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Everything posted by mcfabulous

  1. some people wait a life time for a facepalmmmm like thissssss
  2. it seems like the general "growing or dying" concensus is gathered from people assuming population based off the fleets number, which is just face palm worthy for a number of reasons.
  3. I imagine they were refering moreso to diminishing Value. And by that I mean personal value, not a number value. 40% crit is well and good, but is pumping stats towards 41% once you already have almost 1/2 chance to crit worth it when you could be adding into straight spell damage, which makes said crits do even more? Much like eating food, or live in general, everything in moderation. Stacking one thing and one thing only leads you no where
  4. K its 2012 I'm back what do? Dragging and dropping files takes 25 years.
  5. I couldn't even dignify the stupidity with a proper response without getting a warn.
  6. I'd imagine its more so because most everything is so dry and old now. Memes are basically at the point of just pure annoyance rather than humor.
  7. They very well may be immature, you are the one however having a hissy fit over not being the most important person using the channel. (sugar coat it all you want, its the truth) Plus everything you just stated counts as forum posting so it must be viable general chat subject matter.
  8. wait wait hold up you meant people are generally chatting in the general chat channel? HOLY ****!@ Sound the alarms. Technically, you're invading them with your lfg spam. Perhaps if there was a lfg channel..
  9. this looks and feels like an ego stroke, therefore it must be.
  10. the mass amount of catering towards sith i imagine would be their fault, they could have done studies/surveys to figure out what would bring more players to the republic.
  11. wow this has progressed like.. 2 pages in 3 hours yet its still on the front page, forums are dead now ^_^
  12. Don't know why I would, never compared GW1 to it. Maybe cause it wasn't a clone tho...
  13. In gw2 you'll be able to lvl in a lvl 10 area @ lvl 70 so..
  14. dont forget the terribly long totem quests! + Druid form quests. all removed (thankfully tbh) ^
  15. you changed your text lol, but to the old post I'm not, I did that for this game and look where it got me.
  16. Do you understand the Tree/branch concept? Because swtor doesn't.
  17. Sorry I was unaware you enjoy having nothing to strive for. I was more so hinting at just making the world your own, doing what you please, which is entirely impossible with this game.
  18. I'm gonna petition we pay for subs with loading screen print outs
  19. No you did not have to, not even close. YES. That is exactly what made wow enjoyable was being a stupid level 23 running through burning steppes etc. Getting explorer title on a level like 40.
  20. Just lvld my mage in Vash and my hunter in Mount Hyjal. Went 80-85 with Vash + Deepholm - mage Went 80-85 with Hyjal + Uldum - Hunter Went 80-85 with 1/2 Vash + 1 or so level pure tank queing + 1/2 or morelevel pvping + Twilight Highlands - Warrior Always mixing it up, because I have the option to.
  21. Wow made back approx 25% of their initial investment with first week sales. I'm sure they managed. (also pay by the hour doesn't count in their stated sub amounts (idk why people dont grasp this)) Babies breast feed, so should my seven year old.
  22. they need to implement loading screens for closing the game too then. (just incase you forgot what game you're quitting)
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