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Everything posted by jasonthelamb

  1. I'm a level 44 Jugg and everyone in my guild is already level 50, obviously from tittle I'm only 44 - quite the hassle that I can't PvP with them anymore until I hit 50, which makes it a LOT harder to do ,I've played plenty of games where a majority of republic teams are 50 and I can say from experience that it's nothing special, I've out Damaged / Prot'd 50's in Champions. Is there any way to queue with level 50's if you're not level 50? Or am I pretty much screwed (Since from my experience the last two days, imperial sub-50 PvP teams are rather incompetent).
  2. I'm level 43 and if I get a good group going, I can run through people in the 50's tier gear.
  3. Unless they stealth up behind you, stun then whoop on you, you come out of stun so they stun again and continue whooping. That is the one reason I don't like huttball, I always get 2v1'd with two operatives / smugglers
  4. Same with Rubat Crystal; once in a blue moon my Guild will do some heroics, but I've noticed that I dropped all my heroic quests from Tattooine AND Aldeeraan.
  5. Also noticed if you keep moving helps from getting hit from the commander's rocket gun.
  6. What we did with an under-leveled tank, was burn the guy on the left, then the main boss in the center, and left the healer for last - only issue we had before we tried it the other way (healer, guy on left, main boss) was that our tank wasn't holding aggro, so the other guy would keep aggroing on the DPS, which would cause us to wipe.
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