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Everything posted by Arodi

  1. thats exactly what I'm saying friend: PVEers like cross-server pvp, PVPers will hate it.
  2. Check my build in heretics Sab stickied topic
  3. sick thing is: PVPers hate the feature, PVEers applaud it
  4. just took a look. ur right. whut?! that socks u know
  5. where did they say they'd ban them? If they did, I thnk its totally silly
  6. If the males got it, than that was clearly as was intended, so than its a bug.
  7. @OP But if you chose a playstyle in which you team up with others and spec into Saboteur for example, or a SAb/DF hybrid that gives many slows, Mez and stuns? Than in teamplay you can still be very useful and in pvp you play in teams quite a lot in practice anyway. Coming out of the match with some of the most deaths, okay, that's us: squishy and no combat stealth.
  8. yea but just about every class can throw you out of cover quite easily and unless you talent it, its 20 secs of immunity
  9. Whats that all about? Something that activates as you level Legacy, or something that devs still have to implement? Does it mean I have to wait with creating new alts untill that Legacy thing is fully patched?
  10. So in practice, do you fight much from cover, or do you keep mobility?
  11. Wow, sorry for not posting the deep link right away. Its 1 click into the guides section, there you'll notice: http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/
  12. Check http://www.taugrim.com for keybinds advice. This is the pvp tactical build I'm currently running: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#700ZrI0roRboZGbrkMbh.1 Focussed on tackling ppl, slowing, stunning, interrupting. Tried to take as much dps along with that, but sacrificed on breaks and survivability. Surviving should come from the tactical gameplay, but a 1v3 will get you killed in a prolonged engagement. Can last for a while v2 though. Ideally you bring a trooper or jedi with you that can dps & heal while you tie them down. And fun for holding the impos off the tactical chockepoints. Yet I'm considering to go for the 31 pt Sab in favor of incendiary gren. Plz discuss!
  13. I've been in Hutball with 12 in my team, from the moment the match started. It lasted for 90 seconds in which we completely owned, and after that ended. No chance to give MVPs.
  14. My 1h20mins wait time was over 10 mins ago and still have 534 of the original 1200 peeps in line in front of me, which would mean another hour of waiting roughly? Queues used to move up faster than this at the start. Anyways, if this doesnt improve, I truely regret that I even started with the game and spent the money on it that I did. Been in quite a few MMOs, never ever have seen queues at all. I think its the most suckiest invention ever. I have 1 month of sub with my digital deluxe. If this isnt fixed in my first month in, I'll simply be looking for another hobby.
  15. okay, that kills my concept of a twilek shadow or assasin... whats an assasin whithout a hood, be it twilek or not?
  16. coz seems that hoods dont show on twileks
  17. Does anyone know if hoods and helmets will work on twileks now, and show properly?
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