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Posts posted by tigrina

  1. I am no fan of 'daily resource' only tbh. I'm in a very small guild that didn't do any conquest the first 10 years or so because guild ships were way too expensive so it simply didn't happen. But back in those days I could make all my gear and make the item mods 'n stuff and I was happy with it. GTN prices were fairly okay for the most part too.


    That changed at some point so I got the ships and now there are quibbles over **** that large guilds pull and we're going back to conquests getting impossible for small guilds, it seems.


    Except that I need those gathering items that you get from conquests objectives to make gear with. It's not as hugely ridiculous as Ossus crafting was (as that was so terrible I just quit the game after I played through the story update, as there was zero other game fun for me to be had), but the whole idea that regular players make that much money is just... off. I'm sure hardcore players and GTN experts gained wealth over the years. Also other players do the stuff I can't physically do, more power to them. Literally! They can make those legendaries, and they earned them. But don't assume the rest of us is happy with the parts we can do if there is literally not a thing left.


    The problem here is that the economy is so off the rails that you can't even talk about it in a normal manner anymore. I did some crafting for a long time player the other week who didn't have over 12 milion to their name.


    Which circles back to me needing those mats. I'd need to invest several millions to make one (1) item with crafting if I don't get those conquest mats. I am already unable to get PvP and operation mats myself *. That's fine, I am really not even talking about crafting legendaries or something. I don't need them for what I do so I don't consider it that bad they are out of reach. I just want to make everything else tho, so I need those conquest mats. Is it really too much to ask to keep this possible?


    * I can't do multi person stuff like operations or pvp with the terrible shiny **** other people can do with tunings and other irrelevant but terrible-for-me """updates""" (this goes for making spells 'more shiny' and that annoying giggle too, while I'm at it), the absolute unnecessary lack of a simple option to turn screen shakes off and more of those details.

  2. Pick one: advance information or lack of spoilers - because the two concepts are diametrically opposed to one another. Either way, your complaint clearly has nothing to do with accessibility and is straying the OP. Make your own thread for such things instead of hijacking someone elses.


    They really are not though. It's relatively easy to create a Codex with boss abilities and even some tips. Other games do this too. It's a reasonable request, especially since SWTOR insists on adding FlashPoints as actual Story Content. I wouldn't personally mind if it was on the website instead of in-game.

  3. LadyAdmiral, the article by Steve Spohn and several other posts have excellent points.


    However, I do miss a few that bother me personally:


    1. High intensity lighting
      To give examples;
      • a. I didn't play my jedi sage for years because the Force Armor spell changed into something very bright and into your face at some point and it's disorienting and headache inducing.
      • b. Due to the same intensity, but of spells 'n stuff I hardly do any group content, as all spells flying give me migraines, and some weapons and more specifically weapon tunings are terrifying in the intensity-department.
      • Please give us options to turn this off or down.

    Please, for the love of the Force, do not make the mistake to add high contrast to everything. You help a part of your player base, while adding more difficulties to another part of your player base. We really do need both these options!

    Simply turning off 'Bloom' does help a little, but not nearly enough.



    I don't know why, but this game is the only game I can't simply turn them off. The majority of people with motion sickness, which is a very common issue*, would thank you for including the option. I most certainly would.


    * "Roughly one-third of people are highly susceptible to motion sickness, and most of the rest get motion sick under extreme conditions." (from the wikipedia)

  4. Ah well since we're here:


    Companion is still level 1;


    The targetting of the pre-trap guards is way off as they target through the bits and pieces that are at the entrance of the room to hide behind. I didn't even make it to the trap the first time bc I died on them (while they are out of reach for your own character) ;


    Your companion doesn't actually drop in in any useful way so you'll die by tentacles bc your companion is out of reach;


    Seriously tho, if you insist forcing useless companions on us like in all the recent story mode FP's, at least give us our droid back. This is more than ridiculous.

  5. The point is that this FP is indeed no joke, and with a level 1 Rass it's unnecessarily extra hard.


    Where is my story mode droid anyway, BioWare.


    Anyhow, I managed on my guardian and failed miserably on my sage on the last fight, which is all the more annoying.

  6. This is just bad work from BW. There are plenty of examples where they haven't balanced the various difficulties properly. And this is just another one. If it's supposed to be harder, don't do that in the Story Mode FP. That exists so that as many players can pass through it while enjoying the story. If they changed that purpose then they should not call it Story/Solo mode.


    Agreed with the above. What happened to that tank/healer droid that would pop in to help you out with them anyway? Then it wouldn't matter your new temporary (?) companion is only level 1 (he was in my version).


    My guardian died a few times, which is highly unusual for me in story modes.

  7. Alright, I'll bite.


    I returned yesterday after a ... year off, probably. Did the Spirit of Vengeance today in my mostly 270 gear but with a few still 252 items on my jedi knight.


    She is, however, a guardian tank, so I'd advise trying that if you haven't yet.


    Also, this FP in solo story mode is terribly balanced, as I had more issues with the groups of trash mobs than any boss. I haven't used a kolto station or medpack.


    I would also like to add that I have the prettiest geared jedi guardian tank because I like my cutscenes.

  8. Sorry to necro this, but my question is;


    1. Non-boosted Jedi Sentinel, did not romance anyone in Ch. 1-3 of vanilla

    2. Romanced Theron in SOR

    3. Declined Lana/Theron romance in KOTFE

    4. Plan to romance Doc in KOTET when he comes back...?


    Is this possible?




    Doc comes back in Jedi under Siege, so KoTET doesn't "count". I honestly don't know if you need to have started the Doc romance in vanilla tho. You do get a talk with him one on one regardless of status, but I don't remember my talk options on my knights.


    I do know that SoR romance doesn't count as romance, so that shouldn't be an issue at least. (It needs that lock-in in KoTFE to count.)


    Edit to add: whoops, bit late on noticing other people had replied already.

  9. Good catch! I double checked and it is likely fixed, but I am also getting some conflicting information on whether it is resolved. Let me know after the patch today if Hexid is available to you!




    edit: Want to verify before adding it to notes


    I know this isn't what you're asking, but I have her in several of my companion lists since 5.10, while I've done nothing to acquire her ever.

  10. For some reason the guild member note can contain less characters than before, so now my notes no longer fit (ie. I can't make identical note copies from already existing ones). I don't know what it made it worth slicing off 2 - 4 characters, but I wish you didn't make these weirdly arbitrary changes.
  11. This is a great way to look at it, I often get a lot of people using mine and I don't pay them. I guess I've never really looked at it from that perspective. How is the refferal link a good way of making credits?


    Well that's easy; because you get 500 actual cartel coins for first referral clicks plus 100 for every month they stay a sub. That can become worth a lot real fast.

  12. Thanks for all the work, CloudCastle!


    The problem is that non-smart decisions where made early in development that can't (easily or at all) be fixed now :( That would be a major overhaul they don't have the manpower for.


    Anyhow, I have an alt that didn't start KotFE or KoTET, but did do Iokath, then skipped to Ossus and can no longer do Iokath dailies. That was fun. No romance so nothing broken in that regard. This is an additional clue for the "Iokath limbo" I think. Its save is so soft it doesn't even remember itself.


    I did notice a Darth Hawhatshername in my list, but I'm not supposed to have her (and had never seen her listed before). I can't summon her tho.


    I have plenty of double companions, but never quite realised that they are 'old' and 'new', even with their updated looks. Makes sense!



    On a related note: I wish we had the option not just to skip to Ossus, but also pick dark or lightside defaults, at the very least (as Imp or Rep). Alas, I'll have to run too many alts through this mess now :(

  13. I didn't find an answer to the following questions asked earlier, so I will try my luck:

    if you immediately start Ossus (after the class missions or Revan or...), will you still be able to get the alliance alerts (starting with "Find a findsman" etc. pp.) to recruit additional companions? Will you be able to start the star fortress quests and recruit the corresponding companions? Can you still use the Odessen-terminal to get back the still missing companions?


    That's what I did on my sentinel. I did Ziost and then 5.10. You either get the quest automatically or you can pick it up on your star ship. After your Ossus adventure, you can go talk to your 'new' advisors on Odessen and you automatically get the "Find a findsman" alert. After that, you get *all the other alerts* that don't need anyone elses recruitment first (like I think you need Blizz before you can get Guss).

  14. The flashing triangle is really annoying. But I believe one way to get rid of it would be to start the Alert so it appears in your Quest Log. It's not a perfect solution, and this would only work if you have room, of course. It does get rid of the blinking light on your UI, however.


    I so agree. And, sadly, I did the 'Find the Findsman' alert, anod now my Alert notifs exploded, and even if I do want to have them in my log, they don't even fit.


    Please fix those flashing forever UI bits and let us turn those off.


    /also the 'you've almost reached max' kind of messages. most annoying things of this interface (oh yeah, dark/light stuff too; i really couldn't care less about them :rolleyes: )

  15. So I did one and a half day of dailies and now I have reached max. number of Relics of Ossus and nothing to spend them on. The lack of rep kinda make sense, two days in, but there is nothing there either except for decorations and a single expensive (in credits) crafting mat. How can I have reached a max. on rather useless tokens in two days of new content already?


    It is apparently impossible for me to get those masterwork data crystals, which would be fine, but it's apparently the only way to get new Ossus gear. I'm okay with this bc I don't really need it for what I do. It's also one less goal I can accomplish even if I wanted to.


    I am a mostly solo player who will sometimes play in small groups for very short things. I can't do anything beyond that. * What am I even supposed to do with Ossus in general?


    The way it's looking from my side is that I can just safely skip the needless grind and come back when there is more content. I mean even my tiny guild doesn't make a difference, as it would take years to level even to level 2 with how it's build now. I have zero reason to even try that.


    I have the feeling this has something to do with the command rank levels, but let's be real; that's also not worth the grind.


    Also, we could in theory afford a flagship now, as that decreased a lot in price. But since we don't actually have all that many credits, it would still be uselss. It would be emtpy, for starters, as decorations for guild stuff are way too expensive in my not so humble opinion.


    * this is not up for debate


    /I don't mind all that much tbh. It just means I'll drop my sub and come back when there is more story content. That's why I like most anyway and that's why I started playing this. I just hoped there would be something a bit fun to keep me busy for a while, but the 'you are reaching the limit' messages just get on my nerves real fast, with no way to turn them off. Let that be my free tip for today; please let me turn these messages off. I know, trust me on that :rolleyes:

  16. So I've logged in two seperate characters. My first characters got a few conquest kills she wasn't even on the same planet for, nor grouped or even in a guild with anyone who was.


    My second character doesn't get any conquest points at all, not even when my group members do get theirs for actual quests.


    This is very annoying, to put it lightly.

  17. 1. The Hunt

    One of the most annoying varieties of this bug is the first chapter of KoTFE, which can be picked up endlessly from your ship, even if you've done it a hundred times already. If you do so accidentally, the only way to ever get rid of it again is to do the whole thing. It is triple annoying as it triggers a bug in an unrelated chapter.


    2. Facing the Machines of War

    One other is on Iokath, and an Operation quest. As I'll never be able to do it, I need to be able to get rid of this quest. Twenty-five quest slots aren't enough to have rogue quests hanging around like this.


    3. Any and all 'Alliance Alert's

    I'd also like to be able to forever declining several of the KotFE potential companion quests. I know I can skip them and even remove them from my quest log, but that only means my quest log will forever flash 'alliance alerts' at me and it is distracting. I did them once, I'm not doing them all on my alts.


    While I'm here; stop flashing the Galaxy Map at me as I have never seen it before. Especially on new characters it's bloody annoying that I have a flashing planet logo in my view at all times during two full planets of quests. Just remove it already.

  18. What a terrible idea for an event at this point of the game's existence.


    People who actually like to level All The Things With The Fancy Legendary do not have the character space for this. No way in hell I'm going to reroll characters that have full tradeskills with most of the schematics. It's nice that it will be 'cheaper' to buy more slots, but that's still not free. I pay enough for this game as is. Most people actually did a lot of leveling new alts recently due to the chapters of KotFE being so short, so there isn't that much new content at any one time, so that's another stab in the back for long time players. Bonus awful points for getting this info out so late.


    To be honest I just want to finish KotFE season, unsub and not login till after november to see if there is anything fun to do at that point. Maybe that will get my message across.


    /don't we have enough insane grinds as is with all the alerts :rolleyes:

  19. So... if I understand this part correctly, even though I have chosen to not get M1-4X and Pierce because I detest PvP with a deep and abiding passion, that to access future companions, I might be forced to unlock the previous PvP-wall companions after all. In essence, requiring me to inflict myself on warzones and avid PvPers, where I do not want to be and where I won't have a clue what I am doing, and won't have any fun doing it, and making it horrible for everyone else that is there.


    Or again choose to accept being gated from accessing all the companions I might wish to have.


    Great. Just great.


    Chapters 1-9 were awesome. Best time I ever had in this game. Ever. Alliance and recruiting companions -- not so much. Keep adding barriers like this and it gets a lot more not so much.

    I'm exactly in the same boat as the above poster. I've been playing MMO's for over 10 years. I detest PvP and do not remotely understand why anyone would force PvP for story progression. Trying to force me is useless.


    I'm very very tempted to cancel my sub. over this, with a not so friendly reminder that you're practically kicking out people that don't have the reflexes to PvP.

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