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Everything posted by Elite-Force

  1. bug is still happenening as of patch 6.0a. shows a video of the bug (not me) step by step reproduction: 1. drag an entire stack of a specific item (for this example 10 legendary ember) from your material inventory into your regular inventory. 2. shift + leftclick the 10 legendary ember 3. select 2 legendary ember in the split item window 4. click split stack 5. drop this stack of 2 legendary ember into the material inventory (dont drop it in the regular inventory) 6. those 2 legendary ember will be transfered correctly 7. but the remaining stack of 8 ember in your regular inventory will be deleted item count after bug: 2 in material inventory and 0 in the character inventory (should be 2 in material inventory and 8 in character inventory) also be aware that the customer service considers this "working as intended" and therefore won't reimburse your lost items... this should get out to alot more player cause it can result in huge amounts of items and value being lost.
  2. still a problem... also affects power surge (the merc skill that make the next cast instant) and convection (lightning sorc passive, that utilizes force speed for 2 instant lightning bolts)
  3. <Shevu> sucht: - 1 DD oder 1 Tank, Klasse egal Wir bieten: - 2 Raidtage pro Woche, Montag und Mittwoch 19-22 Uhr - Raidplaner & Teamspeak - entspannte Raidatmosphäre - 9/10 Rav+ToS Was erwarten wir: - Pünktlichkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bei Anmeldung zum Raid sowie zum Raidstart - Gute Klassenkenntnis - grundlegende Erfahrung in aktuellen Hardmode Operations Kontaktieren könnt ihr uns entweder Ingame /w "Eliteforce/Niradei/Rachmika": oder als pm hier im forum. MfG Eliteforce
  4. @RoyceRoyal: Du meinst Präzenz, aber nein Torvai hat schon recht. Jede Gefährtensorte, also range dd, melee dd, range tank, melee tank und heal gibt, wenn man mit dem jeweiligen Gefährten alle Gefährtengespräche beendet (also am besten erstmal auf 10k Zuneigung bringt), nen kleinen bonus. Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere gibt es 1% Präzi, 1%woge, 1%krit, nen bisschen mehr hp und höhere erhaltene heilung. Leider weiß ich nicht welcher bonus zu welcher Gefährtensorte gehört, sollte aber nen bisschen versteckt im text dabeistehen (vermächtnis -->imp/rep charaktere). Außerdem stackt der bonus nicht, also es reicht wenn man des auf einem char macht.
  5. To clear this up: There are 4 different attack types: - ranged - melee - force - tech as many correctly stated, ranged and melee attacks are white, while tech and force attacks are yellow. (btw: crits are represented by bigger fonts sizes) The main difference between these atk types are, that force/tech attacks can only be resisted, because they bypass tank shield/absorb and defence. Ranged and melee attacks can be dodged and shielded. Boss and all operation adds always have 0% ranged/melee dodge chance and 10% tech/force resist chance. Therefore you need 100% ranged/melee accuracy and 110% tech/forc accuracy. There are also damage types of attacks, which are mostly completely independent of attack types. These 4 exists: - elemental - internal - kinetic - energy As many of you know, if you mouseover your dmg reduction you can see that kinetic and energy dmg ist reduced by higher armor and elemntal and internal dmg only by buffs(sorc buff) or skills mainly in tank tree's. One little example: we have one tank with -40% shield chance -50%absorb -20% dodge -50% dmg reduction vs energy or kinetic -25% dmg reduction vs elemental and internal dmg for example a ranged kinetic (snipe) dmg skill will hit that tank. The tank will have a 20% chance to dodge it, a 40% chance to shield it for 50% less dmg and the remaining damage will be reduced by his dmg reduction for additional 50%. (this will have a white dmg number) 2nd example : tech and elemental (orbital strike) . The tank has no chance to dodge or shield the attack and will just take 25% less damage from that attack because of his dmg reduction. (note there are skills which increase the resist chance against tech and force attacks (force shroud) or the old assasin tank set gives 2% passive resist chance) (this will have a yellow dmg number) 3rd example: force and energy (force lightning): The tank will have again no chance to dodge or shield the attack but will recieve 50% less damage because of his dmg reduction vs. energy dmg. (this will have a yellow dmg number)
  6. This a valid point, but there is another you guys have been ignoring or just overseeing. Lets again assume 1 DD with execute and about 4300dps >30% and 5000dps <30% and 1 DD with no execute and overall 4500 dps. So what happens if there are burn phases or soft enrage phases as many bosses have them. In most fights these phases are below 30%. You probably see where this is going: As you want to end this phases quickly, the DD with execute is far more valuable to the raidgroup than the one without. Again i am not disagreeing with the OP's point.
  7. there are a few countdowns in the death screen and also a few options to pick in ops. first: Med Center absolutely never click that the option may also have a countdown like 3 sec after which you will be able to click it. (so its more like a cooldown than a countdown) Also be aware that the med center button have a much bigger pressable section than shown, so be careful. it will port you out of the instance and you wont be able to rejoin your group during the fight, also you wont get loot/achievements/questprogress 2nd: Area start this option is greyed out until everyone dies during a boss fight and the boss resets. If your group wipe you are free to press this button, because it will port you to the start of the instance but inside of it without the need of loading in.(there is also something to click or walk through which will get you near your next boss) also wont have any countdown in it. 3rd: Accept Revive this option suddenly becomes available if one of your teammates revives you. This will get you up at your Teammates position. This will have a Countdown of 1 or 2 min (normally dont stare at that thing) after which the revive expires and you wont be able to click it anymore. sry for bad english
  8. Neben dem Creditpreis wird es auch Sachpreise (inkl. Trostpreis) geben die größtenteils aus der Gildenbank gesponsort werden. Diese stehen zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht fest werden aber einen nicht kleinen Teil des Gewinnes ausmachen.
  9. Today we faced again Gate Commander Draxus, where 2 of our trys just failed because the healers interupt got resisted by the Corrupter. I know combat log wont help much, because in this phase there are 2 corrupter casting simultaneous. But this is the part where it happened: this should happen: obiously this happened on a Merc healer, also i have heard of Operatives who got resisted too. That probably happens because of the 91% hit chance but its still frustating. Would be nice to know if this is working as intented or not. Also sry for bad english, but this should get more attention here than in the german subforum.
  10. ah and while your on it, what about making kolto missile hit as fast as kolto bomb? i dont got exact numbers but there is a fairly big difference in the time you activate this ability and the heal tick. Also i would like the fix on the merc, beside i am playing one myself. This is still a great dissadvantage for commandos and should be removed asap. It should bring merc more in line of the other classes again.
  11. depends on level, as you can go different builds there. also there are 3 specs depending on your play style, as well as if you are using them for leveling pvp or pve both level phase or endgame. i can post some examples but most of the time it dont make any big difference in the lower lvls. as of lvl 50 or 55 it should get obvious which talents you need. Just read them and try different specs, its the best way to master your class. If you got a nice spec and rota you can look for builds/guides to take the best parts of them and adopt them to your build/rota. pve watchman: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRMfsrzZhrZc.3 pve combat: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZhGMRRrorMIRZf.3 pve focus: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZhMZfMrkbGkRffz.3 i dont play sentinel much but this specs seems obvious to me, and maybe they help a little bit.
  12. never saw any inherent bonus on shells, despite the offhand comp bug from makeb story. which was fixed a few patches ago. Also it would be very strange to put some inherent bonus only on specific weapons/armor, as orange gear is designed for the appearance. So forcing the competitive players to wear certain equip seems really unrealistic to me. Maybe you forgot the color crystal as they can get you flat power or crit rating.
  13. Nun geb ich auch mal meinem Senf dazu: rechter skillbaum ist immer der geteilte, also den wächter und hüter z.b. gemeinsam haben. der linke ist bei tank und heal klassen immer der tank und heal tree. der mittlere ist bei jeder klasse ein einzigartiger dd spec. Aber nun zur Frage des TE: Wie auch andere schon gesagt haben, probier alles einfach mal aus. Dann wirst du schnell sehen welcher spec dir am besten gefällt, denn mit dem wirst du auch am meisten schaden machen. Es gibt natürlich specs die in manchen situationen besser sind als andere, aber das wirst du relativ schnell feststellen wenn du immer mal wieder durchrotierst. Pass einfach deinen spec an deine spielweise an und nicht andersherum.
  14. This is one of my first parses with concealment. http://www.torparse.com/a/549283/2/0/Damage+Dealt 3,4k dps my gear is mostly 69-72 set with a few 78 pieces. my best parse on live with lethality was about 3,2k.
  15. From PvE aspects: Lethality: much more dps (around 200-300 more than Concealment). more range skills (2x30m dot). weaker initial burst. relativ easy and ressource friendly rota. Concealment: high inital burst, but lower dps melee only except of auto shots needs stealth for higher burst (mostly you cant pull of an orbital strike before boss pull) complicate rota (got easy ressourcemanagment if you get your procs, but if you have bad luck, you have to react quickly before burning to much energy) in fight stealth+hiddenstrike can destroy your energy managment So in endgame pve aka boss fights, Lethality is much better than Concealment. During the level phase Concealment might be better, especially in the early lvls. personally if i need high dps i'll go Lethality otherwise Concealment just for the fun.
  16. i am using the same rota/priority. with the opener: PS (timed with pull) -->TD-->IM-->RS-->PS until RS proc
  17. ich bin jetzt etwas verwirrt, geht es dir nun um fps probleme (also ruckler) oder um laggs (verzögerte bewegung/skillausführung), denn das eine hat mit dem anderen absolut gar nichts zu tun. auch ist die fps anzeige farbkodiert, deswegen muss rot nicht unbedingt schlecht sein.
  18. Nunja ich bau regelmäßig Raid gruppen sowohl gildenintern, als auch mit randoms. meistens asa/s&v hc Dabei schließe ich keine Klasse aus. WIr haben dabei regelmäßig assa dds als auch söldner heals dabei (teilweise sogar söldner/söldner heal kombo). auch ist sehr häufig kein maro mit blutdurst dabei. Man muss halt dazu sagen das ich das ganze eher am equip als auch an der raiderfahrung festmache, anstatt an der klasse wenn ich jemanden mitnehm.
  19. man konnte die 2 gleiter die nur 4 Teile brauchen schon immer handeln, nur nicht im ah...
  20. Palor Dance = Twi Lek socialability (every race got one).
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