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Everything posted by unholycharles

  1. Hello people of the community, I'm not going to rant on about what I might know, but what I do know about legendaries in the game. Here's what I do know they do exist they ARE THE COLOR PURPLE, however this would make them rares no? INCORRECT, IF THEY ARE PURPLE AND MOD-ABLE, as well as having a special name like Forceslayer the one I have or the ever so uber rarer Darth Sion's LIghtsaber which I've only seen one on a Jug. whom was top player on our server. I've seen a Master double bladed lightsaber before that was purple and mod-able though there is the existence of Bastila Shan's Double Bladed Lightsaber. Some web sites do have these in their databases, however they are not counted as legendaries because no one really knows for sure because of this Bounty Hunter Blaster you get after a quest around 41. The Modified DTB-27 Bolt Pistol is indeed a legendary because it has added stats which no other legendary has, however I believe it to be a CLASS LEGENDARY which means anyone of that class gets to that level they all get it so in retrospect it's not a legendary but only to the class. Well what does this mean about all the other classes two things; One Bioware does not know if they will actually make more of them for the other classes and remove the idea all together. Two: they will come out as the game gets big updates and DLC. These are the two leading theories about what might happen these ROYAL BLUE legendaries. If some one asks it is not a legendary because legendaries are particularly able to be picked up by anyone and any class. PS. Legendaries seem to be found from purple drops and leveled between 11-20 I've seen one 13 several 15's 17's and one level 18. So it is unclear of the drop rate and the drop rate would probably be like completely random. This is the best I can make of what Legendaries are in SWTOR.
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