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Posts posted by Redcorn

  1. There is a fundamental flaw in the current MMORPG genre, and that is that it is a disjointed mess that is either not Massively Multiplayer or a Role Playing Game. At best it is a RPG as you level and MMO as you PVP.


    SWTOR did a good job adding RP in the leveling experience, but that promptly died as you hit level 50. At 50 you simply tread water and PVP which may be multiplayer, but is not RP.


    Then the game designer is placed in a dilemma, do you build rule sets based on PVP or PVE? The choice in all MMORPGs is to code to the PVP crowd. This means constant changes to abilities etc. as players learn new tricks to exert power of their abilities and gear. This is where the constant attempt at balance comes in. This is also where all pretense at RPG is dropped.


    I know multiplayer RP. Dice and paper along with a GMs's imagination made for good times. There was no PVP, and we were happy. Computers came to be and we thought this would be a great way to replace the GM and allow us all to RP, letting the computer churn out the numbers replacing the dice and books.


    But this never actually happened. It was either a single player experience or WoW. Neverwinter nights and Eq1 probably came the closest to achieve this goal. Now I have never been a big sandbox MMO player, and that might be where MMO and RPG can be united, I don't know do to a lack of experience.


    At best this genre is a MMO that may have some RPG elements tacked on, but those elements are solo play only.


    I hope the industry will someday find a way to make money and give me D&D pen and paper play on the net. As long as PVP is a focus and the thought that quasi-action combat is key to the gameplay MMOs will be what they have been...lacking and not deserving of the RPG acronym.

  2. Making HS a key ability takes away of the design that HS is to be used when you need to regen ammo....it is not supposed to be a power or setup ability.


    You simply can't fix a spec that has been ***** based on faulty beliefs. The move made by BW is to remove commandos from popularity. This is why both the medic and the gunny were crippled. This was not about 'fixing' or 'balancing'.


    You could only fix the spec if BW actually intended the spec to be viable.

  3. Scoundrel is worse than Commando. Don't even start saying this kind of thing after one minor nerf (and I play a Merc, I'm not just spouting nonsense). My Scoundrel has been nerfed way harder, calm the eff down.



    I know little about the scoundrel. How has it been nerfed? From a healing stand point I hear they are the cats meow. If they chain stun and burn one down like the stealthing operative I see little to complain about......but again I really know nothing about the scoundrel...only hearsay.

  4. How exactly were we a liability before? I don't really see it, and after running last night while I hate the hell out of the grav round nerf, I still don't see how we're a liability now.



    60 second CC: Useful for some of the trickier trash pulls (ZOMG THERES SOMETHING IN RAIDS BESIDES BOSSES) and can be used in combat if you use stealth CCs for pulls and then someone breaks it. Keep in mind that with Tech Override up that CC is an instant cast. Definitely situationally useful.


    Heals: Believe it or not, not every boss battle is a DPS race. Heals definitely come in handy, for example, on Soa transition phases, and even the odd off heal in stage two, or on stage three when his shield is up.


    Knockback: Admittedly not so useful in a lot of fights, would be nice if Bonethrasher's cats reliably died in acid for example, but it still has the occasional use.


    Until I see hard evidence that we're doing significantly less damage than other DPS classes, I don't see why anyone wouldn't bring us to OPs. First person that says interrupts is going to be smacked because while you might bring that up for 4 man FPs, for 8-16 man ops you can't honestly tell me that others don't have the interrupts (and if you're interrupting you're DPS is lowered anyway if we wanna stick to that argument for DPS races =P)


    If you need a 60 second CC for trash pulls you are doing something wrong.


    not every boss battle is a DPS race? Which one is not up against an enrage timer? It only gets worse as you move on to nightmare mode.


    Most needed 'skill' as utility is interrupt....which we don't have. Your right...others have interrupts and they have heals...and they have cc...and they have range DPS...and they have better DPS


    You have the logs and the dummies now...go crunch some numbers.


    I am not saying that you cannot complete content with a commando on your team. I am saying that the content will be much easier with a DPS vanguard, sage, gunslinger, etc.

  5. BW and the community want us to believe that this nerf was done on some scientific study of numbers that prove that we were 1 over powered and 2 simply spaming one ability and 3 no other class is spaming a main ability.


    So show us the numbers. Prove your point to me....I don't think you can. I think this was the typical knee jerk reaction to PVP whiners about another class being OP. Then the developers look at the number of commandos and say...wow so many commandos they must be op why else would this many people be playing them...



    Happens in every MMORPG that has PVP and PVE....the wonderful balancing via whining. No classs or spec is safe.


    MMORPG are the bush leagues of gaming genre.

  6. Frankly, I've been trying to level a Commando and I'm really glad they are making some of these changes. Spamming grav round non stop is boring. The devs are right about this and the rotation needs more variety. I am glad they are trying to encourage more use of demo round and full auto because one button rotations are not fun.


    While levelling my commando in the 30's it isn't worth using any ability other than grav round on single targets. Even high impact bolt with a full stack of charged barrel isn't really hitting any harder than my grav round. It's barely worth the global cooldown.



    I think many commando gunny players have failed to see the enormity of the problem. You see they did nothing to remove the 'spam of grav round'. You still need to do it because all procs depend on it, and cool downs of other abilities leave nothing but grav available. But we can use our explosive round.....commandos need to conserve ammo to maintain constant DPS and not end up with nothing to shoot......explosive round goes through ammo quickly.


    If explosive round got a boost but the gunny grav round got nerfed, doesn't that really mean you should play any variant of a trooper other than a gunny? As I see it they just made vanguard dps that much stronger...which they were prior to 1.2

  7. Our damage did not change in this patch it just shifted around. Demo round is basically hitting for 6k+ every hit at 1200 expertise in WZ's, use full auto pretty much on proc and sticky/mortar volley combo for aoe and you still will be having 500-600k games.


    PVE wise we are more bursty and proc reliant but seem to be doing more damage as far as i can tell in the new content. Demo rounds are hitting for 8k with adrenals up and full auto is basically 3 grav rounds.


    Use the target dummies and see the truth. The truth is not pretty.

  8. I have looked, but failed to find a place to put serious game suggestions.




    I would like to place notes next to my toons in my legacy tree. Namely I would like to list the date I retired a toon from active service and why.

  9. Glad you are all happy with 1.2, your classes, and your mates. BW needs you.


    I am in the opposing camp. Has BW done anything worse than other MMORPG developers? Nope. Have they done anything better? Their single player leveling is much better, but that is all.



    Even SWG had a following for quite some time and it was crap. SWTOR is better than SWG.



    For me it is the genre that is crap. Ever changing rule sets based on the whims of the community and developers annoy the hell out of me.

  10. I have no idea what some of you guys are looking at.


    In PVE OPS our 'utility' is worthless. Fighting at range is about the best thing you can say for the commando. 60 second CC....worthless against the boss fights. Knockback....worthless against the boss fights....dps less than other dps players....self heals??? if you are healing you are not dps-ing Even before 1.2 the dps trooper was a liability in an ops. The best thing that used to be said about a commando was that he could respec to heals if the ops needed a healer....now that has been taken away.


    If 250K damage is your high mark in PVP then there is nothing wrong with commando after 1.2. Of course if I am putting together a ranked team and you came to me and said you were a kick but dps guy I would laugh at you...as I am laughing at myself.

  11. True, it wont be exciting to outsiders, but it'd be nice to see how people maximize our DPS. On The Twin Spears, there are 2 players that will get 4-500+ every Voidstar and Civil War warzone, and 300+ even in huttball (Shwigg and Valdorian, for those on TTS, I've even seen Trevyn (Arsenel Merc) get 700+). Our's is a very small server, so i'm assuming on the bigger servers that are more competitive and have a bigger pool of players, there are plenty doing that kinda damage plus more.


    There are many factors that can come into play. Keller's Void is not huge, but bigger than many. There commandos are not doing 400 + except in strange circumstances, while vanguards are always close to the 500 mark. to see 700+ I would claim hacks, friendly opponents, or some other strangeness.


    If any class is doing great amounts of damage in PVP they should be getting 'the treatment' by the opposing players. For example, after healers snipers are the first to be shredded by my team. They simply do not survive long enough to do great big numbers.


    There is also the team play value of the WZ, and I guess the support one receives. Could you link some of those videos? I just can't see it being possible.

  12. ...and the funny part is most of the unsubbers will be back in a couple of months:)



    What makes you say this? Do you have some demographic information provided by EA or Bioware?


    I game does not start offering free game time to players that have unsubed unless there was a subscription based problem.




    You know that the Germans in Berlin all thought everything was fine even as the Russians were moving tanks into the city......

  13. You can go back and forth between betrayals in EQ2 as much as you want. There's no "one time" epic quest, tho the quest was a decent time investment for several years. I like the option being available, and liked that it took effort, time, inconveniences to your character, and penalties to overcome when you were done.


    I don't think ToR is set up to offer anything like it, there aren't any quests in game, even for the biggest ones, that would compare to that grind; and making it easy... well, actually, why not make it easy? I guess I'm just being elitist. Is there really a reason not to allow it, other than they said they will not allow it, at one point in time?



    This game being easy is probably the best retort to my QQ. It doesn't really take any time to go from 1 to 50 in this game so where is the great offense to the commando nerf? I guess I just learn to like my toons too much.


    For all those that take joy in the commando ruination I can only wish the same to any toon you love to play.

  14. So what will your new class be? My account does not run out until summer, and there really is nothing out there that I want to play, so SWTOR will continue to be my main game for a while... Damn, I am such a SW fanboy.



    I am fairly certain that I will build a DPS vanguard on the republic side as my new main, until they screw that over.


    The safest bet is to play an imperial toon. BW seems to love that faction for whatever reason.. I am not much into the bounty hunter or operative. Thinking very hard about a jugg, or sorcerer...maybe an assassin.....what about you guys?

  15. I have a vanguard that is tactics specced (the middle tree that most people do not use). Pretty much my only attacks are ion pulse, fire pulse (15 sec cd) and pulse cannon (15 sec cd). It is actually better to avoid gut and high impact bolt because it reduces your DPS (and high impact bolt actually needs you to gear accuracy).


    Does this mean vanguard tactics should change too?


    When all the commandos change over to vanguard you will see vanguards being nerfed. I am convinced this nerf was not about play style or OP, but because there were just too many commandos. This is why the medic got butt ****ed as well.

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