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Everything posted by Vecke

  1. To be clear, I don't mind the changes he's made. I don't mind remakes of my favorite movies or bad movies based on my favorite books. I still have the original, so I don't care what they do with some other version. My problem is George's attempts to take away the original. That's the offense, in my opinion. He's not adding to history. He's replacing it. As new forms of media evolve, we can get all the great classics on Blu Ray, from old TV shows to old movies. But not the original Star Wars. He wants to force us to buy and watch the tinkered ones. As a writer and an artist, I find that a little repugnant.
  2. Perfectly valid opinion. I disagree, but it's probably just because that moment holds a special place for me. It just felt like a punch in the face. The "No!" sounds dubbed in, cheesy, and weak (again, just my opinion). Personally, I wish Lucas would just remake episodes 4, 5, and 6. Now, before everyone comes after me with Force FX lightsabers, I want him to remake them so he can have films that match up perfectly to the prequels... thereby leaving the films I grew up with alone. A remake doesn't replace the original. I still have the original Clash of the Titans, the original Fright Night, and the original Conan the Barbarian, even though there were remakes. But what Lucas is doing is far worse than a remake. He's erasing the movie I love. He's replacing it with something I don't like and making the one I love unavailable. I just think that's a shame. If the originals aren't the movies he "always wanted to make" then he should make those movies and leave the originals alone. I find it ironic that he's doing this when he stood so strongly against colorization because he said it defaced the art of the original.
  3. Just want to say, this post is awesome. Thanks for the smile.
  4. Isn't your second example exactly how you say it should be from your first example, just with forum arguing filtered in? To suggest the "GET OUT TROLL" reaction is the reason an MMO fails is a bit of a jump. Every forum I've ever been on - ever - has had the exact same thing. I could go to any game forum... any one... and post I love a game. I'll have a dozen people calling me a fanboy and telling me the game sucks. If I post - in that same forum - that a game stinks, I'll get a dozen people calling me a troll and telling me to quit. If that happens on every single forum, whether the game is a massive success or a massive failure, I'd say the one has very little to do with the other. Bottom line, if you don't like a game, you have two choices. Stay with the game, keep paying, and continue to give feedback on the hope it gets fixed. Quit the game and only come back if it gets fixed. Forum bickering is going to happen no matter what. It's the nature of the beast. I personally saw that it was like that on SWG, STO, AoC, EQ, EQ2, WoW, DDO, DCUO, and LOTRO. And I'm very certain it'll happen on every MMO to come out in the future.
  5. The most you could "waste" is $60. After that, you know exactly what the game is and it's up to you whether or not to continue playing. As for me, I'm absolutely loving the game. It's well worth the price of a sub for me, so I'll be continuing. I do respect the fact that you disagree. Honestly, if I didn't like it, maybe you should consider cutting your losses and choose not to pay to continue. That's really where you stand. It stinks that you paid 60 bucks for a game you don't like, but at this point, you don't have to spend another dime if you don't want to. The good news is that now that you've purchased the game, you don't have to buy it again later if you change your mind. You can just wait until it is the game you hope it becomes. Then you can play it and get your money's worth. If it's not good enough for you now, cancel. Come back when it is good enough.
  6. For me, it boils down to Vader screaming "NO!" at the end. On the surface, that seems like a small reason, but it's really a bigger deal than you might think. That moment was the climax of the entire Star Wars saga. That was - for me - the single most powerful moment in the entire saga. Vader's silent sacrifice was (again, for me) one of the single most powerful moments in film history. To add that "NO!" is just, in my opinion, completely unnecessary and actually removes the power of that moment. Now, when I watch that scene... THE scene I watch the entire saga to get to... I'm immediately pulled out of the story by a badly rehash of a scream from an earlier film. It was a completely unnecessary change that cheapened what was my all time favorite scene in all of Star Wars. So that's why the blu ray edition of star wars is the only one I won't own.
  7. Personally, I'm okay with Hayden's acting. I strongly suspect it was the directing and the writing that tied his hands. I think anybody playing Anakin would have come off just as badly. I mean, Lucas just isn't very good at writing dialogue. A famous story from the making of Empire was Harrison Ford storming into Lucas' office and saying, "George, you can write this ****, but you can't say it." The difference is Kirshner directed Empire and he allowed Ford to do quite a bit of improv in that film (the famous "I know" line was complete improv from Ford). I strongly suspect Lucas wasn't so compromising with the prequel actors. Just my opinion. I'm not saying anybody else is wrong here, as it's just opinions.
  8. The saddest music on the Episode 3 soundtrack is the Order 66 piece, I think. Maybe try to youtube Revenge of the Sith Soundtrack Order 66"?
  9. A little follow up here, I agree Anakin was a whiny punk for much of the prequels. I just happen to think it fits pretty well.
  10. "Stop that! That's my dinner!" "I'm stuck in this slimy mudhole!" "I don't know why I can't see Yoda now!" "I don't know what I'm doing here!" "I am ready! Ben, tell him I'm ready!" "That's not true! That's impossible!" I guess I'm being a little snarky here. My apologies. I'm just pointing out that - in my very humble opinion - in the whiny brat war, Luke wins, hands down.
  11. "But I was going into Toche station and pick up some power converters!" "Looks like I'm going nowhere!" "What a piece of junk!" "I thought you said this thing was fast!"
  12. I saw the first Star Wars in theaters back in the late 70's and have been a tool for Star Wars ever since. My expectations for the prequels weren't incredibly high. I just hoped for some good movies to revisit the universe I loved when I was a kid, and that's what I got. Here's the thing that surprised me about the public's reaction. I saw the midnight show of all three prequels when they were released. In Episode 1, the audience LOVED it. When the scroll started, the crowd applauded, and they maintained that throughout the film. They cheered the Jedi when they were slicing through battle droids. They LOVED it when Qui Gon started cutting through the door. There were several comments about the beauty when they were swimming to meet Boss Nass. There were gasps when Qui Gon met his fate, and cheers when Maul met his. Those people left the theater completely high with how much they loved that movie. Then, a week later, those same people were arguing with me that it was awful. Now, I understand how sometimes you can think about something more and change your opinion on it, but I've never seen it so dramatic and so fast. The same thing happened with Episode 2. I just find it very odd.
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