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10 Good

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    Chicago area
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    information theory
  1. This was a deal breaker for me. This issue has obviously not been fixed in the latest patch. I have deleted my characters and removed my recurring subscription info. The only positive feedback that I can give is that I wish I was refunded the purchase price of the game.
  2. I give credits for the last two points. The rest is simply not true. In particular, I find the worlds too small and too linear.
  3. Comparison to WoW is pointless since if you want to play WoW you can. This is TOR which should bring something new to the table aside from better graphics. Allowing switching classes is risky? I think not. Look, if someone wants to change class or advanced class but doesn't want to do the grind, they start looking for accounts that they can buy or power leveling options. Not allowing class change with legitimate in-game means only encouragers illegitimate means.
  4. 6/10. Great initial impression for the first couple of weeks. Gets boring fast.
  5. But you don't get to experience the full potential of your class until you hit 40 or so. So what do u suggest? Start from level 15 again? What's wrong with paying for your "mistake" in credits rather than your time? That would be a great way to sink credits in the game (ie balance economy)
  6. I suppose the reasoning for not allowing class change is that you must level using a certain story line. I don't see the logic in that, but even if that were true, it is not true for advanced class. Lets say I get a toon to 50 as bounty hunter with heals. I feel that I made a mistake at level 10 and I enjoy being a dps. Now I have to go through exactly the same story line! Have fun another 3 weeks doing the same story line over! I'd even go as far allowing switching class entirely. That allows for more psychologically balanced game play. Let's say you feel that agents are OP'ed in PvP. So pay a 500K credits (in addition to all the gear you need) to respec to an imp agent and try your luck there. That would also solve the problem of any conceived or actual OPed class. If developers see that 90% of players are agents, they'll nurf agents...lol.
  7. That's where I am too. I come from SWG where the world was open to explore as you saw fit. I'm level 40 now and have not exhusted all linear game play at this time--one imperial and republic so far. Admittedly, I have not been to any level 50 world yet. Perhaps in the final world you get to go where you feel like and start getting into a character. What I liked in SWG that is missing so far is a sense that there is more to game than go from A to B and kill X number of Y’s. I hate to see more “linear” concepts coughed up every 3 or 4 months.
  8. No, this game was not meant for me. Perhaps I'm unique in that. Perhaps I'm not. As long as *you* enjoy it, stick with it.
  9. Not really. But I'll prob will play this for a bit longer. Then I'll pack my bag and leave u to it. Enjoy
  10. No it definitely is not SWG. It seems to be a copy of WoW with better graphics. I played WOW for a month or so before I got tired of it.
  11. Can u store more than 200 items? Even in your storage or bank? I came from SWG where I had a "real" house and a "real" trade. It kept me busy when I didn't want to kill things. Perhaps you will be happy killing things for the next few years; I don't have a problem with that....but I couldn't stomach it myself. More power to you.
  12. 1. Limited inventory: 150/200 item limit makes it not worth "living" the game. Having no possession except your gear makes an arcade shoot-them style game. This is a fundamental flaw which has been copied from WoW verbatim. 2. Voice acting: I'm lvl 40 now and I'm getting bored with the game already. All those nonsense dialogs do not make the game more endearing. This is a model that cannot be maintained even if I enjoyed the dialog, which I don't. What I hate most is the made-up languages---if I'm going to sit through a dialog that I really don't care about, it'll help if I was not ""forced" to read it too. 3. Bugs: As it is, it is hard to win a fair fight. That is a good thing; except when u loose a fight because of a bug! My experience so far is mostly with PvE where a NPC gets unlimited health regeneration (impossible to kill) or when my attacks incur a cost, but do no damage (not interrupted, they simply do no damage but go on cool down). I assume #3 will be fixed over time. I assume #2 will not be a major problem when I get to 50. However, #1 is a fundamental problem with the game. Unless they introduce plants in which you can have a house with inventory in the range of 5 to 10 thousand items, I don't see myself playing this game for long. But that means creating thousands of items worth keeping! And by the way, fix the chat window...it is non-functional by design.
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