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Everything posted by Shy-Nee

  1. I think a lot of people are missing the key element of why the nerf to burst broke the spec. It's true that we don't have good defensive cooldowns and don't have a gap closer, and that our sustained damage is sub-par without the damage that was removed by the nerf, but adding those won't fix the class. Concealment/scrapper needed burst because we needed stealth, precisely because we don't have any of those things. The stealth mechanic in this game was actually quite brilliant, you need to kill what you engage to get back into stealth without anyone else targeting you and do it free of DOTs and so on. This is exactly what the nerf made next to impossible. In a 1v1/duel situation the spec can hold its own, but it takes a LONG time, in a WZ situation you're going to get engaged by something long before you can grind down a geared player. It wasn't just a damage nerf, it nerfed concealment itself, the intended role and playstyle of the class into oblivion so now it doesn't have one. I'm interested in what they come up with for this class in 1.2, because there isn't a simple fix to this other than bringing the burst back. If they really don't want an effective concealment spec in the game they're going to have to create a new role for it.
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