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Posts posted by Darth_Paddy

  1. Will you stop with this dramatic "Tanking is dead" nonsense.


    Tanking is still very viable and even more necessary now due to the healing nerfs. More than ever good tanks who know how to use their guard and put out their de-taunts (very effective in pvp) are needed.


    Tank characters can still take massive amounts of damage before dying compared to other classes. It will take a playstyle adjust for sure (by both players and their teams)but can still be done.


    Yes i agree that defensive stats in this game are not been made as useful as they should but please stop this "the sky is failing" crap. The mechanics pre patch allowed some classes to run around almost immortal with very little ability, it needed to be toned down.

  2. I voted Full 3D - Space battles - its something i have wanted since beta.


    However due to the lack of description i would like add my vote is for spaceships/space combat to be part of the whole game, AKA Open world PVP type.


    If its just some instanced Warzone space battle you can keep it....



    I would also like to see the capitol ship battles but i guess this could be done as a progression to the full 3D space combat and maybe have them both eventually in the same battle!!


    Large groups of smaller ships all player controlled attcking a large captitol ship would be soooo much fun!!

  3. Hey Bro, I enjoy watching your streams, keep it up.


    A question and a favor from you.


    Favor: Do you mind giving screen shots of your stats, melee, def + force? wanna compare.


    Q: while watch your vid i see you put up Dark Ward a lot, i dont believe even once did i see the 8 charges even drop to 7 in all your combat. Are you using sheild or focus?

  4. There was a thread i suscribed to before on this topic. This was the OP's suggestions: (full credit to OP NephilimNexus , not mine)



    Instead of arbitrarily setting flat ranges for every weapon, I think it would be more realistic to simply give weapons values for accuracy over range.


    Meaning that every blaster wouldn't be the same flat 30m. Rather, range would be (in theory) as far as you can target but effective range would be around 30m for normal blaster rifles. Firing within effective range would give you your normal full chance to hit. Firing beyond that would result in geometric drop in accuracy as the range-to-target increases.


    For extra realism, tweak the weapons themselves to reflect this. Scatterguns would be the lowest, say 10 to 15m of effective range. Pistols would be next, 20 to 25m. Blaser rifles and assault guns would fall into the 30 to 40m range and sniper rifles would naturally be the longers, at least 40 to 50m (or more) for their effective range.


    So if your chance to hit drops by, say, 5% per meter past your effective range, then yes you could try to hit a target standing at 50m with your blaster pistol, but you'd be 60% less likely to hit. A sniper rifle, on the other hand, would have normal chances.


    Final note (to keep snipers from becoming game-killers): Give weapons a minimum range as well, with penalties for firing too close. Same formula but in reverse, with pistols & scatterguns having no minimum range penatlies at all. Rifles & assault guns having a small minimum range, say 5 to 10 meters and snipers the largest bracket of around 10 to 20 meters.


    This would create more interesting tactics, I believe.

  5. Yeah the CC in this game is out of control. There is no intelligence behind it 90% of the time, its just spam spam spam spam...there is no drawback to using it, so just spam it out there. It needs to be toned down.


    I don’t care if its a stun/root/snare/knockback/mind trap or kick in the nuts, its all CC and causes characters to be chain CC'd easily for 15 seconds plus straight all while getting beat on by multiple people.


    The system needs a rework.

  6. I REALLY hate that pebble stuff. Maybe it's the sub par UI the game has for PVP but once I start getting him with that stuff my ability casting becomes really bad. Even trying to cast instant abilities to interrupt takes a few seconds sometimes because the charactor becomes so unresponsive.


    I dont find the lightning nearly as bad though for some reason, which is strange if they are supposed to be the same with just different animations.


    Anyone else the same?

  7. Seriously, this is what your whining and complaining about...that people with better gear are harder to play against?.


    It take about 2 weeks to get yourself geared in champion once you pop 50, thats it. It's not that hard to do. Most other MMO takes a lot longer and more work to get your PVP gear then it does in swtor, be grateful.


    I think the bigger problem fresh 50's have is lack of experience at higher level gameplay. I have an alt, and do the lower bracket WZ's with it and sorry to say the quality of the gameplay is atrocious compared to lvl 50. Yes the gear also makes a difference but do not think for a minute the level you played at 1-49 is anything like 50's. You need to relearn how your playing.

  8. This is SOOOO frustrating.


    I have 2 of these as an Assasin, the one to break the CC and another vanish utility, both hot keyed on their on keys. How many times I have being pressing and pressing them, watching the icon pressing on my local machines toolbar and....nothing. Or maybe after about 5 seconds of pressing it will activate.


    Please investigate this BW.

  9. Yep, very valid points.


    The difference between champion and BM gear is pathetic, BM is harder to get and should reflect this. Minimum 5% difference, especially now we have brackets.


    Range in this game is king, there is no draw back at all. SWG had a great system they could of implemented that actually forces range users to.....fight at range. Make weapons have an optimal range with chance to hit decreasing outside it & have a minimum range set on the weapons. Not just stand there spamming one button over & over.


    As for resolve, LOL. It has serious issues and definite needs tweaking. At least the system is in the game so they can just modify it, rather then us have to wait for a completely new one.

  10. That voltaic slash reduces the GCD of abilities down to 1 second while in surging charge.


    For a melee DPS spec it is currently far too slow and clunky, there is little fluidity to the combat. Between the 1.5 GCD + lag + reaction time + waiting on animations = about 2 seconds between abiities. 2 seconds is an age in PVP, especially for a melee when I have everything hot keyed.

  11. I'm definitely with you on the commendations thing. I got 60 valor about 2 weeks ago and I have lots of them, but and they are completely useless to me. I would love to trade them up for BM ones, even if its a horrible exchange rate, just to do something with them.


    Its also got the same way for me with my Warzone commendations (merc + warzone)...what am i supposed to do with them as a BM?. Even if it cost 500/500 for a BM token then fine...just let me do something useful with them.

  12. It would make sense in a single-player game, sure. In an MMO that has to be concerned with both PVE and PVP balance? Absolutely not.


    Yes it has been implemented in other MMO's. As already stated it is very similar to the system that was implemented by Star Wars Galaxies and it worked well. It actually forces ranged abilities to be used at range. At the moment there is no disadvantage, range is king. This system brings more balance between melee and ranged characters.

  13. I was going to make a new post on this topic but this thread is already here. BW this is something you really need to consider, especially the minimum range on heavy hitting ranged weapon. At the moment range just has no dis-advantage. It would also remove the "stand still one button spamming setups" that have unfortunately evolved.
  14. Yeah i don't even have it hot keyed. I have it on the left hot bar out of the way and the ONLY time i ever use it as a Deception Assassin is when standing in front of a door that has had our bomb planted on it in the warzone. Even then its just for interference, i dont even count the damage it might do..
  15. Haha - that video is funny...goes to show what many are complaining about.


    I rolled a bounty hunter alt myself and so far I am at a much lower level than the person in this video, but from the start i have felt more powerful and find it much easier to play than my Deception Assassin....yet i wont give up on my Assassin :)

  16. Great to hear this is getting the attention it deserves, for me its the biggest complaint i have. The ability lag is horrendous sometimes, especially in PVP.


    While on the topic of improving the responsiveness, have you/Bioware discussed decreasing the Global Cool Down time on abilities?.


    I play a melee DPS (Deception Assassin) and find the current 1.5 seconds GCD too long. It takes away from the fluidity of melee combat, especially in PVP where it is much faster paced.


    The 1.5sec GCD might be fine for ranged classes, but melee DPS is a different style of play and i feel lowering this to 1 second GCD would make the combat feel much smoother.

  17. Well im not sure if your reffering to me or Redcoat but i am certainly not trying to troll anyone.


    I'm a deception spec Assassin and as such very squishy/light armoured. Stealth is a big part of our charactor, and it think it senseless that the only defensive buff i have kicks me out of stealth. There is no need for it, its just really annoying.


    I have buffs/abilities to increase my damage which dont break stealth, i even have offensive abilities to affect/disable other players that don't break stealth, yet my defensive buff does???.


    This just seems an oversight to me.

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