone is having to pay a monthly sub to play this game.


    Not just load screens, but the game doesnt run smooth like WoW. This is another deal breaker for me. And I have a high end pc.

  4. Life sure is difficult; that 10 second wait is killer!


    - you have the ability to go directly to your ship from a shuttle (saving you from having to visit the space-station while leaving a planet

    - loading takes about 5 seconds (10 second wait to change planets since there are 2 loading screens)


    Now if you're complaining about it not being realistic having loading screens pop up, I will have to remind you that your character is holding a lightsaber. :)


    Its not the 10 second wait, its the fact that there is an immersion breaking loading screen there.

  5. Right, it's like I said: one loading screen per planet/level. Not really that much. All other MMO's have the same for the most part.


    Not really. In WoW, you can explore Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor without a loading screen. And that one screen you get when traversing from one continent to the other is not really a loading screen, takes only 3 seconds.


    What I'm saying is, SWTOR should of been more seamless like WoW. Every single planet has a loading screen. That is the equivalent of every zone in WoW having a load screen at the borders lol.

  6. i find the planets smaller compared to swg but i do agree about the load times on the screens and it's even more of a pain when you are changing instances to join your group/ops ( that is if the ui doesn't bug out or client crashes )


    It's not the load times. Its the fact that there are so many loading screens at every corner. Would of been better if we could freely roam in space and travel planet to planet with 0 loading screens.

  7. When I log on, I que for a wz and play a few then log out. I never leave the fleet to quest or anything. And I really want to go out and explore but the loading screens are immersion breaking, and I think the planets are just way to big. You never see other players out there. I think maybe they should of made the planets smaller and left some room for later, make like part of the planet high lvl or something so we can come back to it I don't know.
  8. my specs


    Cuisinart CPT-180

    stainless housing with polished chrome and black accents

    Two 6-setting browning dials

    dual reheat

    defrost and bagel buttons

    LED indicators

    4 Wide toasting slots


    and I get absolutely no lag what so ever in any form


    no wonder. you have 4 wide toasting slots those are usually for government security pc's. don't know how you got your hands on them.

  9. Feel like you've exhausted the content of this game? Bored of the Black Hole, Ilum, Belsavis and operations?


    Go back to the wonderfully charming planets of Tatooine, Quesh, Voss, Correllia, Hoth, Balmorra and play all the Heroic missions with lowbies or with your companions. Heroic missions are really fun, and if you're like me and you skipped a lot of them on the way up then you'll have heaps of original content to get through. It freshens the game up, allows for more interesting experiences and a greater variety of environments to explore.


    Find all the Datacrons along the way! These are really fun to collect. They involve puzzles, exploration, combat and cooperation, and again you get to see loads of new places.


    Please, don't sit on the fleet all day waiting for queues to pop then complain that this game is dull - do something fun!


    I anticipate Bioware putting more interesting minigames and activities into the game for great experiences and community fun, but until they do, this is really good fun to do and rewarding if you help lowbies along the way too.


    If you're on ToFN, then join the best community on the server: Rebel Dream!


    Sounds cool. But it would be awesome if they made the general chat on fleet to be for all planets. I like to chat a lot and this is one reason why I don't like to leave the fleet. Also, so many loading screens, kinda makes me not want to go through them lol.

  10. For gaming (and for a reasonable price) : i5 3570K (ivy bridge)


    i7 3770K is better but not so much as to justify the cost when compared to the i5.


    And if you have a sandy bridge MB and don't plan on changing it : i5 2500K.

    Is the Intel Core i5-3570K Ivy Bridge considerably better/faster than the 2500k sandy?

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