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Everything posted by Thuggie

  1. This is what you do. This is why I strongly recommend treating everyone you meat in pugs like garbage. Constantly point other peoples flaws out. Cuss at them when they mess up. Laugh at their gear. Over all make them feel like a child. If they kick you who cares eventually you will find a group that won't take it personally. Then I would suggest rolling a sage, that way if anyone in the group has anything to say about your potty mouth, don't wait from them to remove you just run up right behind the tank and rescue him. As soon as he dies click exit area. Once the dust settles tell them you are sorry you fat fingered your rescue. By this time they will all be complaining, get in there rinse repeat. Sure you will be removed, but you know what being removed from a FP sucks, but the laughter from the process of elimination = priceless
  2. Some of you are correct that it may be working for 95% of people and 5% of people are affected by this lingering bug; however, every patch that Star Wars puts out has this issue, and it is getting very old quickly. You can reasonably say anything you would like to in order to defend bioware as a company, but the lack of actually being able to patching anything once and be done with it is very unprofessional. Every patch has to have another patch to either fix the current patch, or reapply what the current patch was suppose to incorporate. I have played quite a few MMO's, currently I invest time into rift and star wars. Star Wars has some great ideas for PVP, while Rift has the end game, the player base, and Trion cares for its player base unlike any other game developer out there. With that being said trion, rarely, releases a patch which does not do exactly what it was intended to do. To me the 95% affected / not affect would prove true with trion; however with Bioware, I do not feel this is true. In fact, I feel they put things in the patch notes which they know are not fixed simply to make it appear as they are working on something, which they are not. To you fanbois who would like to defend this game with the 1.7 million people. They don't have that any more. Sadly the hardcore players find this game boring, and uneventful. The casual players loved the story line, but the end game offers nothing for them to stay entertained at all. So yeah 1.7 million, is a false number, but then again you would believe anything Bioware says. They could say 3.7 million and you people would think that is true. Face it after this game is a year old the only people who will be playing this game are you, the fanboys. Everyone else would have moved on to guild wars 2, tera online, or return to the games in which they used to play. WoW, Rift, EQ2 so on and so forth. So, defend away. But, while you are defending ask yourself, better yet, see the game from another perspective. When you hit 50 what can you honestly do? Flashpoints? Operations, or PVP. You may say that you can do space missions, but they are the same ole missions with new skins. Not to mention, you have been doing space combat since lvl 15? All in all this game gets a 3 out of 10 from me. It has great single player action, and good pvp with the potential to be great, but it lacks a developmental team that knows what it is doing, it lacks content, fluff, and the since of adventure once you finish your class quest.
  3. This patch is just full of nastiness. First the valor gain when people worked so hard to get where they are, and you give it to them. Second the Q times for 50 are freaking huge now, I appreciate that, now i have nothing to do. You added a new hardmode zone. Good job fking up the rest of the game.
  4. Ive read alot of these posts, and have been playing mmos for over half of my life. With that being said I would like to comment on some of the things people have been saying. One gentleman said he would rank this game a 6. Really, I mean maybe in 1987 but this is 2012 graphics far exceed anything this game has to offer. The cut scenes, they are cool I guess. I mean after first it was like yeah this is awesome. But then it becomes so repetitive that you end up just space baring through everything all together. So the interest there is short live. The pvp. PVP the warzones are completely awesome, in my opinion its the most fun thing in the game. However, the character animation studder, the cc, and the afkers ruin this whole experience. But, meh I leveled to 50 anyway with all of these issues. I got to 50 started doing hardmodes. And while i can do them with my guild, no average player will ever be able to complete one in a pug, its just not going to happen. Each boss has mechanics that take some coordination, and without it you hit the rage time and everyone goes splat anyway. Agro in this game is in my opinion lacking. I play with an extremely good tank, but even with guard I can pull off him if I choose to. Sometimes if I don't choose to. Someone also said this game isn't better than rift. Ok please explain why its not? Rift has a soul system, it has good graphics, it has a responsive team on the forums, the only thing it doesn't have is a cut scene that you have to wait on everyone to get through in an instance, and honestly I think I could do without those RP scenes. Remember in WoW when you first killed the Lich King you were like oh man yeye, then you saw the video. After the first time how many people just exited out of the video or afked during the video. Is this game fun, sure it is. Is it the next big thing, not to most veteran mmo players.
  5. I think you are over exaggerating. I am lvl 50 rank 32, with 14k hp, and no class is a problem for me, even healers aren't a huge issue 1v1. In the situation you are speaking of I would pop resolve, then pop force camo. You are doing 2 things here. You are forcing them to drop your target and chance are they will target someone else, and you are making yourself gain the upper hand. Once you use force camo run up behind them and master strike. The first 2 hits of master strike is usually all you will be able to get off, but thats about 2400 points worth of damage, and another 2k+ if you finish the cast, but most the time they end up knocking me back. Once this happens follow up with force leg, then leg slash, if they are a heal saber throw to get the healing debuff on them. I am combat, so when I force leap back in I follow up with zealous strike ( to give me self enough focus for the KO combo ). Now I am combat despite what the baddies say on here, i feel it is the top dps in the game atm. If you stack crit and surge, you will rock the heck out of everything. You will white hit for 2500+ and you will blade storm for close to 4k on a low hit and 4k+ on a high hit. Anyhow after zealous strike you should pop the armor pen buff ( i forget the ability name ) followed by the ability that give you an extra chance to proc atura form. Then you follow up with blade storm. By then the person should be dead if not then use what comes off cool down first. If its one of those fights you might die, wait til 10% health and pop the cool down the takes half your life but makes you immune ( pretty much ) to all damage for 5 secs. Once you pop this ability pop a stiim and BAM you are back up to 20% ish. If you don't have your target dead by now then there is something you are doing wrong. Also as I said im combat when I use force camo it removes all roots, snares etc. The only thing I have any issue with is the cc in this game. But, even that is not game breaking
  6. DPS Meters or not. Enough has been said. I have read these 33 pages, and the countless other pages that have to do with this topic. With that being said it makes me say wow. The people who don't want them have no concept of anything other than what they want and the people who do want them have no concept of what other people want. You are both selfish. This solves nothing, all you guys are doing is debating why they should be there, should not be there. This is not a solution just a debate no different than which came first, "the chicken or the egg." If I were a Bioware employee, this is how I would resolve the issue. I would create a dps meter ( not a combat log (much like the one in Warzones )). I would give you 3 options with this dps meter. 1. Check this box if you are wanting to view your and only your damage done per an encounter. Meaning, you and only you would be able to see your own dps. This will appease the people who want to be able to min. / max. but do not want other people to look at a combat log and see what his top damage done was, or to get a basic idea of what his rotation was. 2. Check this box if you do not want yourself or others to see your damage done per an encounter. This options works like the anon command used to work in EQ1. In short it stops you from seeing your dps, but more importantly it stops other from seeing your dps and commenting on it. This will appease the people who do not want combat meters. 3. Check this box if you would like to view your damage done and share this information with other members or your ( make more options ) raid, guild, group. This will appease the hardcore type who like to have top dpsers, healers, etc in the guild. This tool will also appeal to guild leaders / raid leader who are expecting the best of its players. Most hardcore guilds will enforce you to check 3, but, if you are in one of these hardcore guilds you should more than likely expect it none the less. If you are a casual player or in a "fun" guild you could check 1 or 2 and live the rest of your life in this mmo without any further complications. As for me I would make people click 3, doesn't matter to me. If you are bad I will remove you from my group. Call me what you will. But, ultimately its my choice. When I join a group or a raid, people know that I will be giving 100%, because I will research my class, I will theory craft. It is completely unfair for me to have to carry you, or watch you give less than what I am giving. Luckily for you if you are a bady most the time I do not group with people outside my guild. People say they play this game to have fun, well who is the judge on what fun is? To me fun is taking 4 hours to clear an instance, then coming back the next week and doing in it 3 hours, the next week doing it in 2 hours. To accomplish this each piece of gear has to make a difference, each mistake made or not made has to make a difference. In order to accomplish this " fun " meters are needed to see what can be damage could of been avoided, what dps could have been increased etc etc. To some people fun is logging on and jumping in a group or pvping, purposely losing, or trying a hybrid spec that is terrible. If you call that fun then by all means I implore you to continue doing so. I can promise you this it won't be with me. To both parties. Fun is an opinion. Therefore, this arguement / debate, will never end and you people should problly try coming up with solutions as I have to fix the situation. Thanks, Thug
  7. Oh man, would you notice both were void star. Low and behold that is like the largest chance to aoe of the 3 warzones.
  8. First off, your focus spec while you may say its awesome, you are more or less a one hit wonder. You even said it yourself. All you have to do is force leap on cool down and you will see those number, especially if people are staying clumped up. While I am not saying that the force tree is bad I am saying you will not reach those numbers in a single target situation. A poster earlier said as watchman they pulled 300k damage as well, I call bullpoop on that one, they didn't provide a screenshot. However, I know as combat I have pulled well over 200k, but most of the time im right around 175k due to trying to complete mission objectives. Someone also posted that watchman dps beats combat. This I don't know about, I have a good friend that is watchman. I have also played it myself. While I do see him criting quite a bit, I don't see him criting for 5k every 7-10 seconds? It could just be me. Either way argue what you will until a combat log is put into the game, this is all speculation.
  9. Hey everyone, I have been reading these forums up and down, only to find people complaining that sent dps isn't all that great. I beg to differ. Currently I am lvl 40 jedi sent. I have been stacking crit. My spec is primarily combat, with 2 in watchman, and 2 in focus. The reason I spent points this way is quite simple. The focus tree gives me 3 seconds off the cast time of master strike, and the combat tree gives me 3 more seconds off master strike. Just so you know my master strikes are hitting for about 3 times for 700. Sometimes they get higher or lower but I would say that is the average. Now I have seen people say the rotation is hard. Why is it hard, its no harder than anything else you only have to use 5 - 7 abilities. While there is no current dps meter, I play with one of the best tanks in game. I can pull threat off him like it is nothing. This means I am doing enough threat to pull of the tank, but no one else is, seeing that I have no threat taking abilities one can assume that my threat pulling is due to my dps. This is sort of what my rotation looks like and it is fairly important as to the order. Force Leap, then Force sweep ( if aoeing ) or Zealous Strike, then Blade Storm, then Blade rush, then Precision Slash, followed by Slash until Zealous Strike comes up. Rinse and repeat more of less. After the initial pull take Force Leap out of your rotation. It is a unless ability at this point, unless there is more than one target. The primary reason I have set up my rotation in this manner is simple. Zealous Strike gives you focus, with that being said if you Zealous Strike first then Master Strike Zealous Strike's cool down will continue counting during your Master Strike which will ensure you have it back up for the next round of your rotation. Sometimes, it would seem I still have to use just my normal attack sometimes to build up a little focus to get the rotation going. But, to be honest I don't see where our DPS is lacking. I have read other comments stating that they put cauterize in their rotation. I feel like this is a bad idea. While your this ability can crit I have found its not potent enough to waste the focus or the global cool down on. In earlier lvls I had it in my rotation, but now I feel it us useless. While I have not played any other class, I see my sent criting non stop, his Blade Storm hits for 1200, and 700 seems to be my average crit using other abilities, my form crits for close to 200 when it procs, and my melee swings crit for close to 500. My offhand crits for close to 120. Those numbers may not seem that impressive, however when you are hitting as fast as we hit, it adds up quickly. I feel I am to the point now where I am going to start stacking surge more than crit, but I also would like to keep my crit high. For a Jedi, I would imagine your stats should be prioritized in this order, Str ( this you should not have to gear for should be on the most items anyway ), Crit, Surge. So far this is the route I have gone and several people have noticed, my dps. I know you say how well here Ill explain. We pull a group of 2 golds and 2 silvers. The group kills the first gold, I kill the second gold and can start working on a silver before the group has the first gold down. That means that a tank, healer, and another dps are killing slower than I can by myself. To the people who say sents arent good. Then maybe you are doing something wrong. Peace, Thug
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