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Everything posted by evilharb

  1. Anyone running their systems in SLI mode that can share some info, at all?! Anyone?!
  2. Now whilst I can understand that this game probably doesn't use or need an SLI setup, I am stil curious about whether or not getting a second graphics card would have any noticeable effect, like being able to run the game in the highest resolution and with all effects up to maximum. Is there anyone here that is running this game on an SLI setup (maybe Crossfire users can report on this too) that can let me know if there are any differences in using a dual card setup as opposed to a solo one?
  3. If I could change the title I would...but no need for the "change the damned title" harsh comment is there? So I didn't realise there was a way to put things in a spoiler wrap - sorry. I'll give it a go what you said to do - maybe I'll get lucky...
  4. Merry Whatsit, folks - I hope you've all had a good holiday season so far with no stress and lots of fun Ok - I've been using the excellent sticky post and guide whilst levelling up and have been using (don't ask me why - it just worked for me) the suggested PVP build (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#601McZhGrRkhrbtzZc.1). It's been damned great fun so far but the one thing I've noticed is that in alot of groups I've been part of I end up tanking for some reason and yes, I know that Shadows can tank to a cerain degreee, but my build is not really made that way - it's a levelling one. What I would like to ask all those other Shadows out there that are tanking is this: it won't be long until I hit 50 and I am thinking of respeccing the points so I can maybe tank and help the guild in operations etc - can some folks suggest a decent build for this? I have been looking over a few sites and of course that same guide, but having not really tried it out I'm not sure what skill rotation to use or what it actually does. If anyone does have some thoughts or tips I would great;y appreciate it.
  5. Ok..no longer being on Tatooine might make this awkward... There is a mission you get where you goto a base that is over-run by Geonoshans - there you have to do a series of quests involiving thigns like knocking out a power generator and database (or something like that) with 2 large warehouses - one them IS that heroic spot for the quest - if I can find a small image for it I'll post it later.
  6. Actually just found it myself. Back in the base that over run with the bugs (where you had to destroy things like a power generator in an earlier quest) is a building - if you step just inside it shows up as heroic and there you are - it's in there.
  7. Ok...have been dealing with this since yesterday - where the heck is this mission located at? I cannot find this over militia area on the map - I'm hoping someone here has done it and can point me in the right direction for this base...help!
  8. A big Christmas thumbs up to you, my friend - that solved it - thanks for the prompt reply
  9. No - this is not a spoiler...just something a bit annoying... I finished the class quest on Tatooine this afternoon, return to the ship and use the holo-projector to report in - the scene goes to load showing myself and my companions standing around it and then...nothing - I left it there for a few mins and nothing else happens. I'm going to submit a bug report for this but has anyone else had this issue or even managed to get past this point? I just hope it doesn't screw everything up for progressing further in the class story.
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