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    Star Wars, video games!
  1. I dont know, its just a suggestion that I thought of, and obviously changes can be made for whatever reason, and it's up to the guild to choose the players, however, what makes a great player is how they use their skills to stay alive and try and do what other players can't, However I cant speak for other people, thats my opinion.
  2. STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC! Guild Area/Base! Greetings, I have thought of this idea that SWTOR should inclued in the game so the players and guilds are more involed in the war and to create a community in the old republic. To get the guild base, first you will need to complete something I like to call 'The Guild Quest!' You will only get this quest when you are in a group, however, since their are many players in a guild, only eight of the guilds best players will go on a epic quest to get a guild base for their guild, also to make it fair, other players in the guild will also revive rewards. This quest reqires level 45-50's ONLY, So please comment on this idea and we'll try our hardest for Bioware to add this into the game! Thanks! Inclues: -Republic/Imperial Shuttleport! -Raids on other Guild Bases![Only in PvP Guild Zone!] -Cantina! -Mail box! -PvP quest termals and depset box! -Vendors and crew skill trainers! -Warzone[Free-for-all and Group area] Arena! -Notice Board![suggested by Listerman] -Decorating your Guild Hall![suggested by Akalayus] [Any suggests would be great!] Planets [Republic]: -Tython[taking from Flesh Raiders!] -Ord Mantell[taking from Separatist!] -Coruscant[taking from Black Suns] -Taris[taking from Rakghouls!] -Nar Shaddaa[taking from Exchange!] -Tatooine[taking from Sand People!] -Alderaan[taking from House Thul, PvP Guild Zone!] -Balmorra[taking from Imperials Special Forces, PvP Guild Zone!] -Hoth[taking from Imperials Special Forces!] -Belsavis[taking from Escaped Crimanals!] -Corellia[taking from Imperials Special Forces, PvP Guild Zone!] -Ilum[taking from Imperials Special Forces, PvP Guild Zone!] Planets [imperials]: -Korriban[taking from Looters and Failed Sith Acolytes!] -Hutta[taking from Fa'athra Gang Members!] -Dromund Kaas[taking from Lord Granthan's Men!] -Balmorra[taking from Resistance Rebels, PvP Guild Zone!] -Nar Shaddaa[taking from The Exchange!] -Tatooine[taking from Sand People!] -Alderaan[taking from House Organa, PvP Guild Zone!] -Taris[taking from Rakghouls!] -Hoth[taking from Republic Special Forces!] -Belsavis[taking from Escaped Crimanals!] -Corellia[taking from Republic Special Forces, PvP Guild Zone!] -Ilum[taking from Republic Special Forces, PvP Guild Zone!]
  3. Hey guys, I have seen an issue in PVP were anyone can join in warzones and huttball, however something is wrong with that, the group is too unbalanced, u can be a level 11 just coming in to pvp and also have a level 50 in the same match. I think that should change with only levels 10-15 in a warzone or huttball game, and then 15-20, and so on. With something like this, I believe more people would enjoy pvp and not worry about vs level 30s or 40s, but what you guys think, Do you think bioware should keep pvp the way it is, or do you think it needs some changes?? Thanks 4 your time guys, and have a good day!
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