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Everything posted by Siscoe

  1. Don't be an idiot. I never said that I run HM's in pvp gear. I have a pvp set and a pve set. You are missing the point. I am not going to try and explain it to you because I am not sure you will understand.
  2. I hate this change myself. On The Shadowhand I could get in 6 to 8 wz's before my HM queue popped. (1.5 to 2 hours) If it is a close match I won't leave, but if there is no chance of coming back, I am the only one who loses out by leaving. There will be consequences to this change. The FP users will notice a drop in the amount people queue. I myself refuse to sit around a wait at 50. I might as well get GW2 or go back to WoW for Mists of Pokemon.
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