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Everything posted by Arkenthro

  1. No major issues IMO. It's fun, relatively well balanced and well-paced. I don't understand the people who complain about CC. I play a gunslinger and a guardian and have no issues with CC on either. I rarely find myself locked in a full duration CC and never get stun locked from 100 to 0 unless I'm greatly outnumbered in which case there's no problem with it. My one gripe is that the commendation system promotes farming over objective based play. Other than that I think most people are just huge whiners who can't stand not face rolling everyone and should just go play a single player game if they want to feel like the hero.
  2. Im getting the feeling that all of you people complaining about resolve are melee's who get yourselves into 3v1 situations and expect to not blow up inside a stun. Either that or you're like level 12.
  3. I havn't had any issues. Everyone gets a 2 min CC break, 1.5 min for some specs. This works fine unless you're doing stupid things like charging into a pack of 5 enemy players over and over and expecting to not be stunlocked to death.
  4. Strangely, I have never seen this happen on my server. When premades go against other teams that are outleveled and/or outskilled, they usually end up winning very quickly because they just complete the objectives and then its over. Seems to me like you got placed on a bad server, not that the actual system is bad.
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