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Everything posted by SituationSoap

  1. Well, to be fair, the "tank" for the OP was a companion. OP: Using a tank companion is going to be harder than any human, because they never move out of stuff, they never reorient the boss, and they don't have any cooldowns to make it easier on the healer. Also, those first five in additional force and force reduction talents are pretty much mandatory for any build.
  2. No, Agent/Smuggler healing has a similar inverted curve of energy regen as the Bounty Hunter, it's just reversed. The less energy they have, the less it regenerates, so they need to keep their energy high to keep the energy regenerating as much as they can. That said, the Agent tends to focus on over time effects, the Bounty Hunter on AoE, and the Sorceror seems to have a very adaptable toolbox that can be used in many situations, as I've experienced it.
  3. Heroic Missions are repeatable daily for commendations. This is expected.
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