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Posts posted by Slafer

  1. Hello everyone, how are you? Can you help me?


    The situation is as follows. I've played the game since its release, and chose the Powertech class because of the wonderful armor. It turns out that with the launch of adaptable armor, any class can use any armor, and I got stuck in Powertech. I'm a more solo player, and because of that, playing with Shield Tech ends up being tiresome, and they say the powertech DPS is horrible. I need some help on how to make my PT more interesting and stronger for a PvE. If only I could switch to MERC ...


    Thanks all!

    whoever gave you this advice gave it based on what some pvp players think

  2. So long story short I have trouble getting new people into pvp or people I already know because my friends are very no nonsense doesn't matter who your getting stupid with if you are getting stupid with anyone my friends will leave the wz, I always finish and just add to my ignore list (even though for a wz you can que with ignored players), but the greater problem here is not my friends not playing it it is that new players can quickly lose interest in pvp when somebody is screaming idiot, moron, and we have all heard much worse with cussing in pvp as well, not to mention some of these players are not adults there are kids who play this game teens and other ages.Though no one under 13 is spouse to play it does happen, and yet people will still act like there about to have a stroke if things aren't going there way ah useless team bunch of cussing.


    I made this thread to raise awareness as this is costing us potential returning pvp players to wz's and returning wz players matter, it is possible to one day end up with wz as dead as world pvp not saying it would be tomorrow but in the long run it could happen, also returning players even if not at a top tier will eventually get to it if they stay interested in pvp if your complaining they don't put out enough dps now give them a chance to get the gear and they will, I say that as I have entered wz were some players were ignorant enough to tell all the low gears they should leave some did and some just ignored him.


    Any thoughts on this are welcome

  3. I know bioware is currently planning to nerf fury but i personally am not sure they should, the melee classes in a thread made by bioware last year are spouse to out preform in the dps department compared to range classes, based on there class balance target dps system, however the other reason i question this nerf is damage is the only spec options for a mara no tank and no heals so shouldnt they have the right to out dps the other classes if they cant throw out any heals or taunts, and lastly mara even when speced as fury can be beat, ive seen it done by sins, mercs, and juggs, I would like other peoples opinions on this
  4. I have done little over half the class stories, and decided I wanted to try a new server found that none of that counts when you go to a different server while i would be fine if that just meant i wounn't get the legendary title but I don't want to give up the heroic moment, I use that in some of the harder flashpoints, even anyone knows a work around to this please enlighten me but I dont think there is one at this time.
  5. As a counter part to the “How many did not Hate KOTFE or KOTET...” thread.


    How many did hate KOTFE or KOTET or disliked things about it.


    I didn’t mind the story itself. But I would have like to see Darth Marr survive and HK.


    What I hated about both expansions and what made me stop playing the story after the first run through was I couldn’t play it in a group with my wife, unless we wanted to run through it twice.

    It completely ruined the MMO aspect of the game and ruined the reason we both started playing it in the first place. We use to have 2 nights a week where we would always play stuff together. That was usually story things, With KOTFE and KOTET, we could no longer do that.

    She stopped playing for about 14 months and has only just started again. But we can only do Flash points or heroics together. She doesn’t play pvp and I’m not an RPer like her. She spends most of her time rerunning the story to get every class through it and then she’ll probably quit again and go back to WoW or GW2 where she can play with groups of friends.


    The other thing I bitterly disliked was the gearing change in 5.0. As a pvper, the grind was horrendous and most of the people I would pvp with, left the game. I really hated the Devs for driving those people away. (I’m concerned they on a similar path with 5.10. Changing the gearing system for no valid reason and driving more pvpers from the game. But that’s for a different thread)


    Other than that, I didn’t mind the story, even if it did depart from the empire and republic story. It was the move towards making the game solo orientated that made me hate the expansions.


    I actually enjoyed it despite some small flaws, the problem I have with your issue with it is that star wars since before release has been a story driven mmorpg with personal stories your complaint applies in the class stories as well you'd have to run them twice to do them together, to make them group achievable would take away from the foundation of the game, and even if your wife don't like pvp there are plenty of flashpoints you could do together

    that are group content, as well as heroics, and bounties, an operation,event missions can be done together even if you cant share you can both get materials at the same time iv done that,

  6. 1. Sorcs/Sages obviously must be buffed.

    How? Force Lightning damage buff, something like +10-20%


    2. No Phasewalk back for Sins/Shadows.

    They are already have WAY too many defense/vanish stuff, why give them (back) more?




    3. NO ANY NEW SKILLS for anyone!

    Gosh damn, ppl what is wrong with you? Are you octopus or what?


    4. Remove half of skills.

    Split most similar skills to single ones. There is way too many skills, that acts in the same way, why they even exists? Just make 1 skill instead of 2-3, with lower cd!

    All modern MMOs has lower (allowed) number of skills, having full 5 hotbars is a last century, really.



    This game would die if you take out half the abilities really there aren't enough interesting abilities as is in a game that's years old we want to keep the players interested. And as somebody else pointed out when others MMOs have done that it destroyed the game balance.

  7. if you want to see how the flash backs played out for different classes or different missions such as the dream world this guy takes requests I asked him to make this agent flash back video.
  8. Was in a wz the other night and we were 5 to 1 fighting a comando for a base capture he was staying alive well enough while doing his share of damage, is that class just that good for people who are vet players or is it more likely he had some kind of mod enhancement . This was unranked I'm not familiar with pubs really I'm a imp player but I still found it strange a player could survive as long as he did and do that much damage against 5 people, any information would be appreciated
  9. Just throwing my $0.02 in here.


    General Improvements

    1. Get rid of off heals and off tanking mechanics for DPS specializations. DPS Specializations shouldn't be able to taunt, guard, nor heal in any regard. DPS should DPS. If we keep this, why not gray the lines more and add healing to tanking? Reminiscent of the Kinetic Combat pre 2.0 with the heals on Telekinetic Throw.


    2. Bump up tank damage slightly. Tanks were hit hard in a recent patch that was aimed at taking away skank tank (hybrid tanks). This did no such thing, and only made running full mitigation mods and enhancements a joke. Though the recent adjustment to shield and crit, tanks are more resilient now, their damage is still sub par. I recommend changing the code behind the scenes so the attack abilities are based off tank stats, such as defense, shield, and absorb, opposed to the dps stats such as power, critical, and alacrity.


    3. Require tanks to gear in tank gear. Not sure how you could do this, but this would kill off the skank tanks. Require that as soon as a tank specs into a tanking specialization, require that only tanking gear can be equipped.


    Class specific (only the ones I see need help)

    1. PT/VGs need some love. An additional DCD and reworking of the current would be beneficial. They need more survivability, even at the expense of DPS. Bring back the 30m range for PT/VG. Even if it is one ability like it was with Full Auto, it was at least something. Having a skill set similar to that of Hatred Assassins/Serenity Shadows would be ideal.


    2. Mercenary/Commando DCDs need to be nerfed. I am including the off heals as part of their "DCDs" in this, so removing the off heals would help at the least. Reflect, with a heal to full, with a damage reduction is just too much for one class.


    3. I cannot believe I am saying this now, because I was one who cursed for them to be nerfed, but please buff damage output for Sage and Sorcs. They need more offensive love.


    4. Nerf the survivability of Snipers and Gunslingers. They are currently mini-tanks and put out too much damage for being able to survive so much.


    i disagree as a lighting sorc my heals do not have that great an effect on pvp and i do not want to lose them because the way bioware works i will lose them for pve as well I am found of healing here and there in tougher fights. Specs like mine need the heals to help stand on there own. Plus I can't 1 v 1 as easy as other classes

  10. There's not set rotation, but a priority system.


    The simple ways is Discharge at 3 stacks > Ball Lightning > Assassinate > Maul (under duplicity)> Voltaic Slash > Saber Strike.

    This is a simple version and there's a little more depth to it in reality, but since you're still learning the game it's best you master the basics before diving into the little trics.

    thanks for the info

    A few things to note :

    - Never ever use Maul without Duplicity. It costs almost half your force bar and is not sustainable.

    - Maintain your stacks of Voltage at all cost. They last 15" so it should be too difficult, but maintaining them is primordial to building Discharge stacks with Ball Lightning.

    - Use Force Cloak to chop 1' off of Recklessness CD


    If you want to dive deeply in Deception, there's a guide on Dulfy. It's a tiny bit outdated, but most of it hasn't changed, just some details


    thanks for all the information

  11. Like the Nox and Imperius titles, it's based solely on your effective alignment at the specific moment after the end of the class story's Corellia segment.


    You must have a total alignment difference of less than 3000 points after subtracting dark from light or light from dark (whichever way round that gives a positive answer). To do that in the modern structure of the game requires that you micromanage the progress of your accumulation of light and dark points, and make frequent changes to your light/dark toggle button.


    The dark or light points you get from the choices you make in dialogues will be swamped by the dark and light points you earn from missions (class, exploration, side, heroic, etc., but also crew skill missions) and simply by killing enemies, so you can pick the choices that seem to match the personality you've chosen for your character.


    that sounds like a bigger pain in the *** than it is worth for a name that you might get called 5 times after and its not given as a title the player can display but thank you i do appreciate the info

  12. Im re playing a sith inquisitor and wish to obtain the Darth occulus title im not sure how to as some people say you have to be neutral and others say they got it from using the lightning options several times in there story and where actually dark side when it was granted to them. If anyone can tell me how it is earned i would greatly appreciate it.
  13. Could someone tell me what is a good rotation as well as the best ultilties if your going to bring a darkness sin to the table in pvp
  14. does anybody remember the early bh trailer where the bh is asked to lay down his weapons and the bh says better idea you lay down and die. I found the mission where that is a choice option its the begging of the aurora when you chose the attack option hoping someone can help me find the video though.
  15. I played a healer in pvp for the first time ever the other day but i didn't consider it cheating because the other team had healers and as i was focuses on keeping my team alive I barley fired any damaging moves at anyone I had to stay on my heal rotation and even then I died once and I almost died 3 times they had some hard hitting damage dealers. Is me going in as a healer a form of cheating? I thought about this because of the changes they said there making to pvp to stop the cheaters and some players who have mentioned it made comments about wanting less healers in pvp being able to out heal there own team. Also I have an op and I do use stealth in pvp is that cheating.


    I have heavily edited this from how I had it stated originally to prevent confusion/issues

  16. Worst idea ever, we've had enough of Zakuul in the last two expansions, it is time to move on.

    it at least would be content for this game they were talking about content freezing the game by 2019 the game would stay open but they wouldnt make any new content.

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