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Posts posted by Trishot

  1. First, I did a search function, there have been tons of requests for certain emotes. However, I have not seen this yet.


    Before I start, I would like to provide a little background. I have been playing MMO's for many years and one of the main attractions that keeps things fresh and fun (for me) is RP.

    Now, I have been playing MMO's ever since Asheron's call and EQ but I only started RP'ing in the WoW.


    Ok, so now on towards my suggestion.

    There is already an animation made for sitting on chairs, I can sit in the chairs located in the cockpit of my ship. So the animation is present, why can I not sit in a cantina? Or and bench located in towns/cities which have them. For me (and I am sure many others) this would make the world a little less static.

  2. Ok, so for all you Dutch people. Avoid pre-ordering any future games from Bart Smit, or if not. Make sure you keep reading otherwise you might get as disappointed as I.


    It has been about 5 months since pre-orders went live and I pre-ordered my Collectors Edition, I was thrilled it was available still. I placed the pre-order as fast as I could and the next day I received the little box Star Wars the Old Republic Collectors Edition (pre-order box)

    Again, I was thrilled and put my code in a few days later. (totally forgot about it lol) Still that only affected the early access I would be getting.

    Now on the day of the 13th of December 2011 I received a "newsletter" one where people can subscribe too it was not addressed to me personally and it told me I could pre-order now. Now here is where (apparently) I was a stupid sob. Seeing as I got the pre-order box for the CE I said to myself I already pre-ordered and discarded the e-mail as the advertisement newsletters usually are. Yesterday however, after seeing many people already having their CE I decided to phone their customer support.


    This is where the Nightmare begins. So I phone them up, and basically I had too pre-order the game again, for I just pre-ordered the pre-order box for early access.

    So, if I would have decided at the 13th after receiving the newsletter without having pre-ordered I could get a CE. Because they did not hear from me around the 13th they decided to give my CE to someone else. And they literally said well that's too bad for your sir, but you cannot get a refund (I didn't ask for one at any point) and I could still get the standard edition minus the costs of the pre-order thing.


    Now after having said that, perhaps I have been very lucky so far.

    But this is not the first game I pre-order this is however the first time I have seen a system like this. I usually place my pre-order pay a small sum up front (depending where I pre-order) and it's done. I get the game shipped to me usually 1 day before release, then I pay the rest.




    Bart Smit sucks because


    Questionable pre-order system

    Abysmal Customer Support

    Obnoxious representatives

  3. The basic grenades where not that expensive, some cloth and some dense stone made into Dense powder I believe it was. If you want the "good grenades" those with a stun/knockdown/fear/freeze" they where more expensive to make. However during those days (vanilla) Engineering was a very fun professions anyway, flame/shadow/ice reflects, mind controls. Stationary cannons etc.
  4. Please, would you stop complaining, this is just a perk to get into the game early. The release date is still the 20th, if we all decided to buy the game on release, everyone could get in. This is just a bonus for us, and a way for BioWare to handle the server load a little bit more smoothly, everybody wins.
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