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  1. Is there a way to shorten the Flagship summon cool down? in world ops like the 2 new WB on Ossus you cant really use a summon for both fights unless you sit around and wait for timer.
  2. This seems to be happening with other items on the GTN as well such as the Makeb Gazebo there is a guy that has 50 listed
  3. Of the 29 tokens listed on the GTN on The Shadowlands 25 look to be listed by Gold Farmers. The cost to buy them in cartel coins & then turn around and sell them at extremely low prices make me wonder if they have found a way to copy them. Based on what I have seen on other servers the tolkens are at give away prices. That only makes sense to do if you can make more without it costing you anything.
  4. I understand not being repeatable as in 1 time per character. I time per account has to be a Bug. I have characters in a few Guilds. This would mean I can only get the points on one character for 1 guild?
  5. The Crafting War supplies is counting is crediting only one Character but is counting as complete on all characters therefor not providing the appropriate conquest points to other characters on the account that have crafted that item. this may be true for other non repeatable conquest points but I have not had the chance to check yet.
  6. If they can't or won't increase this then there is no reason to have Strongholds at all. Who wants some sterile environment to walk into or show off? Many of the comments I got on my place on PTS before they lowered the boom on the cap. Was " how alive & inviting I had made the place" All done with NPC's & pets. If it is a performance issue of having people over vs environment why not scale occupancy based on the number of NPC's placed. That way those folks that want to have a 50 person party can do so wit their 25 NPC's and those that want to limit to maybe 10 could have a 100 NPC limit
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