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Posts posted by Dekai

  1. They posted on twitter that they are looking into it. Been at Queue 560 for umm, 15 minutes? So has to be a server error somewhere, last time I had a queue for anything was pre-launch.
  2. As others have already stated, this games far from Hardcore. Clearing NM in one night, nothing else to do, no challenge. Guild only logs in for the 3 hours we raid on 1 day, then poof, gone.


    Ya, games really hardcore... /sarcasm. Though sub is canceled since it's a pita to pug since no one logs in, Bioware has until... August, when my time runs out, to add something fun and challenging as well as a way to group with others with more ease so leveling an alt isn't such a slow boring chore.

  3. This is sadly why one of my friends has left, and the other is thinking about going to Tera. I never really had these issues, since I raid and do things with my guild, so there's always a chance someone will come. So, to be nice, I rolled a character with them, on a heavy pop server, got to 50...


    And it's true. Even as a tank, it's hard to find a healer. As a healer, it's hard to find a tank. Even using the LFG channel the server community has set up, it can take 3-4 hours to find either a tank or a healer, if ever.


    And if my friends start to go, I have to as well. I generally only play a game to play with friends, if it cannot be done, no point in paying for a sub. Sure, doing HM/NM ops for 2 days a week is entertaining, but it really boils down to who you play with in the end.



    Sorry. ;D


    Think of it this way. When you have that much more str and power, are you gaining a 23%!! percent boost in primary hand damage? No? Ok then it's useless.


    Stop it.


    You're gaining, after the enemies damage reduction, by your numbers you posted, 2% damage. I think Campaign gear has about that if not more for PvE, since War Hero is based off the high end gear, not Story Mode. This is in PvE ofc! I agree Campaign gear is meh in PvP

  5. Less a defense of expertise and more an explanation, but it's something. What it comes down to, so far as I can tell, is that people want to pretend that even with the same stats and better set bonuses for PVP, high end PVE gear would somehow be 'better' in PVP.


    Which leads me to seriously doubt the confidence you PVPers seem to have in your skills.


    Why do you always have to insult those who PvP? You want to know, why expertise is in the game? Most will say because that is how the Developers want it, to separate PvP and PvE. This should be good enough for you, but it's obviously not, so will go into further details.


    A "PvP Stat" is introduced into a game for various reasons, so will list them, best to my knowledge at the moment, and will add more later if I remember anything.


    - Balance reasons. If players are taking too much damage, or too little, or unable to keep up in healing, the PvP designers can adjust the PvP stat as needed. For example, If expertise were to grant 25% damage bonus to players, 10% damage reduction, and 30% bonus healing(all made up numbers) at 2000 Expertise rating, and players were dieing too fast, with number tweaks they can move the bonus damage to damage reduction, healing etc. Now, you may say that "Hey! They can achieve that with a Warzone buff as well, making everyone equal!" While this would be somewhat true, this buff would have to be in every zone as well due to world PvP(Yes, it does happen once in a blue moon) and hopefully a new "Ilum" that's not broken.


    - To purposely separate PvP and PvE end game. Some may hate it, some may love it and others are indifferent to it, but that's how it's currently designed. Notice I said "currently", please take note of that. With a PvP stat, Endurance, Base Attribute etc are lowered to allocate points into this PvP stat. What this does is make the PvP gear less desirable in a PvE settings since base stats effect Crit, Damage etc and instead ties this damage to the PvP stat to work only against other players. Same thing in reverse for PvE gear. You gain more damage from base stats, but if you fight another players with the PVP stat you're tri-screwed in equal Item Level Gear. You can still do damage to the other player, but they will be doing 20%+ more damage to you, and taking 15%+ less damage from your attacks, the trade off being in a PvE environment you would do more damage in your Rakata gear where their Battlemaster gear would do far less.


    - Elitism/Entitlement. Yes this is one reason, upsetting as it may sound. There are more people who enjoy one aspect of the game, then others who can participate in all aspects equally. So someone who exclusively raids, wiping on Nightmare mode bosses, racking up repair bills, consumable costs, dependent on others, like it or not(Yes, some people raid with others they hate, just to raid), gets rather pissed off if someone got gear their level without having to do the things they did to acquire it. Same thing for PvP players. They ground through Warzones, tolerating bad players, afk'rs, quitters, ragers etc. Why should someone who got carried in PvE by 7 other people be able to compete in high end Warzones equally to them? Especially "That dumb guild who farms gear for alts, no skill required just luck on drops!"(I've done this in guilds before, carried alts get geared so fast)


    The reason are numerous as to why a PvP stat is in the game. But for now, it's all opinions based on how the game is "currently" designed. As a gear driven MMO. New content brings new gear to get, the carrot on a stick to keep you going night after night into those Warzones or Operations. Does it suck as a new player once the game been out for a while? Ya, a little. But you'll notice it's not that bad since with each content patch, they make both end games easy to access still through things like, Recruit gear, Raid level mods/armoring/enhancements being easier to come by etc.


    So for now, expertise is in, and not going away, not with how gear and the current game design is. Can it change in the future? Massive update patch? An expansion? Most assuredly, yes it could change. So instead of people arguing it breaks the game, ruins the game, etc... Post constructive suggestions on how a new method could be implemented in the suggestion forums. And be open minded to others ideas if they try to add to your own, you never know, could work even better then.


    That's all I can think of currently, based purely on my observations and opinion, since none of us are privy to the true data that Bioware uses and has.

  6. Ah, pre 50 PvP... Having the best gear possible, leveling strictly through PvP, topping damage, healing and objectives being nigh un-killable. Perfect for me, sure.


    For the rest of the team vs our 4 person PvP only pre-made? Ya, bet they are having so much fun never getting a door in Voidstar, getting 3 capped in 2 warzones and getting farmed as we wait out the time for a 5-0 Huttball. In every single match pretty much. Our record was 98 wins straight wins until we went against a fellow pre-made and our heals DC'd.


    Ya, pre 50 PvP sure is fair and on a level play field!

  7. When you give both sides equal gear you get into the territory of side A or side B being upset that the "other side" has percieved or real easier access to the same gear.


    "Wah!! Why should soloqueue PVP guy be allowed to lose his way to the Facemelt Raygun!?!? no fair!!"

    "Wah!! It takes 3977 hours of PVP to grind a Facemelt Raygun, and those PVEers only have to kill one boss (with a 0.2% droprate) to get one!!!"


    Get it?


    Get your logic out of here. There's no place for it in forums, let alone one pertaining to PvP! Such Blasphemy!:eek:


    In case someone doesn't sense the heavy sarcasm, this person just very humorously stated how the game is designed. Bioware, intentionally is separating PvP and PvE. This was the design goal, expertise enforces making PvE gear Sub-optimal in PvP, and with PvP gear having it's Primary stats significantly reduced into Expertise, so sub-optimal in PvE.


    And I certainly hope someone doesn't come back with "Ya, but my BM gear works fine for Ops!" Rakata, Battlemasters PvE twin, would be far superior.

  8. BaM gear got updated in 1.2, it is above Rakata gear, this was done due to the fact that WH was supposed to be for rated games and a step up from everything else.


    Your comparison would be true for pre 1.2 battlemaster gear and pre 1.2 rakata.


    My 2c


    Updated, yes. By dropping Base and Secondary stats for more Expertise. Battlemaster is still 140 rating, Rakata is still 140 Rating. They didn't just add more Expertise to Battlemaster leaving the rest of the stats as they were pre 1.2.


    This is why they warned people, "Hey guys! If you modified your PvP gear? Better put those mods back in or it won't update!" Leaving players who didn't revert their mods, with higher base and secondary stats, but much lower Expertise, which was vital to PvP with the expertise changes.

  9. As far as advertised NM modes drop pve gear better than vendor gear. So THAT would be the equivalent of WH.


    BM then would equal the pve cam. black hole vendor gear.


    Which leaves Rakata at the level of recruit gear.


    I am comparing the highest stat gear of each tier. The list doesn't change from what I posted. Stat per stat, my list matches PvP Tiers to PvE Tiers. Battlemaster doesn't suddenly shoot above Rakata because you say so. Stat distribution for the pieces is based on the items level for it's Tier. And Battlemaster has far more Itemlevel distribution then Recruit, substantially so.

  10. ^^(doomsday)great, bail out.


    The brick wall in this game concerning pvp gear is more like a paper paravent, I do not care how you play or what "skills" you sport, you are suggesting unspecified in game mechanics to even out gear while bashing at expertise, to me all you have posted comulinates in "BiS pve gear should let you allow to faceroll" expertise as it is now helps new players that is a good thing, period.


    As suggested the exact same stats on pve and pvp gear would be an alternative, this would mean rakata level gear should be purchasable for 380k the full set at the pvp vendor.


    Because it goes like this:


    Rakata = Recruit

    BM = Black Hole/Cam.

    WH = Camp. NM


    Not going to defend Doomsday, but uh..


    Something that's been brought up repeatedly, which is starting to peeve the hell out of me, is people confusing gear tiers.


    Columi is NOT the PvE equivilant of Battlemaster!


    Tionese = Level 50 PvP blue's, that were removed from the game shortly after launch.

    Columi = Champion Gear, now replaced with the new level 50 Blue Recruit gear.

    Rakata = Battlemaster.

    Black Hole = War Hero.



    People really need to do their research before they start Tier Comparisons and talking stat distribution.

    Just forget Tionese even exists if that helps.

  11. Until they can balance queue times, along with solo rated+grouped rated match making, and most importantly, the gear level check to match you against equal teams and ratings, they aren't going to release it. Was delayed for a very good reason, mostly the last point and queue times not working well due to some other things I shan't mention.
  12. Something that's been brought up repeatedly, which is starting to peeve the hell out of me, is people confusing gear tiers.


    Columi is NOT the PvE equivilant of Battlemaster!


    Tionese = Level 50 PvP blue's, that were removed from the game shortly after launch.

    Columi = Champion Gear, now replaced with the new level 50 Blue Recruit gear.

    Rakata = Battlemaster.

    Black Hole = War Hero.



    People really need to do their research before they start Tier Comparisons and talking stat distrabution.

    Just forget Tionese even exists if that helps.

  13. Your argument would be spot on if it wasn't for the fact that there are three tiers of pvp gear, the top gear being virtually impenetrable to those with the lower tier.


    I bought every single piece of pvp gear available to me, and still barely scratch those with superior pvp gear. On top of it I have to deal with people like you who just don't get this and insist on yelling at me for being undergeared when I cannot get any more pvp gear without.....wait for it..........pvping!


    The gap between Recruit to War Hero is noticeable, but you can still get to BM from Recruit with minimal effort. And the difference between BM and WH is negligible.


    At least you can still progress in gear, without it costing you anything. When the game first launched, our first HM Ops attempts cost a fortune in credits due to bugs and learning the encounters. So your argument would be valid if there was a penalty for losing. You are rewarded no matter how well you do in PvP.

  14. So many fallacies and un-supported arguments in this thread...


    "I PvP almost exclusively, I can't afford the recruit gear once 50!" -This is a bold faced lie. My Sorc S'mores leveled strictly through PvP alone. She had well over 700k credits since all she had to do was buy PvP weapons for Mods/Enhancements and purchase Armoring from the GTN.


    "PvP gear is almost equal to PvE gear in raids with minimal loss" -Not true. If you compare Battlemaster, to it's PvE equivalent of Rakata, you would see how much of your base stat is removed on BM to give you expertise, as well as secondary stats. Can you do HM Operations with BM? Yes, but definitely would be far behind any other tanks/dps/healers and a detriment to your team, same thing if you wore Rakata gear in a Warzone. You can parse this and see now in 1.2.


    I sure as hell wouldn't let you into my Nightmare mode Ops with Battlemaster either. 1-2 Pieces, fine... Full set? You're sitting.

  15. I'm not talking about ops. I'm not talking about PVP gear being 'better' than PVE in PVP, PVE gear in PVP of ANY level post-50 is simply bad. Meanwhile, PVP gear in PVE up to most HMs is perfectly viable. Meaning you can get PVP gear and then level into PVE quite efficiently without requiring some ******** median gear set to do so.


    You cannot say the same about PVE gear in PVP. You just lose. Forever. Because of a badly designed stat. You want a fix for how to balance how much damage players do to each other without expertise? It's simple. Use a global buff / debuff, like what Bolster already does. Hey look. I fixed your game.


    Did you really just compare Warzones, with players in it equiped with Battlemaster+ level of gear, with Normal mode Dungeons and pre 1.2 HM Flashpoints? ... Flashpoints? I've cleared those in level 40'ish Blue modded Orange Gear! Yes, the Hard Mode versions. There's no comparison unless it is to Operations and the HM Equivalents.

  16. No it is not. It is not fine. TANK CLASSES SHOULD NOT BE DPS CLASSES. No one with with HEAVY armour should be doing any kind of real DPS.


    Quoting this for giggles later, for everyone else. Marauders/Sentinels apparently are tanks now, and use Heavy Armor instead of Medium. We taunt by sticking our tongue out after casting Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force.

  17. As mentioned before, Expertise is there for a few reasons. One is to separate the progression paths of PvE and PvP. Another is to help balance PvP by adjusting how Expertise contributes to damage done and reduction.


    Those calling it the "WoW generation" obviously never had top gear in Vanilla. My Tier 3 Warrior, absolutely wrecked anyone in PvP, rogues in T3 were even scarier... And before the 1.2 Expertise changes? My Powertech Pyro would do Warzones in Rakata gear since the 2 and 4 piece was better, stats were better, and Expertise hardly did anything since still had 9% compared to a full BM of 14%.


    It's working as designed. None of this Farming highest Raid gear expecting to roll people over in PvP, and vice versa, no getting War Hero and expecting to do as much damage/survival/healing as someone in equal level PvE gear for Operations.


    We call this, balancing. So not terrible, but a wonderful thing.

  18. Good question. Only thing I can think of is some credit exploit. It's kinda annoying to be out doing dailies, and you forgot to buy Warzone consumables on the fleet before leaving, and you're queuing for PvP.
  19. channeled abilities are associated with an auto face (once they begin casting). So unless the player is specifically turning their character away, that won't work.


    There's no autoface in PvP with Ravage/Masterstrike as soon as you start to cast it. Run through them if they are not Carnage/Combat with the rooting talent.

  20. All they need to do is tone down their stupid amount of defensive cool downs. a dps class doesn't need that any and at that strength.


    Though I mostly play a Powertech... They added those cool downs, because without them Marauders were screwed in PvP. Or would you prefer they be able to pop Camo every 30 seconds for 10 second duration?

  21. Sad really the state of casters in this game PvP wise...sure they do great in PuG's when Marauders ignoring them and they are allowed to heal and DPS pretty much without any real pressure.


    But as soon as you go up against a half decent team casters are dog food.


    Well at least 3 hours from now those who enjoy playing caster will have a choice..actually Several choices.


    You're in for a shock then. With changes coming to Mesmers, and how Warriors and Rangers are atm in the game, you're going to feel like wet tissue paper vs everyone in that game as any caster.

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