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  1. Guild registrar can be found on the fleet... Down the stairs from the galactic market, in the same room as the guild banks (next to the speeder vendor room) Or you can find one on Dromund Kaas. As you enter the market area of Kaas City, before you go up the platform to the bank, he should be off to your left.
  2. Hate to throw a wrench in your theory, but Turbine also has all those features tied to their forums, yet it is very rare to see their forums go down during patches/maintenance.
  3. While the effort to keep facebook/twitter/reddit and whatever else updated is appreciated, most people do not look to those outside sources for information about a game that has official forums. Those outside sources are typically used as an added bonus, not the main avenue of communications. The lack of visibility of the moderation/community team on your own official forums is quite lacking. The dev tracker can go for days with nothing new showing up. I believe this is what the OP was referring to... visibility on your official forums. Myself and quite a few of the people I know do not use or even care to use facebook/twitter, as for this reddit thing, never heard of it.
  4. If its not bound, you can sell it. Although, with that speeder requiring 10 mando iron... and a large amount of the other grade 6 materials, at current rates you will have to sell it for over 100k just to cover the cost of the mando iron. it will all depend on the increased prices of the vendor speeders, whether we can make a profit on the speeders we have currently. If the recipe is reduced in materials, or the vendor speeder prices are drastically changed, selling the hot-rigged speeder may become viable.
  5. That is all there is to the VIP lounge at this point. Although, you do get the opportunity to choose the music that the whole station listens to, access to the CE vendor and the VIP vendor. Seems a bit steep for the 1 mill price tag to get in if you didn't buy the digital deluxe or collectors edition.
  6. F12 is the default key for taking screenshots. You will get no confirmation in the chat log in any tab. The only way I noticed it working is a small pause in the graphics. You can check if your screenshots got captured by going to the C:\Users\Username\Documents\Star Wars - The Old Republic\Screenshots Directory and looking for them there. They will be labelled like this Screenshot_2012-02-26_02_00_18_162000.jpg
  7. or reduce the percentage of companion gift missions. metal and fabric should also be split apart. trying to find a metal mission and the only thing showing at all levels is gifts and fabric missions... it is getting ridiculous
  8. I switched from the android app to a physical key. You will have to call them and prove who you are, then they will deactivate the old security key and allow you to authenticate the new one. The whole process was quite quick and painless.
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