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Everything posted by alomastro

  1. will the sand people gear become legacy BoA or continue being BoP?
  2. ...you might as well let us group with each other. I have two sides to this. The first, the point of having two factions is for the challenge. Especially on PVP servers. I get that, and I kick some *** on my PVP server all the time with my dark assasin. I love picking on the little guy. But on the other hand, on my light jugg, I would love to find a Jedi, and group up. Especially, for one, my jugg is on a PVE server, so no picking in the first place. And two, if I'm clearing the same mobs for a similar opposing faction quest, or even the same exact quest, I would love to be able to throw a group invite to the Rep and finish the quest together. Maybe only allowing same alignment players group together, LS with LS/DS with DS. My main point, why bother choosing light or dark if it's only for gear and cut-scenes.
  3. i'm currently playing on a low pop server and having trouble getting flashpoints done due to lack of people. even during a peak point say 6pm- 10pm est on an est server, there will only be at most 20 ppl on fleet, and similar on dromund, belmorra or shadarr (20 is my highest so far). is there a way to find out the server pop so i can reroll, or can i only rely on the server statuses given on the site, which only change as ppl log in?
  4. i was just billed for the next month, had to be billed by march 19th, where do i find the title. i havent gotten any conformation, no in game mail. so now what?
  5. the game defaults to 120 refresh rate, i had to use my tv to change it to 85 for my computer screen to work
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