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Posts posted by ZeroPlus

  1. (I've never bothered to write something on the forums when I've quit an MMO. I just move on. But in this case...)


    I've just terminated my subscription and will stop playing SWTOR.


    After 5 years I have stopped enjoying the game.


    Strangely enough this has to do with the story being told.

    I like the rest of the game (the gameplay, the classes, the flashpoints, etc), but that is no longer enough to keep me here.


    When the game launched it had 8 different class stories.

    I got to be the Commander of Havoc Squad, the Barsen'thor, the Voidhound, the Hero of Tython, Darth Nox, the Emperor's Wrath, the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt and Cypher Nine. They were great stories that tied into each other and every class had a part to play in the grand story that only truly became revealed once all classes had been played.


    Now... now the story is only one. The individuals we became in the beginning are now diluted. There is no difference between them. They all become one. They have lost their charm.

    There is no longer the military story, the Consular diplomat story, the smuggler story, the grand Jedi Knight story, the slave who rose to power story, the Sith who became the Emperor's enforcer story, the greatest Bounty Hunter to live story or the master spy story.


    There is just one story. A story that doesn't make sense for most of the characters. A story that dilutes everything they were and makes them... the same...


    Will I ever come back? Maybe. 2 things might make me come back:

    1) the reintroduction of individual class stories (although considering where Bioware has taken the characters, I don't see them taking the characters back down to what they were).

    2) the possibility of Advanced Class change (maybe...).


    I wish you all the best of luck. Thanks for all the fun.


    May the Force be with you (or forever serve you, if you prefer :)).

  2. I agree: certain parts of "Chapter 2: Run for the Shadows" are way too difficult in Veteran mode when compared to the other chapters.


    There is definitely something wrong with the way this chapter is balanced: its Story mode feels like the other Chapter's Veteran mode and its Veteran mode feels like you accidentally walked into a raid instance by yourself.


    It is one thing to have to use your abilities (stuns, interrupts, defensive cooldowns), your environment (LoS, etc) and having to heal after every fight to get through a chapter.

    It is quite another to run into a brick wall because the enemies are putting out way too much damage (especially when compared to what they do in *all* the other chapters on Veteran mode).

    The fact that Acina seems more interested in dealing damage than healing you is also a factor.


    Specific things that need looking into to:

    - Acina's behaviour (as mentioned, when she is set as a Healer she appears to be more interested in combat than healing)

    - Primal Vine Cat damage (it is way too high (30K hits) especially when you factor in the little ones he spawns which also hit like trucks)

    - GenoHaradan at the shuttle (the "HK droid's" Assassinate ability hits way too hard for the way the encounter is set up (the enemies are spread out and with those probe droids slowing you down, it is impossible to get to all of the "HKs" before they kill your companion))

    - GenoHaradan Leader and Hunters in the temple (again, their damage is just too much when you factor in that you are being constantly slowed, stunned, pulled and pushed around the room and have no way to control the fight (not to mention the Leader's fire attack and insta kill ability :p))


    Please do look into this Bioware.


    (P.S: I have not completed Chapter 2 on Veteran mode. I tried. I really really tried. But it wasn't fun: it was frustrating and annoying. I had to raise Acina's affection level to 20 (a companion I won't even get to keep!). I spent about 2 million credits on repairs. I died more times on the 3 enemies listed above than in all of the other chapters put together. The last fight was impossible to do. Attempting this was not nice or fun. Chapter 2 needs fixing in Veteran mode.)

  3. I just abandoned the stream in disgust after watching 3 minutes of it...


    What were you thinking Bioware?

    Who was this person who has no idea of how to play a Sniper and knows next to nothing about the game?

    What made you think this was a good idea?


    Seriously, if this was the content I wanted in a live stream about KOTET I would have had my 12 year nephew play one of my level 65 characters and spout nonsense about how he thinks the game works while I watched him.

  4. Then i was doing BH, had a hard time healing the 3 boss and then we noticed a small droid that was popping from time to time on boss and pulsing with fire. After tank and melee dps started moving away from it, healing become easy. I never noticed that droid before, but then healing i do tend to pay less attention to such things (as long as i am not stand in them myself). Is it a glitch? Or was it always there?

    Hmmm... the only droid that appears in Blood Hunt on the Shae Vizla fight is the droid that pulls everyone in during the "fire maelstrom". That droid will die at the end of the maelstrom. You can also avoid getting pulled in if you kill the droid as soon as it becomes targetable (has very low health and a single attack will normally kill it).


    If you were seeing another droid, then it must have been a glitch. Or maybe someone had a droid pet out ;).

  5. I'd rather see a Republic / Empire tab at the top, with all of my characters visible when selecting a tab. Instead of having to click to make the list go to the right multiple times.

    This is an excellent suggestion and one I personally would approve of.

    The tabs could come into play once you reach a certain number of characters (6?) so that new players aren't left wondering what happened to their "other" character(s) ;).


    It could certainly be improved upon what is there now, definitely doesn't make use of screen real estate.


  6. my subscription will run out on October 18 of this year. before it does i had some questions that need answering and considering i didn't see answers to these on the faq.......

    I'll try and help.


    1. i have several characters with fully expanded inventories, extra cargo bays, and taking advantage of Outfit Designer with various slots. when my subscription runs out will i be able to retain what i have purchased in game or will they revert back to not being able to use said features?

    When your subscription runs out you will become a "Preferred Player". You will retain access to your expanded inventories, extra cargo bays and Outfit slots on your current characters (NOTE: if you purchased "account-wide" unlocks for the Inventory, Cargo Bay and Outfit slots, new characters you create while preferred will have access to them as well.)


    2. subscribers are supposed to get 500 Cartel Coins per month. as far as i know during this one time subscription i have only received one installment of 500. considering today's date matches the subscription end date (18) i was wondering when the next installment would occur?

    You normally receive the Cartel Coins grant a few days before your subscription renews. In other words, near the end of the subscribed month.


    3. once my subscription runs out i know i will no longer have access to all 8 character slots unless purchased with Cartel Coins. would it be possible to choose which characters go inactive without having to delete them to play with a newly created character?

    When you logon after your subscription has lapsed you will see a screen indicating you are now "Preferred". The Character Selection screen will show all your characters as inactive and you will have to choose which ones to activate. You can activate up to 6 characters as Preferred. Any additional characters slots you purchase will allow you to activate an additional *current* character. Only once you have activated all current characters will you be able to create a new character.


    4. considering i have access to certain expansions, namely Rise of the Hutt Cartel, Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen Empire, once a newly created character reaches level cap (55) would they still have access to play those expansions?

    Yes. Under the current system you retain access to all* content released up until the moment that your subscription ends. ((*)The only content you lose access to is Section X (where you get HK-51).)


    5. who could i address to recommend removing or raising the level and credit cap? for example, being a preferred player and having put real world money into the game yet not being able to financially subscribe 24/7 365 i feel that credit and level cap should be raised or removed or available as an unlock with Cartel Coins. someone who could make this happen needs to hear this.

    No idea about this. I can say it has been requested endlessly. I doubt it will ever happen though. The F2P/Preferred system is set up to lead you to subscribe (in other words, you aren't meant to stay F2P/Preferred forever :)).


    6. if a newly created character at level 55 still has access to the expansions, do the expansions stop leveling with the character? for example, at level 65 everything else is level 65. at level 55 would everything else stay level 55 also?

    I'm not really sure about what you are asking here but I will try and answer. Since all content is unlocked and you can reach level 65, content will be made available at the appropriate levels. So when you reach 53 you get to go to Makeb and 58 allows access to Oricon, Revan and KotFE (I believe those are the level ranges).


    thank you for your time and attention.


    Hope I helped.

  7. Would you consider returning the Character Selection screen back to having 8 visible characters as it was before the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire?



    When SWTOR launched on December 20th, 2011, there were 8 characters visible on the Character Selection screen.

    With the release of Knights of the Fallen Empire on October 27th, 2015, (almost 4 years after the initial launch), the number of visible characters on the Character Selection screen was reduced to 6.

    No explanation was given for the change (at any time since the launch). There was no mention of the change in any patch note.


    Could we please go back to having (at least) 8 characters visible on the Character Selection screen?

  8. I thought "wow what a great post, realizing the game for what it's become and realizing they aren't getting as much joy out of it as they thought they were anymore".


    Then the last part has me confused though ... if they did the change that you wanted it doesn't actually change anything for the rest of your post and thus you should still ideally unsub for the same reasons?


    You kind of shoot yourself in the foot in the end there with any point you were trying to make because it now reads as blackmail in the sense of "change the event to how I want it or I'll unsub!".


    You're right! It does read that way and to a certain extent it is true. But only to a certain extent.


    If this event wasn't limited to "new" characters I probably wouldn't have realized (at this time) that the game has nothing new for me and I would have happily gone on logging on everyday doing the same old same old for a while yet.


    That last line wasn't meant as "blackmail". It was an attempt to convey what I conveyed in the paragraph before this one. In other words, if this event wasn't limited to new characters I would have gone on playing.


    I'm actually kinda sad that it has come to this...

  9. I've had time to think about and rethink about this. Forget my previous suggestion.


    I won't be doing this event. I will stay subscribed until the last chapter of the current storyline/season/expansion is released (which should be another month) and then I will be letting my subscription lapse.


    I won't be doing this event because I have been here since Early Access and I have 8 main characters, 1 of each class, that I play. Those 8 were created during the first week of this game's public existence. I have 7 other characters that I have created over the past 4 and a half years (basically to try out the other Advanced Class) but I never play those characters (however, they still exist).

    Those 8 that I play forged the galaxy as I/we know it at this time.

    They are my Havoc Commander, my Emperor's Wrath, my Hero of Tython, my Barsenthor, my Darth Nox, my Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, my Cipher Nine, my Voidhound and all of them are my Outlander.

    Having to participate in an event where my main characters are locked out of the event is just not an option for me.


    The reason I will be letting my subscription lapse is that I have finally come to the conclusion that apart from the current KOTFE storyline there really isn't anything new for me in this game. I really have seen and done it all.

    Unfortunately, it took the announcement of this event for me to realize that. This event has taken the concept of "same old same old" to whole new heights.


    The only thing that will/would change my mind is this new event not being limited to "new" characters. Since that won't happen......

  10. Is it possible to "resurrect" old characters? I have few 56 level chars I wanted to level later. It would be nice to skip the char creation and just recreate the char with the same settings and play this event. Of course, I could delete the char and hope that the name stays with me and I also choose the same settings :-).


    Do the following:

    - Take the character in question to an "Appearance Designer" console and take note of the various settings.

    - Sell everything that is on that character and that cannot be placed in your Legacy hold (all the stuff that is bound). Place the rest in your Legacy hold. Essentially you want to leave your character naked.

    - Take note of the amount of money you have and send it all to another character. Logout.

    - Logon to the character you sent the money to and retrieve the money. Logout.

    - On the Character Selection screen, select the character you want to delete and DELETE it.

    - Create a new character using the settings you took note of in the Appearance Designer and use the same name you had before. Since you took note of the settings, creating the new character should take less than a minute and the name should still be available.

    - As soon as you can, Escape out of the initial conversation/cut scene and logout.

    - Logon to the character that received the money and send it back to the newly created character. Logout.

    - Logon to the new character, go the mailbox and retrieve your money and any other in-game e-mails you may have received.


    You just "resurrected" your old character.

  11. I've posted this before and will post it again...


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

    Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

  12. I've posted this before and will post it again...


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

    Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

  13. I've posted this before and will post it again...


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

    Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

  14. I've posted this before and will post it again...


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

    Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

  15. I've posted this before and will post it again...


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

    Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.

  16. I'm sorry but you need to rethink this.


    Basically all that needs to be done to reach "Eternal Level" is fine, as it simply involves creating 2 new characters:

    Get a "new" character to 25/50/65, get valor level 5 and complete the Eternal Championship? Not a problem.

    Get a "new" character to complete all content up to and including KOTFE? Not a problem.

    Get a "new" Alliance and a "new" Imperial character to 65 and do the story FlashPoints and complete all Flashpoints in Solo/Tactical mode? Not a problem.


    But to reach "Legendary Level" you basically have to redo everything on a "new" character: relevel all 8 classes; relevel all 6 crafting skills; redo every Flashpoint in Hard Mode; go kill the world bosses again; redo every single event; gear up and do Operations; find 5 new datacrons; and more...


    Are you really asking that I shelve the 8 character I have (1 of each class) and that I have played since Early Access? Characters that I am attached to? Characters that have things that are no longer available in game? Characters that are important to me?

    Are you really asking me (and everyone else in the same position) to shelve them and start over?


    I'm sorry but you really need to rethink this.


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would be fair.

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


    You should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). You're doing it with the Eternal Championship where you require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


    The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).


    As it stands, it feels like you are punishing long time players...

  17. DarthYunman,


    They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




    I'm sorry, but have you looked at all the requirements for reaching Legendary? Really looked at them?


    Are you really asking that I shelve the 8 character I have (1 of each class) and that I have played since Early Access? Characters that I am attached to? Characters that have things that are no longer available in game? Characters that are important to me?

    Are you really asking me (and everyone else in the same position) to shelve them and start over?


    I'm sorry but you need to rethink this.


    Basically all that needs to be done to reach "Eternal Level" is fine, as it simply involves creating 2 new characters:

    Get a "new" character to 25/50/65, get valor level 5 and complete the Eternal Championship? Not a problem.

    Get a "new" character to complete all content up to and including KOTFE? Not a problem.

    Get a "new" Alliance and a "new" Imperial character to 65 and do the story FlashPoints and complete all Flashpoints in Solo/Tactical mode? Not a problem.


    But to reach "Legendary Level" you basically have to redo everything on a "new" character: relevel all 6 crafting skills; redo every Flashpoint in Hard Mode (I already have the 100% completion achievement for every single FP !!!(with the exception of "Battle of Rishi" (no one wants to do the bonus boss :()))); go kill the world bosses again; redo every single event; gear up and do Operations; find 5 new datacrons; and more...


    I'm sorry but you really need to rethink this.


    The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

    1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would be fair.

    2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy.

    3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character.


    As it stands, it feels like you are punishing long time players... :(

  18. ...

    I believe MOST people who end up in group content through group finder as the "wrong" spec are simply unaware of the fact that both boxes were checked by default by the game. When I see someone do this in my group I'll tell them they need to uncheck the role they didn't mean to queue as. Most people will use this knowledge going forward and it didn't require calling them a noob or insta-kicking them. But I'm all for kicking people who do it on purpose to get a faster queue (as has been mentioned above, this is unnecessary in tacticals, but I have still seen it sometimes in HMFPs). If they're so impatient for pops, they should role a tank or healer. The gigantic ratio imbalance of dps to heals/tanks is the whole reason we have these terrible tactical FPs in the first place.


    I just don't understand how the game is unable to recognize that you chose the tank/heal AC or the dps AC and it just can't default you to the one role. That simple act of defaulting some people to two roles has probably ruined so many people's experiences in "bad" groups and possibly the game as a whole.



    I believe this is true as well.


    A few day ago I had (for the first time, I might add) a player (lvl25 playing a sorcerer) at the start of a Tactical actually admit that they were not a healer and that they were Lightning and they couldn't understand why the game kept putting them into Tacticals as a healer. A quick explanation later about unselecting Heal in the GF window and thank yous were shared in Party and all was well.


    It would be nice if players would communicate more instead of just staying silent.


    As an example of lack of communication leading to an unpleasant experience:

    had a level 30 Assassin quit a Tactical halfway through. He didn't say anything, he just left. Out of curiosity, I whispered him asking why. He replied saying that he was the tank and everyone else kept pulling (the rest of the party was all lvl65) and he left in frustration. I apologised (I hadn't even noticed that he was set as a Tank, my bad) and explained that so many times players aren't Tanks but queue as such for Tacticals that most of the time players just ignore the icon (as I had done). Suggested that when he gets into the next Tactical he just say at the start "Hi. Real Tank here. Please let me do the pulling so I can practice.". I was expecting to get blown off but he replied that he would give it a try. He whispered me about an hour later: he had done as I suggested and done 2 Tacticals where others had let him tank and he was happy.


    Communication is key.


    The real problem is when from lvl50 onwards they start queuing for HMs, leave both roles checked, are unable to fulfil the Heal/Tank role and refuse to admit that they are doing anything wrong (worse, 9 out of 10 times they will actually have the gall to insult the party for calling them out on what they are doing). I few pages back I posted how I deal with fake Tanks in HMs: I have a zero-tolerance policy in HMs. They are showing no respect for the other players in the group and as such I feel no obligation to cater to their "I'm a special snowflake" mentality.

  19. ...

    The reason why healer symbol show ups is because that class can "off heal" so technically it can fill a heal nitch if needed be but not in the truest sense obviously.



    Actually, the reason why the healer symbol shows up is because the player has the "Healer" role selected in the Group Finder Window. The same applies to the Tank symbol.


    The game will not place the symbol on a player just because their class can heal or tank. The player has to have the role selected.

  20. Hello,


    Just had the weirdest thing happen: (times listed below are known because I have time stamps on in Preferences)

    1) I joined the GF queue, queuing for Hard Modes only, at 11:09:11 AM.

    2) At 11:40:44 I get a pop.

    3) I'm looking at the composition of the group and am about to click on "Accept" when...

    4) At 11:40:49 (5 seconds later!) the GF window disappears and in chat I see "Your group finder invite has expired. You have been removed from the queue."


    Screenshot: http://oi63.tinypic.com/jqj1qb.jpg


    After 30 minutes in the queue as a DPS, this little feature was not appreciated.

  21. ...

    Also regarding DPS behaviour. I've just came back tot eh game after 2(?) years of absence, hit 65, bought 208 tank gear and the first thing I've noticed is that people don't give a s**** about kill order. I have to run from one ranged mob to other to stop them from annihilating healer while ALSO taunting golds from DPS which are relentlessly pounding it. And they refuse to listen or even acknowledge when I ask them to burn weaker mobs first.



    Step 1: Tell them not to attack the Golds while other enemies are still alive.

    Step 2: If they keep it up, whisper the healer not to heal them as they are about to learn a lesson "the hard way".

    Step 3: Leap at the Gold but don't hit it. If the DPS attack the Gold, let them attack it. Go deal with the Strongs/Normals/Weaks until the DPS die. Taunt the Gold. Kill the Gold.

    Step 4: Tell the DPS they'll live longer if they don't attack the Gold while other enemies are still alive.

    Step 5: Repeat steps 3 and 4 until they learn (or leave in a rage; either is a win :)).


    Works wonders. ;)

  22. I'd find people like that funnier if I had less painful/bad/needlessly difficult/toxic experiences because of them :/


    I wonder how many /ignore lists he's on by now?


    Probably one of those...errrmmm..."Little boys whom God made extra-special"...who queues DPS as tank to get faster pops and then waits until the last second on loot rolls so he can "need" the drop out from under the person that actually needs it, and then either insta-drops group or hurf-blurfs "Because I'm a tank!" when called on it.


    (Just in case I haven't made it clear in the past: I really, really flippin' despise "tanks" like that, and if this game allowed me to do so, then I'd be putting every possible effort into griefing them as hard as possible, as much as possible, for as long as possible until they quit the game for good. But then, lack of community-enforceable consequences for being a **** is why we have so many idiots like that in the first place in most MMOs anymore...)


    For the past few weeks, I've been doing the following In Hard Modes (not in Tacticals, in Tacticals I don't really care): as soon as we zone in, I've taken to inspecting the Tank.

    Just a quick look to see if they are in the correct stance and have gear with tank stats.


    If I see nothing amiss, I say nothing.


    If I do, I'll say in party chat, "<Tank_Name>: Please switch to tank stance and/or equip your tank gear." depending on what is missing.

    Until they acknowledge either I don't move/take part in the initial FP conversation.

    Sometimes, (rarely :(), they will switch stance/equip gear and apologize for the mistake. I understand, these things happen, and we move on.

    Most of the time they do neither or *worse*, they'll switch to tank stance and nothing else (no acknowledgement of the mistake, no switching to tank gear).

    If they did neither (or only switched stance) I'll repeat my request.

    If after a few more seconds they still don't correct things, or more likely try to defend themselves ("I don't need tank gear", "This is easy", "I'm bolstered NOOB" (!!!), etc.) I do the following:

    1) type in party chat: "<Tank_Name>: This is a Hard Mode. In future, if you're not a Tank, don't queue as a tank for Hard Modes."

    2) initiate a vote kick with the reason "not a tank".


    7 out of 10 times, it will go through (and I'll get a "thank you" whisper from the healer), the "Tank" is kicked, we continue with a companion tank until we get a new tank and all is well.


    The other times, I ask the group if they are really willing to go through the hassle of not having a tank in a Hard Mode.

    If I'm greeted with silence, (or replies along the lines of "just move", "shut up", "we can do this", "stop being a wuss/noob/whatever", etc.), I'll request a kick on myself and just stand there ("why not just leave?" you ask, well I don't see why I should get a 15 minute lock out because someone else isn't following the rules). Generally a kick on me will follow and I'll wish them luck and be back in the queue a few seconds later waiting for my DPS pop.

    Sometimes, (rarely :(), someone else in the group will see the light and put in a new vote kick on the "Tank"; I vote; "Tank" is kicked; we continue with a companion tank until we get a new tank.


    Since I've started doing this:

    - I've had mostly uneventful/fun Hard Mode runs.

    - most non-tanks have been kicked before we even started and the runs have been uneventful after that (and we generally get a new tank within a few minutes).

    - I've been kicked twice. (As an aside: while waiting in the queue I monitored those groups using \who: both times the groups left the instance within 10-15 minutes :(.)


    It really is that simple.

    Put the "non-tanks" on the spot but don't be rude. Don't call them names. Just ask them to create the conditions necessary to fulfilling their role. If they are unable/unwilling to comply, explain to them what they did wrong and kick them. If the group is unwilling to kick him, stick to your guns and have them kick you. Either way, its a win.


    This really should be standard practice. The sooner non-tanks realize they cannot get away with their behavior the sooner they will cease to exist.


    (As an aside: DPS that queue as healers are a little harder to spot at the start, but the lack of healing will soon become evident. Don't be afraid to put them on the spot as well and kick them if needed. Better a companion healer than a non-healer.)

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