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Everything posted by Mal-Sharran

  1. AHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA You're obviously Empire and have no clue. Prime time you're lucky to find 100 at the Fleet, if that! 60! God you're clueless.
  2. To be honest, I don't really see Imps complaining. Mostly Republic. And we're already Republic, so there isn't much we can do.
  3. All the people who say the Pub quests and dialogue are bland...you do realize we have access to dark side options too, right? Think about this. I roll a Sith Sorc (because lets face it, that's what 50% of Imps are) and I choose all dark side options. Yawn. Everybody KNOWS you're an a-hole, you're a damn SITH! Now roll a Jedi, and tell the Grand Master to go **** herself. OH SNAP! Where the hell did that come from?! Nobody expects a Jedi to go dark, it freaks them out! 'Wait, wait! You're a Jedi, you can't do this, Jedi are supposed to protect, to...no! NO! Stay back! OH MY GOD' *slash* Your 'bland' argument is invalid.
  4. Maybe not the best place to post, but a question for you rabid keybinders. For those of you who use ctrl+ binds, do you move with wasd or mouse mostly? Ctrl is (for me) so utterly annoying to hold down while pressing other buttons. Shift is easy. But in order to reach ctrl with my pinky I have to move my hand slightly off wasd that moving while using ctrl binds becomes a pita. I've used all the prime real estate and I'm trying to expand my keybinding comfort zone...
  5. As a Sentinel I couldn't agree more. I do quite well in 1v1 situations, but even then I run into it. The combat is usually so frantic that I can never quite tell what combination of abilities does it, but SO MANY TIMES my interrupt flat out refuses to go off. And I'm quick on that too, it's one of the few, extremely important abilities that warrants a keybind to my mouse for lightning fast response times. That and Blade Storm, the 10m ranged bruiser. Refuses to go off at the damndest times (instant cast) whenever I try to use it immediately following another ability.
  6. Actually, you do have the problem, you're too casual to understand what is happening, that's all.
  7. I hit 50 today and went to Ilum. I mapped out the immediate area around the landing pad, did some quests, then jumped on a speeder to one of the besieged bases. As a Sentinel, I have no ability to push or pull. So I can't knock people into the cannons for free kills. I have to charge out into a group of 20+ Imps and die instantly. You cannot get kills this way. Nobody has the burst, aside from Scounds/Ops, to kill somebody in record time before getting focus fired and dying as instantly as if you tried to rush an enemies turrets. This does not work. I could rush out there 50 times, let alone 5, and get no kills. Honestly don't know *** you're talking about.
  8. While I don't disagree, what happens if (I know, big if) suddenly the sides are even, and you're halfway through your daily? Should it still take you 1/5 of the kills to achieve completion, or should it balance on the fly and suddenly require the full 30? Static quests right now can still bug out, a quest with parameters that can change based on current, constantly changing conditions? No...just no.
  9. rofl @ this coming from somebody who plays TOR, with broken mechanics and broken pvp. I don't judge you for wanting to compete, I thrive on it. But this isn't exactly a place to be competitive yet, if ever.
  10. Perhaps a poor choice for me to post this here, I've read only half the post, but I hit 50 today on my Sentinel. I leveled Combat (center tree) and it's all I know. I'm not amazing, but to date I have only died maybe twice in 1v1 world combat, if you don't count the few times I had the misfortune of running into people much higher level than myself. That's twice out of a minimum 100 encounters, probably closer to 200. However, all the recent Sent/Mara videos I've seen are generally Focus (pvp tree) or Watchman (dot tree). My question is, has anybody been successful at pvp with Combat? I'm rather fond of it. I do, as far as I can tell, quite well, but when I enter a WZ without a healer I just get utterly stomped. That's to be expected, sure. But Focus looks like a one-hit-wonder spec, and dots are appealing but the ramp up time to put up all dots and keep Merciless from falling off feels clunky. I'd really rather not learn an entire different way to fight, re-learning keybinds is a *****. TL;DR - I like Combat, what most would call the PvE tree, and want to stay this spec while being effective in PvP. My PvP experience is mostly based on 1v1 encounters on a PvP server, while dying frequently in WZ (using defensive cd and using Resolve effectively). Can Combat be effective at both PvE and PvP? Thanks.
  11. I would love an explanation about this. Please, hit us with some knowledge.
  12. Do I know everything there is to know about computer optimization? No, nobody does. Does my computer score in the top 5-10% for its class in benchmarks like 3DMark 11, Heaven, DivX encoding, WinRar and 7-zip benchmarks and anything else you can think of? Yes, yes it does. I easily AVERAGE over 60 fps, but specific locations and effects drop me below 60, and either you're lying or ignorant of the fact that you too would drop in the same locations. Specs don't lie. Go stare at the blue light display in the middle of Nexus Room Cantina on Dromund Kaas and take a screenshot of your FPS. I'd love to see it.
  13. Perhaps you should actually read reviews from websites that know what they're talking about. Your 2500k would not even spank me, especially at my 4.2GHz OC, by more than 5-10% in real world situations. Considering your chip is brand new and mine is over two years old...the jokes on you. I specifically said 'other than the 6990'.
  14. Buahahahaha, you must run around staring at the ground or sky all day long. Must make getting things done a pita. My 6970 beats your 560 by a significant margin and even I drop below 65, frequently.
  15. Sorry, I wasn't entirely honest (wasn't trying to brag). I get the occasional stutter too. The kind that doesn't register on the FPS readout. Just the occasional frame stutter, then smooth again. Never more than a micro-second. Usually when I transition from the inner ring to the outer ring of Carrick Station, and other transitions. Hence why this game is broken.
  16. i7 920 @ 4.2Ghz HT enabled, Prime95 stable on high heat setting for 72 hours. 6GB DDR3 Corsair Dominator ram @ 2Ghz (pretty much the best at the time) MSI HD6970 Lightning stock (why OC this badboy?) Game is loaded on a OCZ Vertex 2 clocking 250MB/sec sequential read speeds I have not logged in today with patch 1.1, but to date I've run this game at max settings without issue. I frequently hit the 111fps ceiling, and average 60 or above. There are however places where even I falter, such as Carrick Station with lots of people, or the Nexus Room Cantina when I point my camera at the glowing blue light display in the center of the room. I go from 111 down to 50 when I do that. This game is so clearly not optimized, my rig IS high end, I don't care what anybody says. The difference between my i7 and a 2600k is minimal. Benches have proven as much. And my card WAS, as of less than a week ago, the best AMD had to offer (minus of course the 6990). This game is BROKEN. Can I run it flawlessly? Sure. Although I haven't set foot on Ilum yet, being as I'm only 48, I have yet to drop below a playable fps. But only barely.
  17. To be fair, upon closer inspection, I do see the point you were trying to make, somewhere in between all that randomness. However, your point is still largely invalid. I'm fresh out of comparisons, so I'll just say it. The argument that SOME people may abuse a tool in game is not a valid reason to deny the rest of us the use of it. Who cares what other people say? If you aren't guilded with them, and you aren't puging with them, ignore them. Nobody is forcing you to read their drivel. Why does some random nobody with a damage meter suddenly have power over you?
  18. I'm sorry but, if people actually got worse by using a damage meter, then they weren't good to begin with, they were simply oblivious. Any tool introduced into the game to measure your effectiveness will bring with it the pitfalls of such things. But if you're guilded with people who act like egotistical children and CBF to interrupt or move out of bad, all in the name of the holy grail of DPS dick waving rights, then you have chosen your guild poorly. You say you've played a long time, longer than me, but I question your judgement on picking the people you play with if this is your excuse. I've run into these types before, and guess what happened? I found better players, and proved I was worthy of their company by way of a damage meter parse. If you stuck around with idiots who only got dumber the longer they played, you are to blame, not them. And especially not the damage meter.
  19. Actually, it's not. That's pretty dumb, to be honest. Meters have no place in pvp. Even the built in 'total score' you find at the end of a Warzone is impossibly subjective. Nothing concrete can be determined from it, and anybody who puts much stock in it is obviously not well equipped in the brain department. Next please.
  20. We survived for nearly 200,000 years based on our ability to adapt and reason. However, it wasn't until the last 100 years where science took hold, with it's exact numbers and controlled experiments requiring ever so precise measurements with ever so precise measuring tools (ahem, damage meter) that we really flourished. Can you imagine any scientific discovery of importance today being discovered without the ability to measure the most minute details? Most of the 'dumb luck' inventions have been invented. From here on out, the true discoveries will come from scientists using tools to measure reactions. I've flogged this horse to death, you get what I'm saying.
  21. I'll answer this with a question. Do you want to be good at this game, or bad? CAN you be good without a meter? Sure, you can have an innate sense of the game and do well. But it's like trying to drive the speed limit without a speedometer. You can feel it out and assume you're at least close, but you'd never know for sure. Would you drive without a speedometer? *edit* And assume you'd never had the luxury of a speedometer before, either. Not only would you not know, but you'd have no sense of how fast a speed was. Like trying to describe the written word to somebody who had been blind their entire life. They couldn't even begin to visualize what you were saying. If you had never been able to look at a speed limit sign, then glance down at a speedometer, you'd have NO CLUE how fast 50mph was. You have to be able to COMPARE in order to understand!
  22. Oh for sure, I was already being long-winded enough, didn't want to drag it out with anything more specific. I've never been top 100 material, but I've been in the top guild on my server twice (the #1 spot shifted several times from vanilla to cata) and I've always been a top performer. I've gone cross-eyed pouring over my own data trying to do my absolute best. I thrive on competition. *edit* I'd like to add that I don't expect that level of devotion from everybody. I simply want people who are doing badly to be able to get called out and given the chance to improve. Guns aren't evil, people are. If somebody abuses this 'gun', it isn't the guns fault. Maybe a bad comparison but meh.
  23. This...this. This is...you sir are...I can't say the truth, it'll get me banned. I'll just say this. Combat logs and damage meters are not cheating. Not by a long shot. If you equate damage meters with cheating...omg. Just ****. *throws hands in the air* You sir have just lost any and all credibility now and forever.
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