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  1. Login with different characters to make them appear as portraits. Drag the portraits from the left side to the middle and then over the top of another one to display the relationship options.
  2. Fantastic customer awareness, a lot of people were upset over making multiple characters and not sticking it to 50 .. (not me but still) Well done ^_^
  3. Yay! Thank you for the super special awesome surprise of free game time! <3
  4. Hello there, I am currently playing the game as a Republic Sage, my idea was to stay full to the light side, so I picked up diplomacy to get more light points from missions (and some nice materials for my bio professions). 0 Dark was my goal, at all times I was to get no dark side points, if it was entirely avoidable that was what I wanted. Unfortunately, perhaps without realising it (I'm sure I always only picked light sided missions), I have ordered a dark side diplomacy mission and it has completed itself. Now I would like to be able to refuse the reward of dark side points to correct my clicking *error*. I did not want that mission so I should be able to cancel it even if it has finished. Also there is still a really weird amount of decimal places after my current light side points .. something like 10 odd extra decimal places. Please hear my plea and allow me to cancel this pending mission reward. Thank you for listening, OzAvatar. P.S. I've since been told that once you hit 10,000 light side points it will deduct from dark side. This is acceptable for me for now, but I really would prefer to have this option in, as to prevent people having the same thing happen to them, and for those who don't know about the dark side reduction option. It's not nice having it coming up (if you hit the x it stays in pending and comes up after every quest finishes) and saying here's some dark points you didn't want and can't cancel!
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