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Everything posted by Melon_Lord

  1. That is probably the greatest disparity between all the advanced classes DPS. Fix it Devs, Power Shot spam is too strong right now. @ PhatMcMuffins You might want to do some research next time
  2. Now that full Merc Pyro is capable of over 3800 DPS, and PT Pyro is trailing behind somewhere around 3100-3400 why do Mercs have a brainstorming thread created by Eric to help them out? Aside from Scatter Bomb Shenanigans I'd argue Mercs are top DPS in the game with a great off heal, and are ranged to avoid lots of annoying boss mechanics. Mercs already have the love damn it! We want hugs too! If a Bounty Hunter class needs assistance it's us PT.
  3. Merc Pyro is broken, it shouldn't be doing 400-500 more DPS than PT Pyro
  4. There hasn't been much complaining lately, has everyone given up or are people becoming satisfied with their class capabilities? I vote for a damage buff on Flame Burst or Power Shot be nerfed. I am still mystified by the disparity between the spam move damage. ie: The difference in potential output between Power Shot and Flame Burst, or Charged Bolts and Ion Pulse. Power Shot and Charged Bolts hits for 1k or more damage on average over Flame and Ion Pulse based off numbers from Torparse. You might say well they have a cast time so it should be stronger, and I can understand that reasoning, however, the differences in APM between top Merc and Top Pt are a mere .3 in favor of Pt. So cast time versus instant cast has little or no implact. Also note the Top Pt parse is a hybrid which means it's getting an additional 6% fire damage and 6% Flame Burst damage for a total of 12% more damage to Flame Burst it would not otherwise have if using full Pyro like the top Merc. It's disappointing to buff a skill by 12% and have it do 1000 or more less damage than it's AC brother's similar move.
  5. Both are good pve, Merc has it easier in end game though. As for pvp AP Pt is Fotm right now.
  6. I think most people would agree AP got better in 2.4, yeah our DoT got weaker but Flame Thrower is crazy now. Flame Sweep with Volitile Igniter is nice, more of a QoL thing so we don't have to individually DoT. Flame Sweep and DoT is really week though even compared to no stack flamethrower, yeah you can spam Sweep but you'll run into heat problems real fast. It's nice to have for Pyro, and nice to build stacks in AP, but in no way would I consider it one of the best AoE in the game. That is easily reserved for "Fun extra bit of damage" of Scatter Bombs. Seriously Devs, fix that crap.
  7. Mercs are very viable if not overall the best class end game PVE wise. PVP I have no first hand experience with, however, my guild's main tank alts a Pyro Merc for PVP and actually complains about how badly he destroys people.
  8. Used to main arsenal Merc until 1.5 or so, kicking myself now because I wish I would have stuck with it. Otherwise I suppose my main alt is a madness sorc, but I mess around with lethality ops and vengeance jugg too
  9. Ideally, if you have a choice I'd say be a Merc, I think they're the most versatile class in the game. Heavy armor, Burst spec with Arsenal, Sustained with Pyro, good array of AoE attacks in any spec, a great off heal that's an instant AoE on short CD, cleanse is always good, knockback, Hydraulic Overrrides, 1min CC usuable on bio or droid, and fully ranged to avoid lots of stupid boss proximity AoE. They also make great healers.
  10. Hybrid is all well and good, but it's been nerfed a few times before and it'll be nerfed again. We shouldn't be bothered with teaching people the rotation, we should be gathering everyone to complain about the lack of punch in the upper tiers of both trees to reduce the need to go hybrid to just be competitive in operations, and or in addition to, complain about rearranging the trees so things like Hyper Fuel, Hot Iron, and Prototype Cylinders is available to both trees
  11. Yeah, there are only two DPS Pt on my server I am aware of who still do operations. It's quite sad really, since I'm one of the few who couldn't care less about PVP. It's hard to hear about how great we are, yet on the other side of the coin, hear how much we suck.
  12. Screw rifles, I want the ability to equip a Techstaff. A replacement ability for Rapid Shots and Unload. We would still be melee with the ability to kite. All we need now is a 15-20s short range gap closer like Obliterate from the Rage tree of Warriors
  13. What about this? Much like how Jugg's Saber Ward is different than Marauders, because they have the passive Ability Blade Turning (The first 2 seconds of Saber Ward grants 100% melee and ranged defense.). What if Powertechs had the passive ability of the first 2 seconds of Hydraulic Overrides grants a greater speed boost (maybe 80%) to really help us get around since they don't want to make Jet Charge a class ability.
  14. It seems like they'll be the best in 2.5, but not right now. Also I said *passive* mitigation meaning, not activating anything to increase survivability.
  15. Are you saying Sins have the best passive mitigation?
  16. Currently my stats http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b90d9eb0-8e8a-4d8b-9262-9d5d909525dd
  17. Mostly true, but we, in addition to Juggs, Operatives, and Sins are still around 10% less than Sniper/Mara potential
  18. Pretty safe to say Dread Forged Boundless Ages is one, as for the other, might be a toss up for Serendipitous Assault or Devastating Vengeance. The Focused Retribution seems like a middle road with Aim adding a little damage and a minor amount of crit. So if you have enough crit then go Serendipitous otherwise if you're doing a full power build you might what the Vengeance. Although I wish they would have kept actual damage relics like Dark Radiance, sometimes the proc for effect relics go off at the wrong times.
  19. If they reverted to pre 2.0 CGC it would be too much, in full 78 it would like like a 3k or more DoT over 6s Intresting, suggestion of a raid DoT buff since I have often talked about this with my guild. Though in my case I was thinking about a elemental/internal buff mirrored to something like armor debuff. I noticed it already exists in the game as some enemies in Makeb gave me "Oil Soaked" which said it lowered my elemental/internal damage reduction.
  20. Thanks, I try, not hard enough it seems though. Although it'd be nice to have a mara in the group, might help boost me up to what some of the other PT/VG are pulling. Really though I think most of our numbers comes from positioning and having good tanks really helps with that.
  21. This is something I've wanted for Powertechs since learning we didn't have one way back in the day. Something the other Tank/DPS AC's get. I'm talking about a real execute. Something like Vicious Throw or Assassinate. A strong move used specifically on targets of 30% HP or less. I don't want to hear crap about how Pyro has an execute called Burnout. Well then Lethality Snipers have an execute called Devouring Microbes, in addition to Weakening Blast... oh and Take Down, which in Lethality can be used fairly regularly on any target or HP% And since there are already 2 essentially melee executes and only 1 ranged, and since Powertech are a melee/range class go ahead and make our execute ranged, for balance. 2 ranged, 2 melee. I realize Sorcs, Operatives, and Mercs might feel left out at this point but they can go heal to full some place the sun don't shine.
  22. I find it odd you would say Pyro is suffering when you posted a log in which you broke 3600 dps at one point. Even without the bugged extra heat vented from your offhand Rail Shot, I wouldn't say Merc Pyro is suffereing.
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