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Posts posted by Frostythefett

  1. I was mentioning about this in another thread on lack of robe diversity.

    It's silly that robes are our chest /breastplate pieces and classed as 'heavy armor.'


    It would have made much more sense for them to use a non robe chest piece, and then allow a 'back' slot that's cosmetic - or something along these lines.


    That accomplishes several things :


    A) "Heavy armor" is not cloth, thus it's logical

    B) You get more variation in the armor and armor styles as you have two slots to fill instead of one

    C) The option to equip the robe is just that, an option!



    I can confirm post 40, the robes are still the same :


    A) Padawan robe (tight at the waist) - always with hood (you start to see these a lot on Coruscant and Taris) [the only variation other than color, is on the vest portion. Sometimes they have shoulder pads/inserts, sometimes they are open chested vest, but often it's the same and minor details you don't notice]

    B) Large cape (sith lord much?) - with hood

    C) Large cape (sith lord much?) - without hood


    The only fourth option for chest piece is if you craft your own, and they all look like the Tython commendation reward.


    I have never been one that was big on 'looks' in MMORGPs. But I do admit that I notice when armors lack style, variation or quality.

    So far the sets in the game are bland, both in color palette and their texture resolution.

    They also lack diversity and creativity.


    Well said. That's a let down that we don't see armors mostly like what I described. I like your idea a lot though.

  2. This person is wrong and has absolutely zero idea what they are talking about. Gear like that is plentiful in the 30sish.


    Awesome. Glad to know they are really in game. When they first started talking about making classes back in 2008-2009?, they were saying how the concept was based on being kind of like armored monks. And seeing the after effects is awesome. Hopefully I come across some of this armor then :).

  3. Has anyone come across these armor sets yet? Like the one that appear on the character creator. I am hoping that as a Jedi Guardian at least we get awesome sets like those robes. Have some friends at level 30+ saying they haven't seen these robes yet.
  4. What I wanna know is why do they NEED a oceanic server. All the US servers are in Texas .....they didn't need to pick West Coast specific servers to begin with and they could have just spread themselves around like the people in the US do. You don't see a Michigan specific server of a Florida one or a California one. The unofficial oceanic server idea is a load of crap and the Oceanic people should have spread out.


    Seriously. I only heard it was gonna be a great PvP server, not some cluster ****.

  5. I got a hardcore PvP guild forming on Dark Reaper, Republic side (we were Empire, decided to all reroll to help server imbalance).


    Once again thats Republic, on Dark Reaper. We are actively recruiting hardcore PvPers, anyone who wants more info send me a pm.


    Glad you decided to help the cause! Hopefully we can get more Republic guilds here.

  6. Every server is like this right now bud. Wait for the launch date before you leave. Albeit, it might get worse at launch...there is a chance it will all even out.


    Hope so man. If it gets worse come launch we can always re roll. I guess we'll have to see come the 20th.

  7. I personally stay away from servers with names such as Dark Reaper because this type of name sounds too 'sinister/evil', which means all the 'kiddies' who wish to be Darth Maul wannabes, are going to be attracted to a server with this type of name...thus, the faction imbalance will probably be very bad.


    Also, the 'Goth' wannabes are going to be atttracted to any server with the words "Black", and/or "Shadow", and/or "Dark".....hehe, Goth weirdos.



    No thanks!








    Sadly that's the server my guild was sent to. It is totally unbalanced. Empire having WAY WAY more guilds than republic. I think I am rolling on swiftsure

  8. x.x... Being a night person last night made me kind of crazy around 2am almost all the servers were at medium and now at 6:01 am most of the servers at a light... I personally think they should have keep sending invites...


    Source: http://www.swtor.com/server-status


    From the way it looks, they are inviting more people than the first day and they will probably do even more tomorrow. Hope that makes sense, kinda tired lol.

  9. simple math


    kids and ppl with lady parts tend to flock to the good side


    well adults and ppl that are borderline sociopaths tend to flock to the bad side


    Totally wrong. Statistics show that younger people tend to lean to the "evil" side more than the "good" side. There is actually a report on this. Google the statistic and it should show up on the first page. And now you know. Don't just throw out random facts when posting :).

  10. I <3 this post. I am in first day, and I am the jerk who will make crybabies miserable until they throw their headsets and post hilarious ragequit videos on youtube. Me and my guild...that's how we roll.

    For the Empire!


    I'm sure you're an outstanding human being. And your guild is too i'm sure.

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