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Posts posted by SerikFox

  1. Are not good. The mouse comes across way to sensitive, I can't use a joystick (biggest problem all around), and there is very little control customization. Other than that, I love this expansion. However it's a deal breaker for me if I can't make my controls act the way I want. I played swg for 7 some odd years. Space was my favorite part of the entire game; at least half of my total time online was in space. I spent years putting my ships together and had components in them that were worth more in net value than most players x10. My ships were worth more than the rest of all I owned (several billion in value including dozens of jewelry sets - countless sets of armor all with attachments - a full set of mando armor - over 100 cap or near cap dps weapons - thousands of deeds to ships, speeders, houses, extractors and the like - a dozen or so familiars - and literally 3 houses packed with full resource stacks because I had so many they couldn't fit in just one or two houses, even with storage expansions). So, I think it would be an understatement to say that I love flying. But, I will say now, you will lose the space fanatics out there if you do not give them control over their ships; and if there's one thing I can say for certain, it's that space fanatics are the most loyal group of customers you will ever find. They literally will not quit the game forever so long as you keep them happy. So please, give me access to my joystick.
  2. Hey guys,


    I wanted to add a bit of clarity to the post in this thread, and my update from this morning. This is all of the information I have about Revan's armor, what was or wasn't changed, and why. When we originally saw the double hood issue we also noted that it appeared there was a color difference in the armor between the player and NPC. Our plan was to mirror the NPC exactly for the player for consistency. When we fixed the double hood and we looked at the color palette, the armor sets were already identical in color so no change was actually required.


    The issue that I think some players appear to be seeing is that the top portion of Revan's armor is not the same as the bottom or the "light grey bug." Interestingly, they are the exact same color. Yes, Revan's top may appear slightly lighter, but they are the same color, it is just a matter of how it is laying on the cloth (similar to how dye's can affect different armor pieces differently). The reason it appeared that the CM armor and NPC armor looked different is that you only typically see Revan in darker lighting, so his coloring looks a bit different then when you are running around in varying lights in the open world on your character.


    When I said originally there would be a color shift along with the double hood, we were also under the impression it would require a color shift to appear the same as the NPC armor. Unfortunately after looking over the NPC armor it appears it was already the same color, so no color shift occurred.


    I hope that clears things up and apologize for any confusion!




    Really? If it "appears lighter" than it's not the same color. It may be the same color id number, but as color is visual, if it does not look the same then it's not the same color. That's what color is. And would it really be to much to ask to add a cape? You can add how many cartel armor pieces, but you can't add a cape to Revan's armor? I know the in-game npc doesn't have it, but the Revan that gave the opportunity to make this game wore one. How difficult would that really be to add? This is just pathetic. I'm over your "bug fixes" - just fix the armor correctly and be done with it. If you're wondering about whether or not it's worth it to fix this stuff - my sub will be ending with the release of ESO because of things like this. That game may flail, but I've given this game a chance from day one; I can do the same for ESO. I'm not alone in this sentiment either. If you look, you'll find others. This armor was my tipping point. I've bought cartel coins and paid a sub since launch - that's quite a bit of money. Is that worth a simple bug fix? What about the others who feel like I do and have done the same that I have? Apparently to you, that's worth nothing.

  3. Noboby said that they can't do dmg there burst just got nerfed.. and that was there main drawing point because there cds arent as good as alot of other classes (though cds did get improved with 2.0 they are still squishy)


    What cd's aren't as good exactly? Other mid range class is scoundrel. Let's compare, scoundrels have dodge (which is awesome more for removing effects than anything else), and defense screen. Van's have adrenaline rush and reactive shield. Scoundrels can also stealth, although PT's negate that. Dodge lasts 3sec, reactive shield lasts 15. Defense screen only absorbs so much damage, reactive shield absorbs 25% of *all* incoming damage for its duration. PT's have heavy armor, scoundrels do not. And then adrenaline rush... it was kinda worthless before, now it's frikin awesome. Of the two mid range classes, they are far less squishy. Of all dps classes, they are in the top 3 least squishy. Infil shadows aren't that squishy if people know what they're doing with it, but they're still not all that tough. Sentinels have overall the best defensive CD's, but they melt without them up. Sages are squish. Guardians are tough. Slingers are only not squish if they can run away or fight from behind cover. Scoundrels are squish. Commando's can be somewhat tough, but they share defensive CD's. Least squish is probably sentinel because of the defensive cd's, then guardian, then PT, then shadows (good ones; their survival is more timing and movement dependent than anything else), then mando's, then slinger, scoundrel, and in last place, sage. That puts PT ahead of one of the melee classes. I have a 55 of all of these classes and play them all - shadow is my favorite, but I ain't gonna pretend it's tougher than PT. Their defensive CD's are just fine and if you bother to play middle tree your shield is up practically 24/7 and you take 30% less damage stunned. Compared to most dps they are not squish at all.

  4. As a semi-casual player I've noticed that the bolster has been manipulated two or more times since 2.0. What I'm starting to notice is that the teams I play on that have those Zero-Expertise Green Implant types seem to be creating a weak link in a team. I'm a full out 2018 Expertise geared player, yes even those gimmicky +41 weapon crystals and am starting to suspect the ZE's (zero expertise) are creating a weak link in the teams I'm playing on.


    What I'm noticing is the whole team I'm on gets wiped in the initial strike and then it's 4/5 of them against me.


    Questions for posting this thread:


    1. Is it futile to be full 2018 expertise on a team with some zero expertise players on them?

    2. Are the ones still exploiting low level green relics/implants actually bringing the team down?

    3. Will a team of full PVP players have a definite advantage over a partial?


    Before anyone thinks of this as a QQ thread or some kind of L2P issue realize I'm trying to understand the mechanics of the warzones in 2.1.0b


    Yeah, they are gimping you. I've noticed the exact same thing. Personally, the way to fix this that I see is just remove expertise and make it one type of gear.

  5. Not true. Heals and damage are balanced. I had games where the opposing team has 3 healers and 1 tank and 4 DPS, and my team has 7 DPS and 1 tank, and we completely obliterated the opposing team because our DPS were superb.


    If you lose a game to healers that means the DPS on your team was badly lacking.


    Contrary to popular belief, playing a good DPS is just as hard as playing a good tank or a good healer. Carnage Marauder is the best healer killing spec, yet how often do you see Carnage in WZs? And how often you see a good Carnage in WZs?


    Part of playing a good DPS is to learn how to focus fire, but most people don't do it. Heals are not OP, just that DPS need to learn to play better.


    Despite lack of healer killing specific abilities, I'd actually put vigilance as the best healer killing spec. Once you get on a healer as vigilance, the only way to get you off is to kill you. Infiltration is also excellent at healer killing. The only problem killing people as carnage is that you get your face cc'd then ripped right off if the team knows how to defend their medic.

  6. I concur... I miss playing that spec.


    Add predation buff to it as well, buff annihilate for a little burst and bring healing back to pre-1.7


    And even after all that would prob still be least viable for rated out of the 3 specs but at least it would be playable.


    The healing nerf is the only reason I no longer play that spec.

  7. Gah - just something about this WZ is bugging me. I think the scoring system is over complicated .... and it annoys me that it's the one WZ you can win points without controlling a node.


    Anyone else?


    I have held a fanatically extreme dislike (aka, I ******* hate it) of Hypergate since day 1.

  8. Hey folks,


    I will just be as honest as I can here, it was a poor choice in wording on our part. I know that players have made decisions around whether to remain a subscriber based on those words which makes it all that much more sensitive. I apologize if you feel that you were misled by what we said in that blog. Since this blog I feel we have been more consistent in our messaging that you can expect things like cosmetic and convenience features (like Appearance Designer) are the types of things we usually place on the Cartel Market.


    It has always been our plan that as new content is released,(such as Flashpoints, Operations, in-game events, daily hubs, etc.) that subscribers will get access to these pieces of content. This is unlike a free-2-play player who will need to purchase access to that content. This is why we stated subscribers gained "unlimited" access to that content, because you get that as a part of your subscription.


    For Cartel Market items, you have access to purchase all of them, as do F2P players. What sets you folks apart is your monthly stipend which will allow you to purchase those features at no additional cost should you choose. I realize with your stipend, and with all the features we have, you may not be able to get it all at once but you can get it in time as a subscriber.


    With that being said we have definitely heard your frustrations around Game Updates and the value you feel as a subscriber. I don't have details today but we are continuing to look at options moving forward to make sure that you don't feel that way.




    The real problem with what you have done to subscribers is that you have made the cartel market entirely central to the game. It defines the in-game economy, character customization, etc. You've made crafting as simplistic, boring, and worthless as possible while still making it necessary; ultimately making it an aggravation rather than making it fun. You've also made it unnecessarily expensive (140 crafted items to make the augment kits for 1 set of gear for 1 toon? I have 7 55's and two more within 4 lvls - gearing all of them at only one set of gear per takes 980 crafted items for 7 to 1260 crafted items for all 9. I'm discounting crits because you force us to have two sets of gear for pvp vs. pve). It would take me over 15,000 resources to give augment kits to all my toons - that's prohibitively expensive. That doesn't even take into consideration the kind of cost of installing the augment kits. For all 9 of my toons that are up high lvl - 4,536,000. That's not including the several million worth of kits if I were to buy them, or the still several million cost to make them. Now, there are three real ways to get a considerable amount of money in this game. Dailies, which I could make up to 1mil per day if I have like 6 hours to spend, crafting - the thing I need the money for, or by buying and selling stuff from cartel. I don't want to spend my entire month grinding credits just to get my toons some decent gear. Subscribers want to be able to actually use their toons to play the game rather than spend their entire time grinding to be able to do something. You need to stop adding **** to the cartel market and start fixing the problems within the game. You can say "oh, we haven't forgotten subscribers" or whatever, but unless the subscribers actually feel that way you're ******. I'm giving this game until ESO to fix some of these problems, and if it's not fixed by then - bye bye, I will not be seeing you later. I'm not the only one sharing this sentiment either; I'm in a really big guild, and over half of the players are of the same mind as me. I'm sure our guild isn't alone.

  9. Hey everyone,


    I wanted to give an update on the Revan “double hood” issue. After some investigation we realized that this was a display bug with the armor, as some have pointed out it isn’t intended to have the double hood. However, after discussing it, our current plan is to not fix the armor. Now I am sure you are asking why we would decide to not fix a bug and here is why.


    One thing we have to remain very sensitive of when changing armor is that once we have implemented it in the live game, players grow attached to it. Although there may be some who are frustrated by the appearance not being 100% canonical, we have to be very sensitive to players who do actually enjoy the current appearance of the armor in the game. An example of this would be when we made changes to a few armor sets, such as the Spymaster’s set, due to display bugs. After making those changes players were understandably upset that we had now changed the appearance of an armor set which they had paid for, we want to make sure to not replicate this issue again.


    I know there will be some of you who are unhappy about our choice to not adjust the double hoods but fear not, we are not making this decision lightly. In fact, we are going to continue to monitor this as we move forward. If we see a substantial number of players in favor of changing the double hoods, then we will do so but please understand that if we make this change in the future we will not be releasing a “classic” version of the Revan’s armor (as it exists now).




    Revan is the entire reason this game exists, and you're not going to put any real effort into making his armor look it's supposed to, but you'll give classic versions for phantom gear and the like? I am so sick of these types of answers. Are you kidding me? 50% of the reason I played this game as because I would finally find out what happened to Revan. Then you just sorta wrote him out. Then, once Revan's armor was released, I was at least satisfied that something about Revan in this game was cool, even if it didn't look right. But to find the bug, and then say you're not going to fix the bug for the armor set of the character who is the entire reason this game exists - you just made me decide. ESO I am waiting for you patiently. I have no intention of playing a game based on kotor when the devs refuse to do anything to pay any real homage to Kotor. Understand, I play because I am a big fan of Star Wars and of Kotor, not because I'm a fan of SWTOR. I enjoy this game quite a bit, but the devs for ESO are putting a great deal of effort to keep things accurate to their previously stated canon. If you can't fix a simple armor set, then I'm out. I may be a bigger Star Wars fan than an Elder Scrolls fan, but it's just an insult to Star Wars when devs have no respect for the characters that make people like Star Wars. The devs for ESO are more interested in making some obscure little detail accurate about some random ruin somewhere than you are about fixing the armor for Kotor's primary character. I can already see that in what's been put out for ESO, and by how their devs treat Elder Scrolls. If you can bother to start fixing the things that made people care for the old republic, then I'm sold. If not, then goodbye. Even if ESO bombs, I can find something else.

  10. I'm half and half.


    Tbh I think I need someone to physically be in front of me, showing me the process/benifits and demonstrating it over a video. :p


    The benefit comes into play mostly with regards to movement and abilities that ignore the gcd. You can move much more effectively in pvp as a keybinder than you ever will be able to as a clicker.

  11. Well, I'm about half and half. Here's my excuse, let's see if it works: I bind as many things as I possibly can to my extra mouse buttons and combinations of shift, ctrl, alt + mouse buttons. I also use 1-4, and sometimes F, Q, R. But that's about all that I can deal with. I tried binding everything for a while, but I found myself frequently awkwardly looking down at the keyboard because I can't feel the keys very well. I play guitar quite a bit, so the tips of my fingers on my left hand are so calloused that I cannot feel the keys very well. When certain procs/cooldowns hit, I have to be looking at the screen to be able to see them. Excessive keybinding just makes me have to look down a lot.


    To compensate, I have my mouse pointer speed all the way maxed. I also do not use a mouse pad. The formica surface of my desk is much faster.


    Do it long enough and it becomes second nature. Don't have to look down or even think about it. I use 1 through =, shift 1 through =, and ctrl 1 through =. My auto run and jump are bound to my mouse.

  12. There are to many clickers in this game its ruining pvp for everyone . Half the subscribers in this game do not know what a clicker is. MmMMMmMMM . Keybind ppl keybind so i can enjoy playing this game like when it first came out.


    I have two people on my guild who are clickers, yet pull top dps in almost every wz while playing objectives. 1v1 you can see a little bit of the weakness, but overall they're two of the best players I've ever seen. You don't have to be a keybinder to do well, it just makes it easier.

  13. Please read the above posts, I already said why droids are more efficient slaves than aliens or humans.


    Secondly I live in mexico and haven't seen any slavery here and its forbbiden by law, also in India is not allowed to have slaves.


    Im sorry you just need to read up more history, the only reason slavery existed is because it was the most effiecient way back in Roman times or Greece, they didn't have droids or else they would have opted for droids.


    You see if a droid is better at choirs it means there is more demand for droids


    He means illegal slavery of the perverted kind, of which there is trade in throughout the world.

  14. (Note: this is not a discussion about the morality of slavery--please don't turn it into one.) I was watching some old episodes from season four of The Clone Wars series and they got me thinking: why do they have slaves at all in the star wars universe? In those episodes, they depict the slaves doing things like digging and lifting heavy objects--things that could be done more easily and cheaply by droids. The only case where I could understand (but OBVIOUSLY NOT CONDONE) slavery is with female (or male, I suppose) slaves who were enslaved for their sex appeal--something that a droid could not necessarily replicate. Slavery is everywhere in Star Wars--from Chewbacca to Ackbar to Anakin--but it just doesn't seem to make sense. Can anyone help me out here?


    In those particular episodes they are being "processed" when doing those things meaning, yes, droids could do it, but it's intended to break their wills. The other slaves on Zygerria are the ones that have already been "processed" - they mostly worked as servants. Also, in many cases, in order to get droids advanced enough to perform complex tasks, it would be to expensive. Only a few droids in Star Wars (HK-47, T3-M4, C-3PO, R2-D2, C-21 Highsinger, IG-88, etc.) are capable of doing complex tasks as well as "meatbags". Aside from C-3PO, all of the droids on that list are expensive (R2 was a Naboo royal astromech unit serving on the queen's starship) or unique (Highsinger).

  15. Do Jedi's get the "Grand Master" title? I mean Sith force users get Darth and Lord. IMO it feels that "Jedi Master" title is equivalent to "Lord" or "Sith Lord" title and "Darth" title feels more equal to "Grand Master" title.


    Grand master is equivalent to Emperor (examples being Satele Shan, Yoda, and Luke), Darth is to Master, and Lord is to Knight. However, I think the confusion you're having is that the term "Lord of the Sith" applies to a Darth or many Darths if plural, similar in the way that "Jedi Knight" can be applied to a jedi master. The terms aren't the actual ranks, but are rather titles or names. The emperor also is a darth, just as the Grand Master is still technically considered a Jedi Master, they're just titles reserved for the respective leaders.

  16. What does that even mean? Just because you're terrible and can't break 200k damage doesn't make you an "objective oriented" player. Most of the players that I know who do a lot of damage/healing/protection share this incredible "objective oriented" talent of yours where you can tab target to someone capping a node and CC/attack them. Stop pretending that this excuses how terrible you are and just admit that you're bad. Huttball is the obvious exception to this rule.


    I have seen and played with many players who spend literally 100% of their time working on capping a door or stealing a node or guarding something. Often times ironically they have few objective points, but something they did saved the match. There are plenty of genuinely terrible players and noobs as well, but there are some who can do the dps but don't because their sole focus is on objectives.


    On a side note, I personally consider myself an objective player, as in I set an objective of having 40+ kills or 800k healing or such for myself during matches ;)

  17. I have only truly seen 4 ppl w/o a doubt doing it (speed and bandwidth hack) and I reported them, oddly enough they aren't around anymore now either they quit or action was taken again them. But that was a long time ago and haven't seen anything weird as of late.


    Most ppl claiming a hack do not understand the classes they fight against.

    So very true. I frequently hear people complain about some sort of hack that is actually well within a classes abilities.

  18. Just a poll, with a few simple questions. Simply because I have yet to see anything that I would call hacking 100%. (Video posted of Gingerz excluded) Other than that guy... I've never seen it, not without doubt.


    Here we go.


    1. How often do you see hackers in game?


    2. How positive are you that the person is hacking? (is there a possibilty of lag, bug, or anything of the sort)


    3. Do you have proof of any hacking?


    4. If you are sure it is indeed hacks and not a bug or lag, please describe what hacks you have seen in game.


    5. What server on you on?


    Listen meow, don't take this as a "pics or it didn't happen" kinda post. I'm not trying to say it doesn't exist. However, I've seen more and more posts about hacking in this game lately and I KNOW they're out there. But on that same note, I personally have yet to see anything that I could 100% call a hack while playing on Bastion, since early last year until now.


    1. Fairly rarely - maybe 1 out of every 50 matches or less


    2. Most of the time I tend to refer things as bugs that aren't really the players fault, but once in a while you'll see someone do something that's not possible bug or otherwise.


    3. No, I don't record while I play, I have enough issues keeping from lagging without tacking in another program on top.


    4. I'm honestly not sure if this was some sort of weird lag or a bug, but just the other day I saw a player zealous leap (or whatever the imp version is called)take a player far more than it's range and through an object. I just figured it was a bug at first and sort of wrote it off, however while in ts3 my guildie who was in the same match swore that the jug did something very similar to him a couple min later (I hadn't mentioned what I saw). I didn't begin to fully suspect it was some sort of hack until he leaped at me through an object, after throwing his saber through said object. I wasn't lagging at the time, and my screen told me that he was out of line of sight. I believe that he was using a hack, but in that case I'm not positive. However, in another instance, I saw an assassin (I'm the same class and have the same cd's) use his stun, kill his target, then move to me, and stun me as well. With his primary stun. I thought it was odd, but I figured that perhaps I didn't see someone there. However, later in the match, I was fighting him 1v1 (along with other hacks, he appeared to never miss and never hit for less than several thousand damage, regardless of defensive cd's up or what attack he used) I stunned him, which he immediately broke, then he stunned me and killed me. I came right back out the gate and ended up fighting him again, only to be stunned again by him before my cd was even half way through. He continued to do these things for the entire match. I have seen hacks like this in other games which is why I'm certain this one was a hack.


    5. Bastion

  19. People whined and whined that they have no defense... so now they have defense.


    Sent/mara also has a million ways to counter them and considering the CD on electronet... I'd still put my money on a sent/mara of equal skill.


    It's the cd on hydraulic overrides that I say nay to, not electro net. Electro net was much needed, but they now have the best snare in the game, the most powerful knock-back, and the best immunity to physics. And heals. When I throw electro net on a sent they tend to die. The rest of the time it's not that hard to kite them. Sents have a lot of ways to counter mercs abilities, but they are lacking when it comes to catching mercs now.

  20. You're new here aren't you?


    Read through the class forums, they'll give you lots of options for dealing with Mercs and alot of others.


    Never said I couldn't take them, rather that they're making it much more difficult to do as well in pvp as melee compared to playing as ranged. They're giving ranged classes more ways to run away than they are giving melee classes to catch them. Ranged classes already have a natural advantage due to the range; melee has to be able to keep up. And dealing with mercs isn't so much my problem considering I play my merc more than my sentinel in pvp anymore; I was speaking from both perspectives.

  21. I fully understand the purpose of giving mercs hydraulic overrides, I fully understand the purpose of giving them electro net, but who honestly thought it was a good idea to give mercs electro net + hydraulic overrides? You can't catch them as a melee class. They can sit back and light you up, but you can't even get close. Sentinels can't even use force camo when they have electro net on, not that it would matter with stealth scan. The cd on electro net is nice and long, but the cd on hydraulic overrides isn't long at all. I'm not saying that they should be nerfed - I would rather give sentinels and other melee classes a way to catch them or survive their damage for that long at least. Like immunity to knockbacks temporarily or some sort of ranged stun. Guardians are okay because of saber reflect and other abilities, but sentinels have a severe disadvantage now, as if they didn't already have enough trouble catching snipers and sorcs. Now with snipers roll and sorcs bubble, it's often nearly impossible to kill any of these classes as a sentinel unless you can catch them at a bad moment. Other melee classes too, but especially sentinels, need some way to deal with the infinite ability to run away in pvp.
  22. I can almost garuntee all these people that are here supporting the smash ability are , in fact, juggs themselves...


    I don't cry for nerfs for the most part, but really, lol anyone saying this skill is not op... they gotta play the class. I don't care much about a nerf for it, but I'm just keeping it real.


    I've played every spec on every class; there is nothing wrong with smash spec. It's fine like it is - there are so many ways to get around it. Infil shadows and sentinels can take out 30% of it's damage passively before other damage reductions, you can make it miss if you hit a knockback when you know they're going to smash, slingers in left tree rock smashers, sages have force barrier + speed boosts + cc's + heals, commando's have electro net, and scoundrels can scamper, go into cover so you can't leap at them, go into stealth and run, and heal. The only class that has straight up problems with no real way to avoid smashers is vanguard; they're just as powerful as smashers, and have a tree with an even more powerful aoe than smashers. A more powerful aoe than anyone for that matter. You can deal with smashers, you just have to know how. Just like any other class - you can deal with them so long as you know their limits and use their limits against them.

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