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Everything posted by jo-kat

  1. jo-kat

    fixing warzones

    is there any news about them fixing warzones. i am sick of starting matches where my team has 4-6 people starting while the other team always is full. i know i cant be the only one getting aggravated by this , i just cant find anythign on the forums and dont feel like looking thru all the posted to find one to respond to. but seriously how hard is it even if the other team has a full 8 man grp to start the teams even, leaving the other people in a queue until another people form the oppisite team joins. at the end they sill gain valor but this uneven balance along with the overpowered of the other faction is getting old. sorry had to vent ...thanks for listening and go ahead and flame
  2. hey everyone, my i'm Jokat but you can call me Joe ...i didnt get to see this thread first time around. but since the game has started i figured might as well check the forums and see whats going on. It looks like its going to be a fun ride.
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