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Everything posted by WaywardSith

  1. When playing on my Tank(spec him dps for pvp tho), I prefer my healer to be capable or realizing when I am getting tunneled and respond, keeping my up. I can escape, but when you get jumped/stun locked there's little you can do without a healer on you too. As for when I play my healer, I try and heal everyone as much as possible. I prioritize people with the lowest health, obviously, as they are more likely to die first. I try and keep everyone at least at 50% if it comes to that, and usually I am able to manage it. If I'm the only healer, it's tough, but I can do it
  2. http://www.ehow.com/how_4431896_use-flash-drive-as-ram.html Pretty cool. About to attempt it and see how it functions on my desktop(could use some more ram on it), definitely will try it on my laptop. Thanks for the tip
  3. Reddit post worked for me. Thank you SO MUCH, been really wanting this since I got my mouse and was gutted when I saw the promotion was over But yeah, got it now
  4. Went straight to make a post like this myself. This patch looks very promising, thanks BW.
  5. Hey guys I'm looking for a home for my Lvl 50 Tank who's nearly full BH. I have done most raids hm/sm, however I have yet to clear ec sm or any difficulty above, as well as anything above sm for TFB(still need to beat the last boss as well). As it sits, I like the guild I'm in, however I need a guild that actually raids consistently, and is doing at least a bit of progression. My guild at the moment does none of that. We usually just do EV sm or KP HM on raid nights(getting soooo bored of that), and my tank needs a challenge. Unfortunately, I am busy during the week(school), and can only raid Friday/Saturday nights. If you think you have a raid group for me, contact me here, pm me, or whisper/pm me in game Thanks
  6. WaywardSith

    Get War Hero?

    BUY THE WH. It's the new battle master at this point, and if you want to stand a chance you'll need it.
  7. It should be sent to you via in-game mail
  8. Well, the tionese quest should arrive in the mail, but you can also get it in the mission terminal in "supplies" In my opinion, the Op healer is the better way to go, but you should level whatever you enjoy most
  9. HM = Hard Mode NM = Nightmare Mode FYI TFB = Terror From Beyond, the latest operation. SM drops rakata, HM will get you some dread and campaign. EC = Explosive Conflict, it's an operation that's pretty challenging from SM(story Mode). NM is currently the hardest fight in the game, as NM mode TFB has yet to be made. TFB is on the planet Asation, EC is on Denova. If you want weekly missions as well as HM dailies, visit the mission terminal in the middle of the "Supplies" section on fleet. Hope that helped
  10. It would be AWESOME, but BW could never do that due to the simple cluster **** that would be based on things like huttball. Plus they would sneak some kind of objective in, otherwise face the butthurt. Yeahhh, we would still lose. I can feel the smash guardians mass jumping now...but I digress. I mean, it could be fun, but seeing as how we get cluster ****ed in things like huttball and even the new WZ(which has points that are kill-based), I don't see us winning very much
  11. I know your feeling. Just popping out of stealth instantly gets me focused, healing or not. Mind you, if I channel a healing ability I get absolutely stomped. I can barely crank 400k in the usual pug. That's because all people seem to think about is "killkillkill". It's honestly a miracle when I get a team that's half competent when it comes to objective, and protecting a healer? Hell if you do that you have my mvp vote. Don't see that NEAR as much on imp side as pub side. Exactly! See, I was excited for Ancient Hypergate because I thought it would be a "KillKillKill" warzone, therefore making imps more apt to win, but NOPE. Chuck testa must work at BW, because we still get ganked.
  12. Sweet jesus. 100mil credits. I must have it.
  13. I would just like to thank every annoying bastard who has ever needed that slight amount of entertainment in their day to follow me accross the entire map twice while I frantically heal/stun. Seriously. You must have had some crazy ****** day.
  14. Honestly I see a mixed bag. Nowadays in 1-49 PVP, it's a lot better. I can level my imp alts with relative ease, as the PVP is a bit more balanced than when the PVP server merged. However, in the 50 bracket, I still see severe imbalance. All those people that came over in the server merge, they are STILL level 50, and they STILL pound us imps with crazy ferocity. After playing approx. 20 pvp matches in the 50 bracket on my newly-dinged healer, I won *drumroll*....3. A whole 3 matches out of about 20. So that's just a figure you guys can look at. I personally don't care, as I get great healing numbers when we're losing because...everyone needs to be healed....but yeah, however if I were a dps or something, I can see it getting very absurd, very fast. Hoping when/if voluntary transfers emerge some pubs will shift, or some imps will come over and help us out
  15. YES. When someone can jump to me, hit me once, smash me and then I'm dead, you're OP. Needs nerf. Surprising that this class hadn't been nerfed yet, whereas the other ones have..lol
  16. Fortunately I've never had to deal with this kind of problem. Most of the time when I pug it up I've gotten pretty great healers, or at least healers who know what the hell they're doing. The one time I had a problem it was my fault on the Rakghoul boss in Kaon, I couldn't keep aggro on him, but we fixed that right up. However, I hear you loud and clear OP, I've heard quite a few stories from fellow tanks about this sort of thing.
  17. My Tanksin is one of the best dailies clearers I have seen to date. I can stealth around certain instances and cc targets, and then I can easily knock out the heroics because, you know, I'm a tank Overall, I can solo any daily quest(torvex is soloable, but I haven't done it in a while), except the new hero4 which is impossible to solo as you need 4 people to do it. ANYWAYS, overall tanksin is the best class I've seen so far to knock out dailies efficiently. Theoretically you can earn about 2mil per 5 days should you efficiently do them and collect a good amount of loot. I've done it quite a few times, really helps when you wanna buy things like the thrones and whatnot
  18. I've seen someone with 30k, and I was just astonished. Personally I sit just under 25k on my tanksin fully buffed. Nearly full BH
  19. I usually help out a lot on my characters. I'll run around buffing people, as well as healing people when I have the chance. If I'm on a tank or dps I'll jump in a fight someone is having trouble with and clear out some trash for them. Overall I just like helping out when questing. However, I don't do that much of it since I'm mainly a PVP'er or FP/OP runner The nicest thing someone ever did for me was run through the entire hoth sith inquisitor storyline with me. It was great, and we're now long time guildies
  20. It will most likely happen on my tank. He's one of the main tanks in my guild, so he's going to end up probably grouped up and running the content together with people mostly, which means I'll cut through it faster. Plus, I'll probably disregard most of the story to level him, as I can go back through it on my agent. I'd probably at least get my main leveled by the end of the 5 days
  21. I fail to see the point of this thread. It's an EXPANSION. $10 is not a bad price at all to pay for it, and I happily just pre-ordered as soon as I saw the tweet about it. It's people like you that make this forum not worth posting in.
  22. Tirsa Elite drops there, I've only got it once in my maaaaaaaaaaaany times of running it, and a healer that joined for the last fight ninja'd it from me by 1 point
  23. I so know the feeling. I started with digital deluxe(bought CE later on for sale price for the upgrades), and went to a LAN party with a few of my IRL guildies the first night of early-access. I started with my assassin(who is still my main today), and I fell in love with it. Through thick and thin I have been with this game, and I agree, every day still feels like launch day. I always come home eager to play, and I constantly crave the patches after a while, because I want more content to eat my way through I've played almost every class, however assassin is my only 50, I know, I know, point and laugh. Still, I love raiding and doing pretty much everything else. Hats of to bioware for sure
  24. Congrats guys, that was an amazing kill
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