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Posts posted by einsoff

  1. I feel like you get the first month for free, so you have a full month to experience the game. Give them a second to get the game running first. You don't have to pay money till the end of January.


    fair enough...as long as its not like WoW's every 4-6 month plan and more like Rift's 2 month plan itll be worth the $15 fee. I can't imagine that server costs are particularly high with such an instanced game...which is fine I just hope the content will keep rollin to keep us all interested.

  2. ...the patches and content better be rolling out fast, be high quality, and mostly bug-free. Why? I can't see how one can justify a subscription fee for a game that is heavily instanced like TOR is. I understand: planets, etc. But honestly with all the instancing planets and otherwise it does not seem to justify the subscription fee as each server partition will have little load because of the instancing. So...what else can justify such a fee? MAJOR UPDATES VERY FREQUENTLY. I hope bioware can deliver.
  3. How is that a troll post??


    there is buyback...and roll/dont roll means that stuff will never get picked up...either you are an idiot or youre trolling. also...idk if this is your first mmo but they have a thing called patches. look it up.

  4. "Can't do that while stunned"


    really? I thought being stunned means you CANT run? Interesting that everyone i see is in the middle of running while I am jumping 5 meters ahead waiting for that one in a million chance that they actually might not be ******** and throw the ball.

  5. why is pressing one ability and throwing it on the ground near a friend SOOOOOOOOOOO frigging difficult for the VAST VAST VAST majority of TOR players? Seriously, just give us 1v1 warzones because I hate losing not because I am bad but because idiots ruin it.
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