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Posts posted by SerikFox

  1. As someone who was a major craftsman for years in swg, I have to say, I miss it somewhat. But, they could have easily improved many factors about it - mainly in the number of resources and resource gathering. I'm sorry to tell them this, but aluminum is aluminum, you don't mine steel, you make it, and there are not different types of copper - copper is copper. You don't mine alloys, you make them. However, that was my biggest issue. My only other issue was that I couldn't do combat and crafting at the same time. In terms of the actual complexity (minus the need for crafting suits - those pissed me off) it was great. However, I have personally found a system, that, while more simplistic, is becoming my favorite. that is the crafting in Skyrim. Resource gathering is fantastic, and it's not overly complex, but it's not as simple as swtor. Frankly, crafting in swtor is too simple in many aspects, although I still enjoy it greatly. What swtor really misses though is a real upgrading system. Mod stuff exists, sure, but I can't take a modifiable item and make it "legendary". I can't change it's appearance. I can't change it's color, or change anything on it. I can't go boost the stats just through my crafting skill like you can with a workbench in Skyrim. What I would like, is a resource system similar to Skyrim, a system to make my companions get the stuff, a way to make things myself if I so choose, and a custom design system for objects. Give me a basic template (a simple blank robe for example) and let me customize every part of it. Let me add different patterns, change the color, put the hood up/down, remove the hood, change sleeve length and style, change the fit of the robe, etc. Like a character creator (much more in depth than swtor's creator) for equipment. I also would like to be able to customize the stats more precisely on enhancements/mods that I make. Let me allocate points and decide exactly what stats go into it. Then let me save a template of whatever I made, so I can repeat it later. The system in swtor is partway there - if they just give an option to allow stuff to be more customizable (and allow you to craft stuff yourself, if you choose to; You could still have your companions do it) and change the resource system just slightly so the resources actually match up with what you're making, then they'd have the best system going. Obviously that would be a lot of work to create, but once they got it going, no other crafting system would match them. (another idea would be to allow any something to be crafted with any materials [fitting in a relative category], but have the higher level materials change the actual stats of the item, rather than having a billion different schematics for enhancements and stuff. That wouldn't change the tiered system for resource gathering at all, so it wouldn't increase the complexity. You could still keep the reverse engineering system though - that wouldn't need any real change. Any purple schematics would improve the stats of whatever you're making in the exact same manner they do now - each new "template" that you create would have to be reverse engineered to get the better schematic. You would also need to be able to delete a template if you wanted under this system.)
  2. I just watched the trailer that mentions some of the upcoming legacy updates in the future, and the one thing that struck me was that the sith warrior was a miraluka, which if I'm not mistaken, is not on the list of species that you can start with as a warrior. Now, I was just about to create one new character, my second jedi knight (in love with the class), and I'm worried that if I create the character now I will not get the full number of customization options that I would like. Having reserved most of my names right off, this is an issue for me. All but my bounty hunter are at least lvl 10, one is in the 40's, and three are around lvl 13-18. What I really would like a sith pureblood jedi knight, but this is going to be my last character slot when I create this second knight. I can't find any info on this, and I'm assuming no one has any major info, but I'm wondering if anything has been mentioned regarding a couple things.


    a) Is it possible that you will you be able to unlock another character slot through legacy?


    b) Will you be able to redo an existing characters species and/or appearance upon the new updates?


    c) Has bioware mentioned anything regarding the potential problems this could create for some players? Anything at all. So far I've seen a lack of communication about this system entirely. That could mean a ton of different things, but it does have me slightly worried. I'm hoping I just missed something that other people have seen/heard.


    If anyone has seen/heard anything regarding any of these things, please respond to this post. If a dev see's this and replies, that would make me extremely happy. I'm betting a bunch of people are in the same situation I am about this. For now I'm going to go ahead and make this new character - and hope that bioware addresses this when they implement the update, they have impressed me so far in terms of responsiveness to problems - but I'm not gonna be to thrilled if I have to redo a character to get what I want (I will if I have to, but I'd be very upset).

  3. Guild Names:

    Best: Alderaan Timeshares

    Worst: Sith My Pants

    Mine: Sinister Syndicate


    Player Names:

    Best: Dovahkiin

    Worst (or best depending on your point of view): Bater. He was a jedi - I don't think I need to explain any farther.

    My best: Tie between Centurion and Watchman. I was pissed I couldn't get Legion or Arbiter though. (I also wanted Phalanx and Jackal, but nooooo lol)

  4. First off; I don't really like the idea of 16man raids, but I'll do them if I have to. Secondly, purple is my favorite color. Thirdly, I want a purple crystal. Forth, I want to be able to craft my crystal. Fifth, I can't do that. Why not? Maybe make schematics for purple crystals drop, but don't make the crystals themselves that hard to get. Rare colors like cyan, magenta, white, and whatever can be special; but red, green, blue, yellow, orange, and purple should not be. Make orange and purple slightly harder to get; that's cool with me. Make them actual schematics that you have to buy from commendation vendors on worlds or something. But don't make purple a drop. I know you can get orange schematics, but I do not want to have to kill some raid boss to get a fairly standard crystal. I am a little-bit-incredibly-so angry over the way crystals have been treated in general. The restriction on red for ls and blue and green for ds is completely ridiculous. Anakin used a blue saber when he fought Obi-wan - why can't I use one when I'm evil? I've been thrilled with the modification system thus-far - but the color crystals just make me angry. Now, the rarity is not something I'd quit over - I can't say that I would ever quit this game with just the way it is now - but no one I know is happy about the color crystal BS. I would totally use a red saber lightside for one of my guys. Right now however, it's looking like green. Come on. Of all the little issues I have with games - customization always takes priority.
  5. A dark Jedi guardian is still a Jedi Guardian and should be able to use a blue saber.


    A light-sided Sith (who by the way makes decisions that Jedi would still call dark) is still a sith, and should be using a red saber.


    The system effects non force users as well.


    The system makes looting and rolling a pain, as the player does not know if it is the color crystal in the item that is restricting him from using it, or if it is the item itself. (This is especially painful at the commendation vendor)



    Some arguments against changing this system are:

    I wont be able to tell my enemies in pvp as well.

    • Under the current system, the colors are not locked to factions so this argument is , meaning the current system gives an unfair advantage to maverick players. According to the pvp argument.
    • In pvp the enemy has bright red names, the mouse changes on clicking, their portrait changes, weapon color should not be a factor.
    • The armor and color schemes for each faction are different enough that weapon color should not come into play.


    Its Against lore and not Iconic to have Darksiders with blue or green lightsabers and Lightsiders with red or orange lightsabers.

    • In the lore the color Crystals are tied to faction not to morality, Jedi use green and blue, Sith use red.
    • Lore states that color has more to do with coincidnece then actual choice
    • Prime examples of exceptions to red=bad green/blue=good: Adi Galla, General Grevious, Exar Khun.
    • Players tend to sway towards the iconic color of their faction anyway, and this current system prevents them from doing it.

    Its a consequence of the choices you made deal with it:

    This Argument is invalid

    • A color crystal is a color crystal, it has nothing to do with morality.
    • Under this argument Sith Corruption is a consequence, and the option to hide it should be removed.
    • The Lightside/Darkside system is already grindy enough, this should be one thing thats left to player descretion



    Its just another restriction, I am honestly holding off on my dark jedi because i dont want him using a red/orange saber. I want him using a blue saber.



    A possible compromise would be: Crafted crystals have no alignment restrictions placed on them.


    You have my vote. I'd use red given a chance, but I'm always lightside.

  6. I agree with the people who have said that Color should be totally up to us, the players, and should have no stat attachment what-so-ever and if you want to try and bring lore into this, try and remember that this is a game and also I have seen a number of people stating that in everything outside of the movies Purple and other colors show up rather frequently and are not especially rare.


    Except all colors reach the same stats eventually.

  7. I have to say, when I first heard about sith and republic players not being able to talk to each other I was quite angry, as I thought it was ridiculous. That being, said, it's cut 100% of the crap I'm used to in pvp so I'm not very upset with it. However, I don't like not being able to talk to my guild when on my sith characters. It's actually prevented me from playing them at all really. I've been in the same guild for years now (we all came over from swg) and I'd rather not join another, nor do I want to have to start another one of the opposite faction. One guild name to use is enough for me. So, my proposal for an update would be to allow sith to join republic guilds and and republic to join sith guilds, so long as the player had a member of the proper faction in that guild first (basically, if I want to join a republic guild as sith, I would have to have a republic character from my account in that guild already). That would allow players to get all of their characters into the same guild without letting anyone simply take their sith and go join any republic guild. All I want out of it is to open up guild chat channels and mail with my guild members from any character on my account that is on the proper server. I'd also be for the option to turn off open world pvp against other guild members if that went through on a pvp server; but that would just be a bonus for me. I know that all of the other members of my guild would be thrilled with an update like this as well, and I imagine many others would be thrilled too.
  8. The 99% demand that the 1% pay us 2% of everything they make in game until we can join them, to compensate us for the fact that we are ungamed and have nothing better to do than lament this fact on the forums instead of going out and finding another game until we can join the 1% in their game.


    (Firmly implanted tongue now being surgically removed from cheek)



  9. So...


    Who agrees that No limit on character creation was bad?



    There was no limit on the number of toons a person could make on servers or across different servers. Most names have been taken and due to the limit on what we can use as a name this really upsets a lot of people. Now we cant play on our Guild server since our names were taken. Yes many of us were able to check...


    If there was a limit on character creation this could have been prevented.


    If all players had equal chance to start at the same time, this would not be a issue.




    Why was there no limit on character creation?





    Just make a new name. I've got like 50 names I'd be happy with. And you can have 8toons per server; go read the new online basic info manual.

  10. In the dev tracker it said that people who pre-ordered later than July will start to be invited tomorrow, does that mean that all people who ordered in July were invited today? I'm asking because I ordered in July (28th) and redeemed my code the same day yet got no invite. My concern comes from a pre-order bug that one of my friends had, where his pre-order did not register even though he went through the process. I'm just paranoid about getting skipped, which I assume is likely to happen a few times with the number of people that want to play this game. Does anyone know the answer to my question?
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