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10 Good
  1. I have no idea what your saying..But I agree?
  2. If Hes hitting you in the face you should be using TARGET - Closest Enemy lol
  3. Its not better, it does what its supposed to do, Target Next Enemy, lol,
  4. Ok, I'm sick of hearing people complain about TAB, if you look in the key binding you guys know its "TARGET NEXT ENEMY", so it does exactly what is says. If you also look in the KEY BINDINGS, there is a bunch of other targeting features that arent binded, such as Target Closest Enemy. MAYBE you guys are thinking of that one. BUT until you actually look at the Key Bindings can we PLEASE stop blaming TAB for anything? Also if you want to be better at PVP, might try binding some keys to make it better, I for one am a Casual PVPer, and Still have plenty of fun PVPing...
  5. Hi, I am with you, I actually enjoy running space missions, to break up planetary missions... I did glance at the gear and noticed the stats werent work much... I think it would be cool if there were things from space combat that improved space, and even gave you an edge on ground... **My one biggest complaint about space combat*** ***Capital ships should blow up at some point!! Maybe i need torpedoes so i have to wait till 50, but if I blow up every hard point on one of those Republic Corvettes, it should blow up, nothing more satifying in a space sim, then when you take out a larger ship...
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