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Everything posted by Nightfrogger

  1. I whole heartily approve of this. And was glad no one else was in the break room when I opened that picture up lol
  2. Also of note, all of those shots taking with Grania those are her Quinn. I thought her's looked awesome so made him the star in the shots
  3. We gave a stab at him today and let me say... killer-champion Rakghoul 0 Disantia + Grania + 2 Quinn's 1
  4. Adventures in Rakghoul Tunnel with Grania Rakghoul Tunnels Rakghoul Tunnels Pond
  5. Look who I found on Odessen this morning. Grania and her handsome Quinn Hanging out with friends on Odessen
  6. Ask and you shall receive Kaon Under Siege The Battle of Ilum The Battle of Ilum General Hesker Edition The Foundry The Foundry HK-47 Edition The Foundry Revan Edition
  7. Running flashpoints on Disantia, will see if I can find any more good shots in them
  8. As promised Quinn Sight Seeing Lammia Edition Alderaan Ilum More Ilum Maelstorm Prison Quesh Rakata Prime More Rakata Prime Yavin 4 Yavin 4 Waterfall Edition Yavin 4 Spelunking Edition Sorry my Trooper borrowed him again...
  9. Am going around taking a few sight seeing pictures Lammia edition Hope you like hun Will post them when I get some good ones
  10. My brother has the same nose as Customization 5 Quinn. Brown eyes, very dark brown hair he keeps longer. He scored all of the native american genes that skipped the rest of us kids and is tanner then I can ever be and he used to wear eye liner in high school. So I look at this customization and go oh my god is my brother lol.
  11. I wasn’t hurt or anything no worries hun was just trying to be silly, but it is so hard to judge a persons tone over a typed message, so sorry about that *hugs all around* You will probably laugh why I do not prefer the Quinn you use truth be told lol... he reminds me of my little brother. Was meaning to respond much sooner but my partner called in sick today so I have to run the lab by myself tonight they brought in 2 hours worth of samples right as you replied
  12. Means I actually get to have real sleep again. Not going anywhere as far as this game goes
  13. And on a different note, about to start my last graveyard shift for... who knows how long this time. I go back to day shift on Friday
  14. Hey now nothing wrong with the two large freckles on your cheek like that.... I have two like that myself... but mine are under my right eye instead of my left.
  15. Thanks for posting the Dulfy thing on the live stream, missed it and was wondering where people were getting the returning character info. Also had to laugh about them working on the Arcann romance... well time to roll a character for that lol.
  16. I can give you the warning about the betrayal if you want to give game quotes, there are a rediculous number of things he says depending on your choices, what you pick before the fight changes what he says after. I had to watch I think 8 different you tubes of it to see all of the dialog options. So you can probably find something you can make work with your headcannon. I know I did Yes, I know my betrayal is way different then what Neil was thinking, but when I wrote it at the time I thought it could have been a valid possibility with so much clouding the whole affair. I am happy with where mine is and am not planning on changing it. I am remembering a lecture in college about finding meanings in written works. Technically from a litterary stand point if you can come up with meaning in something and back it up with the story it is valid, reguardless of what the author intended. The whole is Moby Dick just a story about whaling or is it a satire of christianity arguement. Same idea.
  17. Nice to read his thoughts on it...but I am sticking with my story It is cannon enough for me
  18. Do I need to hide my Quinn clone then? He is romancing Kaliyo... I know I know, she does get a lot of hate. But when you think about it, for as crazy as the Sith warrior can be, is Kaliyo really that far of a stretch? Also on another note, found out yesterday that I go back to day shift next week Yay normal people hours I might see the sun again lol
  19. Lammia I think your Quinn got a bit lost... I found him wandering around in the Ruined Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He did try to shoot at me being as I was on my Trooper when I found him, but was able to talk him down. So my question is where do I send him to go home? The Two Majors He followed me... Come on... the space port is right there...
  20. I suppose if you really wanted to rub his nose in it, you could make him craft something with those scavenged goods afterwards. It made me laugh too.
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