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Posts posted by Daikeru

  1. The difference in abilities isn't much. The only important ability lower-levels would be missing is their interrupt. Atleast I think lower-levels don't get theirs...


    In any case, a smart PvPer can out-skill a level 49 on a level 10 toon. Please note that I said a 'smart PvPer', which is why we see a lack of people who can do it.


    Only works if the level 49 isn't a smart PvPer though. Also, at 30+ is when most people get those 30%-50% crit dmg boost as well as the special abilities that are only found in their specific trees. Revivification, Force Exhaustion, Sever Force, Heatseeker Missile, Assault Plastique, etc. At the lower levels spec don't really differentiate all that much, but each one becomes much more diverse in how it performs and what it can provide. All this said and done though, I still don't believe they should split the queues, at least not until cross servers are implemented, them I'd be fine to see how splitting would do.

  2. The range on both is 30m, however the Vanguards/Powertechs have a delay on theirs which makes it so you can walk a little more forward before actually being pulled. This could be what's causing you to feel like its range is longer than it actually is, because you can't walk out or be pulled out once its been activated. So if a Sage/Sorcerer and Vanguard/Powertech both use their pull at the same time, since the Vanguard's/Powertech's pull kicks in after the Sage's/Sorcerer you'll end up in front of the Vanguard/Powertech. It's also useful to note that if you walk in front of something that would normally LoS you from being pulled when the Vanguard's/Powertech's pull activates you'll just collide with that object and not be fully pulled to the Vanguard/Powertech. For example, those little four corner pillars over Fire Pits, I've had them stop my pull from fully bringing them over to where I was before ... and platforms @_@.
  3. I found being a fresh 50 isn't that bad on my Shadow and Sorc. I even take off some of my WH on my sentinel and play with 1000 or less Expertise from time to time. In pre 50 you're not necessarily playing with people that know what they're doing. In 50 you begin to play with people who somewhat know what they're doing and with people who know what they're doing. So facing people who have all their skills at their disposal as well as have some compitence with their respective class might be quite the wall to some people. Finally, I'm a bit skeptical about those hacks you've mentioned. Many times a fresh 50 just hasn't seen what certain classes can really do with the right people behind the monitor.
  4. The problem isnt only shockwave (although it is by far the biggest reason of" lol-mongo-smash!")


    +30% crit damage with all your main damage abilities

    30% ap with everything

    100% crit chance

    100% damage increase.


    I mean seriously, who the hell do they have working on balance?

    There is no other class/spec in the game that has anything even close to what knight's/sith's are getting from one tree, and not only that its by far one of the easiest spec's to play in the game.


    Its like they wanted to make a pvp class for people that have a mental disability, or one of the dev's got raped to hard pre 1.4 and decided to give his personal class godmode (and because noone seems to care over at bioware after the massive layoff's im thinking they let this one pass just to get rid of the remaining 500k player's as payback to ea)


    Its not bad, its so fantastically broken its just incomprehensible that **** like this makes it through testing.


    When 95% of the playerbase is playing the same spec/classes, thats a pretty heavy hint something isnt working.


    Lets see ....

    Kinetic Combat Shadow's Project - 15%+ Base Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3K-6K variable* CD, Range 10m)

    Infiltration Shadow's Project - 30%+ Damage, 50%+ Crit Dmg, 50% reduced Force cost, 45% secondary 50% Dmg proc (3k-9K on 6s CD, Range 10m)

    Combat Sentinel's Bladestorm - 30%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, only cost 2 Focus (3K-6K on 9s CD, Range 10m)

    Watchmen Sentinel's Burns - 30%+ Base Dmg, 30% Crit Dmg, Elemental Damage (500-1k+, 2 burns - variable and 12s CD, Range Debuff(4m))

    Lightning Sorceror's Thundering Blast - 50%+ Crit Dmg, 100% Crit Chance, Internal Dmg (5K+ on 9s CD, Range 30m)

    variable - abilities can be forced off their CD


    Almost every class has skills that can do massive amounts of damage, as well as have various other abilities at their disposal. Above I've only listed one ability from each specialization. Listing what a class can do is no basis for an argument, it's just card stacking. Also, I hope you don't think that those four points apply to all of the Focus Knight's abilities ...

  5. This could work ... Not in the same why MOBA(AoS) games work since everyone would already have their "end game gear", but it has potential ... The way I see it is it'd be sort of like a beachhead assault where you enter the mess mid way through either pushing in to capture the base or driving the invaders out. I think there would have to be move than 8 people on each side for something like this though o.O
  6. Yes, I do that. It's free (talented) so why the heck not.


    Because you could've just held their hands and walked along for 8s and achieve the same effect (^_^)

    But outside of a PvP situation I would totally spam the hell out of that thing x3 I Force Wave and Whirling Strike all the time on my Shadow.

  7. Melee classes like Sentinels are definitely incapacitated by roots. Absolutely. My main is a Gunslinger, and I still recommend that roots and slows be made to add to or respect resolve. It only makes sense. It could be considered "soft CC" and only add half as much resolve, but it should definitely not work on people who are resolved. It is so frustrating to be hit with stun after stun on my Sentinel, finally get resolved, then get rooted and slowed so I can't even do anything while I finally cannot be stunned.


    As a melee class you can still use most, if not all, of your abilities while rooted. It is a soft CC. Slows and roots are forms of crowd control, but resolve was only made to work against incapacitates. Slows and roots only inhibit your ability to move around.

  8. No I said I would give up the damage on my tendon blast that does next to nothing damage to get rid of the spaming slow, and plus isnt a Juggernaut a melee class anyway so they should be in melee range anyway o.O regardless of whether the jugg is doing damage its BS that they can spam it at zero focus cost whether they have it speced or not its a FORCE attack slow wat ever u want to call it, it should cost focus and if it did they would only be able to spam it 4 or 5 times not 10. And my tendon blast costs me energy and it has a 12 second CD. i feel that all the whineing babys crying scoundrel heals are OP have nerfed the crap out of US and the 1.2 patch nerf the OP classes and then to BUFF expertise for damage is just a kick in teeth.


    Where's the rulebook that states that all force attacks must cost focus even when spec'd? Also, depending on the cost they could spam it up to 12 times at max. Yup, your tendon blast cost you energy, but the slow last for 12s. You can do other things while the target is still slowed, unlike the Juggernaut that needs to spam the same move and stay in reach to achieve the same effect.

  9. so if I came up to u and kicked u in the nuts that wouldnt be toal loss of control right ? why does it add resolve then



    the game is full of holes and bad CC with terrible mechanics for resolve anything that stops me from controling my character in a normal way should be considered LOSS of CONTROL.


    Complete loss of control. Incapacitated. If you're slowed or rooted you can still use your normal abilities. There's a difference between an animation and what a move actually does.

  10. I really like the idea of which ever side controls certain pvp control points open up a PVE area for the faction.


    Bioware should take note.


    I don't believe that's a good idea personally. It kind of forces PvE'rs to do PvP content to get access to PvE content. And then PvPers do PvP ... to unlock PvE content ... Would be fine for the people who do both, but there are the exclusive club members.

    I was thinking maybe making PvP type dailies? That requires you to do certain objectives within the OW environment to complete? Rewards would be ... a new PvP currency for mounts, pets, shells? Maybe a few wz coms here and there? Just throwing some ideas out there, but overall I don't believe that PvE content should be the reward of successful accomplishment of PvP content.

  11. BIOWARE,


    Please, say something on this issue. Yes, we all understand that there are issues, and issues, and dev issues, and you broke your flux capacitor, and the warp core is dead on the server. It really does not matter. What matters is SILENCE. In the absence of leadership, chaos rules.


    In this case, all we get on open world PVP is SILENCE, half-baked rumors, and PVE content adds; This is the band-aid approach to having your guts spilling on the floor. (Don't get me wrong, adding content is great, but on this isssue it does not really help long term.) Looking at it differently, other IP gains popularity and user investment while SWTOR (arguably one of the best IP's in the world to date) seems to oh so slowly die a little more every day. Huge guilds of 1000+ people look to other IP because what is wanted is lacking here.


    In the absence of leadership, chaos rules? Well thing is that the rage generated from silence is far less from that which occurs when changes are made and priorities are moved around to the things that have been announced. It's basically a smaller **** storm Bioware has to deal with if they just keep silent until something is properly finalized.

  12. I don't see what difference it makes whether you're melee or ranged. Free cc is still free cc.


    No cc should ever not count toward immunity. This is why snares and roots in TOR are completely imba, and you have situations where classes like Juggs can perma-snare groups. Seriously, it's mmo pvp design 101...you can't have spammable cc without any repercussions. This is why there is such an outcry from the community over cc in this game.


    The repercussion? No Damage. So I guess it does pass your condition huh?


    Also, Bioware has stated that slows and roots are part of their kite to anti-kite mechanics. Besides, resolve only works on complete loss of control.

  13. Id gladly give up my pitiful 700 damage from tendon blast to get rid of Jugg slow spams!


    So you'd give up your 10m 12s slow that does damage and continues to slow while you can use other abilites if the Juggernaut loses their free slow that they have to spam and be in melee range for it to take effect? Not to mention that while the Juggernaut spams the slow they're doing absolutely nothing in damage.

  14. I counted more than one guy who said they played in a top rated team who agrees that PvP is broken right now... But then do you even read every post in a thread or just cherry pick the ones you want to reply to?


    No that is not what I am claiming, I am claiming that the type of gameplay that makes other players feel helpless and kills the fun for said players, is demeaning and hurting the game. But we've been over this again, and again, and again.


    If PvP is so perfect, then why do so many people clearly hate it? Have a browse through the hundreds of pages here in this very forum, it paints a very bleak picture of PvP in this game, and they're not wrong. It's funny, the only guys I know who really enjoy PvP are the ones who play in the top rated teams on my server. Bioware is essentially catering to an elite few, and it is hurting the game. I understand all too well why people such as yourself will try and defend it, but if you want what is best for the game, then things will have to change. Whether they do or not will decide this games future when F2P hits, I certainly won't be sticking around if things are left as they are. But you're fine with that right, just as long as they leave your precious PvP just the way it is :rolleyes:


    There will be people that are dissatisfied with the product. They will be vocal about it. Those who're satisfied with it? They will be playing the game. If you use the PvP forum of any game to judge the state of PvP for any game then every game's PvP is in a state of monkey dung.


    Also: "You can try and justify PvP in its current state by trying to pick me apart but it really isn't going to change anything, my opinion and everyone else's will stay the same.". Then everyone should really stop here. If both sides have already formulated an opinion then what's the purpose of this thread? Even if they do it, not by picking you apart, by presenting arguments and/or by various other methods - if it goes against what your opinion is you will not listen or will brush it off. That goes for those who agree and disagree with your opinion.


    Finally do you really expect people to read all 19 pages of this thread?

  15. I said he took his armor off, not everything, he still had all this implants/ear/relics and had 14k hp. He wasn't totally naked.


    Alright so his chest, legs, feet, hands, wrist, head, and belt? So he lost approximately 650+ Exp, Str, and End. So 14k hp! ... 0 Armor ... heavy drop in total power, crit chance, and crit multiplier. Yet you still couldn't beat him? He's basically a sentinel in recruit gear at most ... So yea .... Do you have a video of this? (^_^)

  16. Greetings! Welcome to the PVP forums. Please stay awhile - we're discussing something you could care less about.


    Regarding the original post, while I agree that full or 99% resist defensive CDs are a huge pain (I play a sorcerer), you usually have a way to manage around them. Honestly I kind of wish sorcerers had a defensive CD of some kind (and before you start harping on the self heal... that's not the same thing at all). Something to match up against the offensive CDs people have (Dispatch comes to mind) would help keep clothies on the field a bit longer.


    It's a massive heal that's only usable on yourself, what would you define it as? There's always your bubble as well. Finally, Dispatch is only usable when you're below 30% hp.

  17. 1) like what? I know leg shot sure doesnt work because I play a 50 gunslinger and tested it over and over. I know force slow/overload kb and root, creeping darkness root, electrocute, whirlwind doesnt work because I play a sorc and tried all those and doesnt work. I tried carnage roots with deadly saber and ravage root sure doesnt work. . I know my flame burst doesnt work, combustible cylinder damage and its slow doesnt work, I know my grapple doesnt work, all my PTs stun also doesnt work. On my operative, I know my hidden strike doesnt work, and doesnt knockdown, I know all my attacks gets "resist" back stab/chiv/laceration and such. I know my sever tendon (my slow and root) doesnt work, I know flashbang doesnt work, I know debilitate doesnt work, I know my tranq dart doesnt work.


    Someone asked for this earlier, at the moment I can only recall;

    Force Leap

    Zealous Leap (I think)

    Crippling Throw*


    Leg Slash

    Low Slash

    *must be spec'd into

    All of these are melee based attacks. These all work when they hit. So if they didn't, you probably missed.

  18. Marauders have one: but it costs 50% of their current health and lasts 4 seconds. and is just a damage reduction


    Assassins have one and it also make them immune to CC, 100% resist to force and tech attacks. Lasts 5 seconds. And it's cd can be active lowered through a proc.



    Ppl cried for months about the marauder ability. I'm still shocked their aren't dozens of threads about assassins.


    Sentinels don't resist anything during their Guarded by the Force, it's a 99% damage reduction for 4 seconds at the cost of 50% of their current health. They're still vulnerable to anything you throw at them, just that damage is heavily decreased.


    Assassins have one that's 3 seconds which grants immunity to Force and Tech attacks. This means that they'll resist all the damage from the attacks as well as negate the attack's effects. It's only when they spec into it does it become 5s and allows CD reduction through dodges.


    Smugglers have Dodge which allow them to evade all melee and ranged attacks for 3 seconds (I believe, but I may be wrong on the duration). It's duration can be increase via set bonus I believe.


    As for the OP, what is it about giving classes the ability to resist abilities show that the developers have little care of or even know what they're doing? Why exactly shouldn't classes have such abilities? You have to go a bit more into detail before making such claims.

  19. http://www.twitch.tv/rogean/b/334667910


    2:40 The knockback I understand could have gone through due to latency to the server, but the spike happened while I was glowing gold, and should not have gone through. (Spike is a force attack, Resilience regularly blocks it but it got through due to the bug).


    6:35 Knocked back by Sniper's Cover Pulse, well after resilience was activated.




    6:19:25 Spiked clearly during Resilience


    6:40:40 Cover Pulse during Resilience again. It's close to the end of the buff, however server latency should only affect the beginning.. the server sends out updates about buffs and abilities in systematic order, so if their cover pulse went off after resilience, the server would have told me resilience wore off before I got hit with the KB.


    Are you sure it wasn't the other sniper's channel knockback? The single target one that knocks you back if you get too close. The others are definitely times where Resilience should've worked. You've sended a ticket and submitted these two videos right?

  20. I've thought about it, but no, i'm absolutely certain accuracy is not the issue. The last toon to stun me during resilience was a min/maxed healer scoundrel, and they DON'T have any accu on their gear :p


    Plus, this issue happens also in PvE. And i'm talking about worker trash mobs in HM EC !!


    I've been playing my shadow quite a bit, and I have yet to encounter this problem. Mind providing a video showing Resilience not working when it should?

  21. Please provide full list of non-Force/Tech CC abilities....


    Force Leap - root

    Leg Slash - slow

    Low Slash - mez

    Crippling Throw * - root

    Masterstrike* - root

    Cauterize* - slow

    Zealous Leap - root (actually I'm not sure if this is melee or not, but I believe it is)

    * ~ ability must be spec'd into to attain this effect


    There's probably more with the smuggler and trooper classes, but none that I can recall with confidence.

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