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Everything posted by Willard

  1. Well, I enjoy a challenge. That's why I went for the fleet datacron. However I didn't research it properly, so when I screwed up I was annoyed. I didn't mean it to "get rid of them". I was just frustrated. I was also not guilded so I had no one to ask for help. I have now given up on it (temporarily), so no harm done
  2. Hey guys, I'm a returning player... again. I've been playing on and off since release. I'm currently in an inactive Swedish guild called The Swedish Fork Lords. It's a really great guild, and it's made up with Swedes However, as the years went by, so did the guild. They kinda dropped out of the game. They are still active ingame, but there are not many players left. So I asked them, since I'm now back in the game. Can I leave? "Yes of course you can". No bad feelings? No... So... I'm looking for an active English speaking guild (PvE) on Darth Malgus. I'm a Legendary Player, but as I said, I've been out of the game for a few years. I made an alt for my main (a month ago) in order to re-learn the game, again. We are now both the same level. I still have some issues. But with some help, maybe I can overcome them I'm quite social, and very helpful, usually. I really enjoy playing with others. Just curious if there's a guild available that has players online, like 24/7 (or somewhat like it)? Best Regards /Zantiah
  3. Let's face it. They made some items available, only once you were bla. bla. blla.... Hero Engine is not Tomb Raider. They can't get quests working when you have to jump, climb, and jump again. Especially when you get stuck between a snowball or whatever. Why do you keep doing these kind of screwed up "puzzles"
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